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博碩士論文 etd-0519119-124736 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0519119-124736
Distribution heterogeneity of the rays Pateobatis fai and Aetobatus ocellatus in shallow water of Dongsha Island- Hypothesis Testing
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prey density, habitat selection, stingray, Dongsha, drone
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本研究探討費氏窄尾魟(Pateobatis fai)與眼斑鷂鱝(Aetobatus ocellatus)的棲地選擇,主要調查魟魚出現時間與空間,藉此探討牠們來到水深1公尺區域所得到的好處。本研究採用無人飛行載具能精確的定位魟魚分布與計算數量,並搭配魟魚食物密度調查及使用光達深度資料來分析魟魚活動深度。針對魟魚來到水深1公尺區域的好處,兩種魟魚的結果都為水深1公尺食物密度顯著高於2-3公尺,支持食物密度假說。水溫假說驗證為不支持,因為冬季水深1公尺溫度較2公尺更低,但魟魚依然會靠近1公尺區域。也不支持迴避獵食者假說,因為低潮時魟魚不會停留在低水位區域。魟魚會來到水深1公尺區域的時間中沒發現季節與白天不同時間的差異,但是潮汐有影響,只在漲潮越高時水深1公尺區域魟魚數量越多,退潮越低時數量越少,並且水深本身的變化才是影響的關鍵。空間分布不均方面,眼斑鷂鱝上發現魟魚高頻率出現區與高食物密度有重疊,但費氏窄尾魟則沒有。季風造成的風浪並不是造成這兩種魟魚在東沙島周空間分布不均的原因。魟魚在高潮時會來到1公尺的水域來攝食,因此深度有較高的食物密度,而1公尺面積越大的海域,當中食物總量也會越多,因而能支撐與吸引更多魟魚來棲息。
The spatial and temporal abundance patterns of two rays, Pateobatis fai and Aetobatus ocellatus in waters around Dongsha Island, South China Sea were investigated in this study. Quad rotor drones were used so the position of each occurrence could be analyzed. In addition, the densities of potential prey were surveyed; LIDAR bathymetry were exploited to analyze depths of ray habitats. The visit of rays to very shallow water, about 1 m, is not for high temperature, since the temperature pattern was reversed in winter, but the rays still stay in 1 m. Predator-avoidance hypothesis is not really supported, since the rays left the area during low tide. The prey density hypothesis is supported, as higher densities of potential prey were found between 1 m and 2-3 m depths, as higher densities of conch were found the high ray occurrence area, at least in A. ocellatus. The spatial pattern of ray distribution could not by explained by season, wave and daylight hours, rather the water depth of different areas played an important role. The rays came to 1 m waters during high tide when the habitats were covered by water. Areas of high ray abundance had high proportion of 1 m deep habitats.
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參考文獻 References
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