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博碩士論文 etd-0520119-161729 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0520119-161729
Union structure, market competition and technology adoption
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Date of Exam
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Cournot, Decentralized union, Centralized union, Product substitutability, Bertrand, Technology adoption
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This paper builds an incomplete market competition model to examine firms’ incentive of adopting new technology with different union structures, as well as the influences of different market competition to firms’ new technology adoption decisions in the vertical related industrial environment. The results indicate that: (i) regardless of the type of union, for the technology leader, when the degree of product substitutability is relatively low, it will adopt the new technology earlier under Cournot competition. In contrast, when the degree of product substitutability is relatively high, it will adopt technology earlier under Bertrand competition. For the technology follower, regardless of the degree of product substitutability, it will adopt the technology earlier under Cournot competition. (ii) Given in Cournot competition, technology adoption can occur earlier in a labor union with decentralized than in a labor union with centralized. (ⅲ) Given in Bertrand competition, the results are similar to Cournot. Only when the degree of product substitutability is high enough, then the leader will adopt technology under centralized labor union.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
目 錄 iv
圖目錄 v
1. 前言 1
2. 模型設定 6
3. 分權工會下的廠商決策 9
3.1 數量競爭 9
3.2 價格競爭 12
3.3 分權工會下廠商採納時點的差異:數量競爭vs.價格競 14
4. 集權工會下的廠商決策 17
4.1 數量競爭 17
4.2 價格競爭 18
4.3 集權工會下廠商採納時點的差異:數量競爭vs.價格競爭 19
5. 異種工會組織與技術採納的最適時機 23
5.1 數量競爭 23
5.2 價格競爭 24
6. 結論 27
參考文獻 29
附錄A:分權工會下的廠商決策 31
附錄B:集權工會下的廠商決策 38
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