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博碩士論文 etd-0527119-220300 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0527119-220300
Global Stock and Bond Funds Allocation with Robo-Advisor
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fund classification, Robo-Advisor, fund selection, XGBoost, asset allocation
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1. 優勢策略所建構之基金投資組合,在歷年績效上擁有較高的報酬率,但也須承受較高風險。
2. XGBoost評分模型建構之基金投資組合,在歷年報酬上雖沒有穩定勝過優勢策略,但其風險與優勢策略或是Benchmark相比,卻擁有較低的波動度,尤其在景氣不好的年份中,XGBoost評分模型所建構之基金投資組合擁有較高之報酬與較低之波動。
This study constructs a Robo-Advisor with the theme of asset allocation. First, to clearly understand the category of the fund, the classification model is used to classify each fund. There are US market, european market, japanese market, asian non-Japan. Markets, emerging markets, corporate bonds, high-yield bonds, emerging market bonds, and long-term US Treasury bonds in fund categories. Then proceed with the allocation of index. This study uses common indices for asset allocation. The result of index allocation is used as the basis of the construction of the follow-up fund portfolio and the benchmark for backtesting. Finally, perform the fund selection by two fund selection methods: the Dominant Strategy and the XGBoost Scoring Model. The former selects funds by historical performance; the latter is the inputs of the technical indicators and the macro indicators for XGBoost training. Each fund will be scored every training, and the funds with higher scores are selected as the components of the fund portfolio.
The major empirical results are as follows:
1. The Dominant Strategy had higher return and risk in the historical performance.
2. Although the XGBoost Scoring Model has not stabilized over the Dominant Strategy in the historical performance, its risk has a lower volatility than the benchmark or the Dominant Strategy. Especially, the XGBoost Scoring Model had higher return and lower risk in the bear markets.
The XGBoost scoring model proposed by this study is suitable for the construction of Robo-Advisor because of its lower risk. It could help investors build a profitable and riskless fund portfolio.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
目 錄 iv
圖 次 vi
表 次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 基金實證文獻 4
第二節 投資組合實證文獻 5
第三章 研究方法 7
第一節 實驗架構 7
第二節 資料說明與處理 10
第三節 基金分類 12
第四節 大類資產配置 14
第五節 優勢策略 16
第六節 XGBoost基金評分模型 17
第七節 績效指標 24
第四章 實證結果 26
第一節 研究樣本與期間說明 26
第二節 基金分類模型結果 27
第三節 大類資產配置績效 29
第四節 基金投資組合建構 35
第五章 結論與建議 46
第一節 結論 46
第二節 後續建議 47
參考文獻 48
參考文獻 References
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