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論文名稱 Title |
微商發展對三級分銷的影響分析 Impact Analysis of Micronet Development on the Third-level Marketing |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
63 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-05-29 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2019-06-18 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
SWOT、三級分銷、微商、社交電商、微信、行動電商、新 4P WeChat, Mobile business, New 4P, SWOT, Third-level Marketing, Micronet, Social Ecommerce |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5877 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5877 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
由於互聯網電商商務發展、行動網路及行動支付漸漸衍生出多種的行動電商 平台,而隨著微信社交平台的發展,電商、賣家透過微信朋友圈推廣和銷售,發 展出新型網路行銷手法,潛藏著無限的行動商機。騰訊 2013 年在微信創造微商平 台,它一款基於行動商務的行銷模式,而利用微商的互聯網、社群方式發展出社 會化的電商模式,包含類似「直銷」模式的三級分銷模式。其中種類大致发展出四種:O2O、B2C、C2C、B2B2C 模式。 因三級分銷是基於微商這種電子商務銷售模式而起,因此以研究微商做為探 討對象,去探討微商的優缺點以及未來的發展潛力,以 SWOT 分析及新行銷 4P 理論來做分析。讓中國經營內需市場的台商能夠更了解微商和三級分銷制度的相 互發展關係。 總結而言,三級分銷的社交電商模式,雖有新客戶增加快的優勢,但因競爭激烈帶來社交容易疲乏、銷售強度快速遞減的缺點,因此了解客戶狀況強化主力客戶的行銷極其重要。提高獲利成效,則要從要從顧客數量、單客售價與客戶活躍度三點執行,強化微商經營者成效。總結未來最有潛力的商品,包括食品及母嬰用品;最有潛力的區域,是二三四線城市。因此才能提高效益,增加未來成功的機會。 |
Abstract |
Due to the development of Internet e-commerce business, mobile Internet and mobile payment, a variety of mobile business platforms have emerged. With the development of social platform WeChat, e-commerce and sellers have promoted and sold through WeChat friends to develop new networks. Marketing techniques, hidden unlimited business opportunities. Tencent created a micronet platform based on mobile business in WeChat in 2013, and developed a socialized e-commerce model using the Internet and community approach of WeChat, similar to "direct sales". The third-level marketing mode of the model. There are roughly three types: O2O, B2C, and C2C. Because the third-level marketing is based on the eocial ecommerce model of micronet, it is to discuss the micronet as the object of discussion, to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the micronet and the future development potential, to do SWOT analysis and new marketing 4P theory. analysis. Taiwanese companies that operate China's domestic demand market can better understand the micronet and tertiary distribution systems. In summary, the social e-commerce model of the third-level marketing has the advantage of increasing the speed of new customers. However, due to the fierce competition, the social fatigue is easy to fatigue and the sales intensity is rapidly declining. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the customer status and strengthen the marketing of the main customers . To improve profitability, we must implement three points from the number of customers, single-price and customer activity to help improve the business of micronet operators. Finally, the most promising commodities for the future include food and maternal and child products. The most promising areas are the second- and third-tier cities, which can improve the efficiency and increase the chances of future success. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書..........................................................i 摘要.....................................................................ii Abstract..............................................................iii 第一章 緒論..........................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機.......................................1 第二節 研究目的...................................................1 第三節 研究結構與流程........................................2 第二章 文獻回顧....................................................3 第一節 行動商務及微商發展.................................3 第二節 行動支付....................................................4 第三節 三級分銷....................................................5 第三章 研究方法....................................................7 第一節 研究對象....................................................7 第二節 研究方式....................................................7 第三節 研究理論.....................................................8 第四章 產業概況................................................... 11 第一節 中國電子商務發展.....................................11 第二節 中國行動支付市場.....................................14 第三節 微信發展.....................................................17 第四節 微信商城.....................................................18 第五節 微商三級分銷..............................................24 第五章 分析結果......................................................26 第二節 微商分銷市場...............................................33 第三節 SWOT 分析法(SWOT Analysis) ..................40 第四節 新行銷 4P 理論.............................................46 第六章 結論與建議....................................................49 第一節 研究結論........................................................49 第二節 研究建議........................................................50 參考文獻.....................................................................51 |
參考文獻 References |
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