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博碩士論文 etd-0514119-135824 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0514119-135824
The Effects of Consumption Behavior of Organic Food on the Identification of Organic Agriculture: A Case of Leezen Co-Branded Credit Card
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Co-Branded Credit Card, Organic Agriculture, Consumption Behavior, Identification
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To deal with the transformation of economic environments and lifestyles, the pursuits of healthy consumption bring consumers to ask the qualified safety agricultural products. Organic foods hence have been emphasized as well as brought vigorous development of organic product market. In 2010, the First Bank issued a co-branded credit card, to connect financial system with the access of organic food. The purpose of this card is to promote the identification of consuming organic life from the promotion of organic food and strength of the production of organic agriculture. For that, the study is to explore the effects of organic food consumption on the identification of organic agriculture and to see whether the holding of co-branded credit card can moderate this effect. As the results, functional identification of organic agriculture is significant affected by consumption habits, consumption ways, and the selection standards of consumption evaluation; empirical identification of organic agriculture is significant affected by consumption habits and consumption principles; symbolic identification of organic agriculture is significant affected by consumption habits and consumption principles. Furthermore, the effects of organic food consumption on the identification of organic agriculture are not significant moderated by the holding status of co-branded credit card.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論1
1-2 研究目的2
1-3 研究流程3
第二章 文獻回顧4
2-1 有機農業研究4
2-2 消費行為研究6
2-3 行銷策略研究10
2-4 有機食品消費行為、有機農業認同、以及聯名信用卡研究15
第三章 研究設計與實施17
3-1 研究結構17
3-2 操作型定義與研究假設17
3-3 研究範圍與研究對象20
3-4 研究工具20
3-5 問卷前測、抽樣與資料分析23
3-6 研究倫理、研究限制與預期結果28
第四章 研究分析31
4-1 敘述統計31
4-2 因素分析32
4-3 信度與效度分析35
4-4 有機食品消費行為與有機農業認同差異性分析35
4-5 有機食品消費行為與有機農業認同相關性分析40
4-6 有機食品消費行為與有機農業認同的迴歸分析42
4-7 聯名信用卡狀況對有機食品消費行為與有機農業認同關係之干擾效果分析44
4-8 研究假說檢定彙整44
第五章 結論與建議46
5-1 研究結論46
5-2 後續研究建議48
5-3 台灣有機農業政策建議49
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