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Title page for etd-0422120-192322
The Effect of Slack Resources on Firm Innovation Performance: Mediating Role of Organizational Learning and Moderating Effect of Environmental Dynamism
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innovation performance, exploitative learning, exploratory learning, organizational slack resources
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資源基礎觀點(resource-based view, RBV)認為資源能為企業創造競爭優勢,能創造企業所追求的價值。而在劇烈變動的環境下,創新亦被視為競爭優勢,透過組織學習提升創新績效,並將資源轉化為所追求的成果。本研究延伸March(1991)組織學習觀點,探討組織寬裕資源如何在利用式學習和探索式學習的中介及環境動態性的干擾下,影響創新績效。
According to resource-base view, resources can generate competitive advantage and create value for companies. In the dynamic environment, innovation has also been regarded as competitive advantage. Through organizational learning, firm could enhance innovation performance and transform resources into achievements which firms pursue. The idea of this study extends from the learning concept of March (1991), discussing how mediating role of organizational learning (exploitative learning and exploratory learning) and moderating role of environmental dynamism affect relationship between organizational slack resources and innovation performance.
Based on a survey of 130 Taiwanese firms, the result shows that exploitative learning has the mediating effect on the relationship between organizational slack resources and innovation performance. However, the moderating effect of environmental dynamism was not statistically significant. Implications of these results are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 .......................................................... i
誌謝 ...................................................................... ii
摘要 ..................................................................... iii
Abstract ............................................................... iv
第一章 緒論 ........................................................ 1
第二章 文獻回顧與假說推導................................ 5
第一節 文獻回顧 .................................................5
第二節 假說推導 .................................................11
第三章 研究方法 .................................................16
第一節 研究架構 .................................................16
第二節 研究樣本 .................................................17
第三節 研究假說彙整 ......................................... 21
第四節 研究變數之操作型定義與衡量工具 ........ 22
第五節 統計分析方法 ......................................... 26
第四章 實證結果分析 ......................................... 28
第一節 評估原始資料加總之正當性 .................. 28
第二節 模型適配度檢測 ................................. 29
第三節 相關分析 ................................................. 31
第四節 迴歸分析與假說檢定 ............................... 31
第五章 結論與建議 ......................................... 38
第一節 研究結果與討論 ..................................38
第二節 研究意涵 .................................................40
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 ......................42
參考文獻 .............................................................43

圖3-1 研究架構圖…………………………………………………..16

表3-2 受訪者年齡及服務年資敘述統計量……………………………...18
表3-3 受訪者職稱次數分配表………………………………………….........19
表3-4 受訪者教育程度次數分配表………………………………….........19
表3-5 受訪者負責部門次數分配表……………………………………...... 20
表3-6 寬裕資源題項表………………………………………………............... 22
表3-7 環境動態性題項表…………………………………………….............. 23
表3-8 利用式學習題項表…………………………………………….............. 23
表3-9 探索式學習題項表…………………………………………….............. 24
表4-1 研究變數之評分者間信度分析………………………………........ 28
表4-2 驗證性因素分析表…………………………………………….............. 30
表4-3 研究變數之相關分析摘要表…………………………………......... 32
表4-4 寬裕資源與利用式學習、探索式學習之迴歸分析…………........33
表4-5 利用式學習、探索式學習與創新績效之迴歸分析…………........34
表4-6 利用式學習對寬裕資源與創新績效之中介效果檢測……….......35
表4-7 探索式學習對寬裕資源與創新績效之中介效果檢測……….......35
表4-8 環境動態性對寬裕資源與利用式學習之調節效果迴歸分析...36
表4-9 環境動態性對寬裕資源與探索式學習之調節效果迴歸分析...37
表5-1 研究假說及驗證結果表………………………………………......................38
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