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論文名稱 Title |
台灣中小企業進軍東協之人才布局策略分析 Strategic Analysis of Human Resources of Taiwanese SMEs for ASEAN Market Entry |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
64 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2020-01-13 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2020-02-17 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
人力資源管理、資源整合、策略分析、東協市場、中小企業 Resource Synergy, ASEAN Markets, Strategic Analysis, SMEs, Human Resource Management |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5752 次,被下載 5 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5752 times, has been downloaded 5 times. |
中文摘要 |
隨著台灣政府新南向政策的推廣與該地區的市場潛力,台灣近年來中小企業逐漸將投資重心轉往東協市場。然而,中小企業轉往東協投資最大的困境往往是人力資源方面的不足,特別是找不到合適的人才為公司開疆闢土。台灣中小企業在人才招募所面臨的兩難在於,該選擇台灣主管外派至東協,抑或是在東南亞當地招募合適的主管人選。兩種人才招募方式皆有其優缺點,因此人才培育或發展對想進軍東協市場的中小企業而言,至今仍是道未解的難題。除此之外,台灣許多中小企業與大專院校的EMBA校友會擁有非常充沛的資源和人脈網絡,近年東協學生來台就讀的人數也屢創新高,如何讓這些資源有效的結合並發揮最大的功效,搭建起需求端與供給端的橋樑,將會是本研究探討的重點。 人才培育與發展需長時間培養,而非短時間內一蹴可及。因此,藉由質性研究,例如與台灣中小企業的訪談以及次級資料的彙整分析,本研究將提出一套人才培訓的機制以解決台灣企業面臨的人才兩難。這套人才培育機制將會是個可持續的解決方案,並利用該機制中的培訓平台,培育企業對人才所需的能力,最後提供企業可立即使用的人才。這套人才培育機制包含五大參與方,而每個參與方都可從這套機制中獲利。首先,EMBA校友會與台灣中小企業主將會是此人才培育平台的資金來源與培訓課程的導師,藉由互動的過程中來深入了解他們屬意的目標人才。人才來源則是在台東協學生與有志前往東協發展的台灣學生,以及在就業市場中想轉換跑道至東協挑戰的員工,並利用此平台讓人才與企業端有更多的磨合與熟悉。大專院校的功能屬於媒合角色,並為平台中的培訓課程提供授課講師。最後,政府相關官方單位在本機制的效力較不顯著,但仍可為參與平台的各方提供資金與人脈網絡。 本平台的目的在於,為欲開發東協市場的台灣中小企業提供一個人才培育機制,並藉由培訓平台讓人才補足企業所需的能力,使得台商在進軍東協時能有充沛且可用的人才來源。另外,本平台期望能成為企業端與人才間重要的樞紐,讓來台求學的東協學生適得其所,並為台灣學生提供能一展長才的國際化舞台。 |
Abstract |
With the promotion of New Southbound Policy by Taiwanese government and the growth potential of local markets, Taiwanese SMEs are gradually shifting their investment focuses to ASEAN markets. However, the major difficulty of investing in ASEAN is the insufficiency of qualified human resources. Whether SMEs should hire Taiwanese as expatriates or ASEAN local employees remains a huge debate. Each method has its pros and cons, so for SMEs that are planning to enter ASEAN markets, dilemma of HR is an unsolved problem. Furthermore, Taiwanese SMEs and EMBA alumni of universities have abundant resources and networks, while more and more Southeast Asian students are studying in Taiwan. How to effectively synergize those resources, maximize their features, bridge the needs between supply and demand sides are the main focuses of this research. The development of human capital is time-consuming. Therefore, with the first-hand interview of Taiwanese SME and secondary data collection, this research will propose a HR mechanism to solve the dilemma which Taiwanese SMEs faced. In addition, the HR mechanism proposed in this research will be a sustainable platform, with training sessions aiming to provide Ready-to-go human capital for SMEs. Five major players are involved in the mechanism, and each of them could receive benefits by participating in the platform. First, EMBA alumni and Taiwanese SMEs are the sources of funds, and they will be the mentors in training sessions in order to have closer observation toward their targeted talent candidates. Sources of talents in the platform are Southeast Asian students in Taiwan, Taiwanese students that are interested in ASEAN markets, and current employees who have ambition to explore their careers in Southeast Asia. The function of academic institutions is more like supporting roles, which provides professors for training sessions within the platform. Governments and official associations are less crucial in the HR mechanism, but still they could be sources of funds and networks. Ultimately, the goal of this HR platform is to establish a sustainable HR mechanism for Taiwanese SMEs to develop talents with the capabilities they demand. Plus, the HR platform aims to become the node between companies and talents, and offer an international stage for Southeast Asian and Taiwanese students to liberate their talents. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 論文公開授權書 ii 致謝 iii 摘要 iv Abstract vi Table of Contents viii Table of Figures x Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Research Motivation 1 1.2. Research Purpose 3 1.3. Research Process 4 Chapter 2. Literature Review 7 2.1. Strategic Human Resource Management 8 2.2. Expatriate Theories 10 2.3. Resource-based View 12 2.4. The Integration- Responsiveness Framework 15 Chapter 3. Methodology 18 3.1. Research Methods 18 3.2. Research Conceptual Framework 20 Chapter 4. Current HR Dilemma and Case Analysis 22 4.1. HR Dilemma of Taiwanese SMEs –Example of Lidar International Co., Ltd. 22 4.2. Current Functions of Academic Institutions in Taiwan 26 4.3. Current Condition of ASEAN students in Taiwan 29 4.4. The Mechanism of HR Platform 31 4.5. The Players of HR Mechanism 33 Chapter 5. Conclusion 44 5.1. Results and Discussion 44 5.2. Limitations 47 5.3. Implications for Future Research 48 Reference 49 English Reference 49 Mandarin Reference 52 Internet Reference 53 |
參考文獻 References |
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