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論文名稱 Title |
台灣鋼鐵產業面臨全球鋼鐵產能過剩之獲利能力變化研究-以H公司為例 A Study of the Profitability on Facing Global Steel Overcapacity for Iron and Steel Industry: A case of company H |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
46 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-04-26 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2019-06-26 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
SWOT、波特五力分析、經營策略、鋼鐵業 Steel industry, SWOT, Porter five forces analysis, Management strategy |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5858 次,被下載 1 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5858 times, has been downloaded 1 times. |
中文摘要 |
近年來國人大多把電子產業識為台灣未來經濟發展與成長的主軸,卻忘了鋼鐵產業在產業以及經濟發展上的重要程度,須好好再次考量鋼鐵產業於台灣產業的地位以及重要性。鋼鐵產業不僅面臨產能過剩而形成市場競爭激烈,且要衡量在競爭激烈狀況下,公司企業針對內部管理該如何因應。在全球經濟不景氣、能資源不足、各國反傾銷之保護主義與貿易協議的簽訂下,共同面對的是空前嚴峻的市場競爭環境,此時加強業界上、中、下游之間的緊密合作、溝通、生產調度、策略聯盟,以及促進產業鏈的連結,有效發揮產業價值鏈與競爭力提升。 個案公司H公司成立於1996年,為一專業經營鋼鐵五金進出口國際貿易公司,主要出口貨品為國內生產廠商的鍍鋅鋼捲、彩色鍍鋅鋼捲、冷/熱軋鋼捲/板、不鏽鋼及馬口鐵等,出口地區遍及亞洲、中東、中南美洲、歐洲及西非等地,進口貨品則為國外知名廠商鋼鐵材料及相關冶煉產品、所需原料、副原料,如鐵合金產品、石墨電極等之進口銷售業務。 H公司針對鋼鐵產能過剩的狀態,透過SWOT分析、波特五力分析以及經營策略分析過後,H公司執行策略著重於1)掌握通路,擴大對客戶需求的占有率,專研產品發展;2) 發展進口較低價原材料,來台代工,以補上游廠商的競爭力不足;3) 將價格的競爭,引導到財務及服務的面向,積極爭取現有客戶及新客戶。並建議H公司可將目標分成三個階段,短期目標為脫離獲利不佳的泥沼,逐步累積獲利能力;中期目標為建構完整國外物流與國內銷售體系;長期目標為設立金屬加工生產製造線。 |
Abstract |
In recent years, most of the people have taken the electronics industry as the main axis for Taiwan's economic development and growth in the future, but they have forgotten the importance of the steel industry in terms of industry and economic development. It is necessary to re-evaluate the status and importance of the steel industry in Taiwan. The steel industry is not only facing overcapacity, but also has fierce market competition, and it is necessary to measure how corporate companies respond to internal management in the face of fierce competition. Under the signing of the global economic downturn, insufficient energy resources, and anti-dumping protectionism and trade agreements, the common confrontation is an unprecedented and severe market competition environment. At this time, we will strengthen close cooperation and communication between the upper, middle and lower reaches of the industry, production scheduling, strategic alliances, and promote the linkage of the industrial chain, effectively play the industrial value chain and enhance competitiveness. The case company H Company was established in 1996. It is a professional trading company of steel hardware import and export. The main export products are galvanized steel coils, color galvanized steel coils, cold/hot rolled coils/plates, stainless steel and domestic manufacturers. Tinplate, etc., export areas throughout Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America, Europe and West Africa and other places, imported goods are well-known foreign manufacturers of steel materials and related smelting products, raw materials, auxiliary materials, such as ferroalloy products, graphite electrodes, etc. H Company's status of overcapacity in steel, after the SWOT analysis, Porter's five-force analysis and business strategy analysis, H company's execution strategy focuses on 1) grasping the channels and expanding the market share of customer demand for product development; ) Develop imported low-priced raw materials and come to Taiwan for OEM to compensate for the lack of competitiveness of upstream manufacturers; 3) Guide the price competition to the face of finance and services, and actively strive for existing customers and new customers. It is also suggested H company can divide the target into three stages. The short-term goal is to gradually break away from the profit-making mud and gradually accumulate profitability; the medium-term goal is to construct a complete foreign logistics and domestic sales system; the long-term goal is to establish metal processing and manufacturing. |
目次 Table of Contents |
目錄 審定書 i 誌謝 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 競爭優勢 5 第二節 經營策略 7 第三章 研究設計 11 第一節 研究方法 11 第二節 研究架構 13 第四章 產業及個案公司簡介 15 第一節 鋼鐵業概況 15 第二節 個案公司簡介 23 第五章 經營策略 26 第一節 H公司經營策略SWOT分析 26 第二節 H公司經營策略五力分析 29 第六章 結論與建議 31 第一節 結論 31 第二節 建議 32 參考文獻 34 附錄一 37 |
參考文獻 References |
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