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博碩士論文 etd-0518120-175945 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0518120-175945
影響旅遊消費者再購意願之因素分析 -以某國際旅行社為例
An Exploration of Factors Influencing Tourists' Repurchase Intention: The Example of an International Travel Agency
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Repurchase, Travel Agency
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The first travel agency in Taiwan, China Travel Service Co., Ltd., was originally set up by the Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank in 1923 in Shanghai. Over the past several years and the changes, it re-established a travel agency in accordance with the Taiwan government in 1951. After decades of economic, political, and information evolution, the travel industry is blooming and the large-scale foreign OTAs are shareing the market. How to maintain the company’s costs and profits with meager profits in competitive environment which is the most important issue today.
Taiwan experienced an economic downturn in 2018. But according to the statistics of the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, the overall number of people going abroad continued to grow by 6.32%, reaching a record of 16.64 million person-times. Travel has become an indispensable lifestyle for the people of Taiwan. However, in how many of these tourist populations travel abroad through the services of travel agencies. According to the "National Tourism Status Survey Report year 2017", the general public arranges travel to participate in group travel, including incentive travel and corporate hospitality travel accounting for 31%, 41% of the orders were arranged by themselves, 19% were partially handled by some travel agencies, and 9% were independent travel. It means 41% of tourists are arranged entirely by themselves and even the original 19% of tourists who only entrust agencies to handle part of the travel will lose gradually. Therefore, how to actively manage the existing customer base has become the main business source.
This study uses both qualitative analysis and quantified questionnaires to analyze the relationship between customers attributes, satisfaction, and repurchase willingness. It is expected to help operators analyze how customers' characteristics and satisfaction affect their acceptance of specific travel agencies again. In the past, travel agencies usually passive waiting of returning customers. Now, they need to turn into active concerns to increasing passenger loyalty.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
目 錄 vi
圖 次 viii
表 次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 產業現況 5
第一節 旅遊產業的沿革 5
第二節 旅遊產業現況 8
第三節 旅遊產品及服務人員 9
第三章 文獻探討 14
第一節 滿意度-忠誠度指數模型 14
第二節 人口結構與旅遊需求 15
第三節 顧客忠誠度 18
第四節 再購意願 21
第四章 研究設計 23
第一節 研究結構 23
第二節 研究模式 23
第三節 研究對象 24
第四節 研究方法 28
第五章 實證分析 30
第一節 旅行業者面對的威脅與挑戰 30
第二節 客戶需求調查 32
第三節 老客戶之旅遊需求分析 42
第四節 影響老客戶再購意願之因素 43
第六章 結論與建議 45
第一節 結論 45
第二節 建議 45
參考文獻 52
一、中文 52
二、英文 52
三、網路 54
附錄 訪談(調查)問卷 55
參考文獻 References
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