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博碩士論文 etd-0208107-145839 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0208107-145839
The Advertising Effect of Personalized DM
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Date of Submission
personalization, DM, direct mail, customization
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The increased popularity of personal marketing and printing on demand technology has substantially changed the advertising practice. Taking direct mail (DM) as an example, DM is no longer treated as “junk mail” but useful marketing tool after combining personal information with interesting advertisement, such as combining customers’ credit card statements with customized advertisement based on their purchasing behavior. Personalized DM has become a brand new approach for advertising that may lead to better communication effect.
In this research, we formulated a research framework based on the Advertisement Attitude Mediating Model, which measures the effect of advertisement in three aspects: attitude towards the advertisement, attitude towards the advertised product, and purchase intention. Product category (shopping goods and specialty goods) and need for cognition (high and low) were moderators.
Experiment method was utilized in this research to examine the effect of personalized DM. A total of 329 college students participated the experiment and they were divided into six groups with different settings in three different degrees of personalization (personalized, half-personalized, and none-personalized) and two product categories. Among them, 235 eventually completed the experiment to provide valid data for analysis.
The results include: (1) personalized information has a positive effect on consumers’ attitude towards DM; (2) personalized product recommendation can improve consumers’ attitude towards product and increase their purchase intention; (3) A higher degree of personalization produce the better advertising effects; (4) The effect of personalization varies in different product category. Specialty goods is more suitable for personalized DM than shopping goods; (5) The consumer’s need for cognition does not affect the effect of personalized DM.

Chen, Chih-Hau
目次 Table of Contents
目 次
Abstract -----------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ

第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機------------------------------------------------4
第三節 研究問題與目的------------------------------------------5
第四節 研究步驟------------------------------------------------6
第五節 論文組織------------------------------------------------7

第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------------------------8
第一節 直接郵件的特性(Direct Mail)-----------------------------8
第二節 個人化(Personalization)------------------------------11
第三節 廣告效果-----------------------------------------------19
第四節 廣告效果的衡量-----------------------------------------28
第五節 產品分類-----------------------------------------------33
第六節 認知需求-----------------------------------------------36

第三章 研究方法---------------------------------------------------39
第一節 研究架構與方法-----------------------------------------39
第二節 研究變項的操作型定義與衡量-----------------------------41
第三節 研究假說-----------------------------------------------45
第四節 問卷設計-----------------------------------------------47
第五節 實驗設計-----------------------------------------------50
第六節 實驗步驟-----------------------------------------------57
第七節 分析方法-----------------------------------------------59

第四章 資料分析---------------------------------------------------61
第一節 分析內容-----------------------------------------------61
第二節 結果分析-----------------------------------------------62
一、 敘述性統計-------------------------------------------62
二、 信度與效度分析---------------------------------------63
三、 交互作用與主要效果分析-------------------------------64
四、 顯著效果的探討---------------------------------------71
五、 研究發現---------------------------------------------75

第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------------------------80
第一節 研究結論-----------------------------------------------80
第二節 研究貢獻-----------------------------------------------84
第三節 研究限制-----------------------------------------------86
第四節 後續研究建議-------------------------------------------89


附錄一 個人化DM樣版---------------------------------------------100
附錄二 非個人化DM樣版-------------------------------------------101
附錄三 選購品消費偏好與認知需求調查問卷--------------------------102
附錄四 特殊品消費偏好與認知需求調查問卷--------------------------108
附錄五 廣告效果調查問卷------------------------------------------113
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