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博碩士論文 etd-0113119-151624 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0113119-151624
飼料添加氫化棕櫚油和DHA對點帶石斑魚 (Epinephelus coioides)成長及體內DHA蓄積之影響
Dietary effects of hydrogenated palm oil and DHA on the growth and DHA deposition of the grouper Epinephelus coioides
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hydrogenated palm oil, grouper, lipid saturation, DHA deposition
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5722 times, has been downloaded 87 times.
本研究以氫化棕櫚油添加調整飼料脂質飽和程度,探討脂質飽和程度對石斑魚成長及體內DHA蓄積影響。研究為2×3複因子實驗,變異因子分別為氫化或未氫化棕櫚油與DHA含量( 1、2、及4倍需求量),飼育實驗在循環過濾水缸進行,六實驗飼料處理組,每組三重複,每重複15尾,魚體初重51.6±0.3 g/尾,每日手投兩次,至投餵量為體重3%;實驗分兩階段,第一階段兩個月比較六種實驗飼料,第二階段一個月以全魚油飼料進行置換實驗。第一階段中各飼料組的成長表現並無顯著不同(P >0.05),第二階段中增重率(PWG)各組間有顯著的差異,PWG隨著第一階段DHA添加量的增加而增加,兩階段魚體血液超氧化物歧化酶( superoxide dismutase)活性並未受飼料添加所影響,氫化油使用除石斑魚腹肉DHA含量外,對各組脂肪酸無顯著影響,氫化油添加提高低DHA添加量組腹肉DHA含量。本研究顯示氫化棕櫚油的使用不會影響石斑魚成長表現及DHA的蓄積
Using hydrogenated palm oil to adjust lipid saturation, this study investigated the effects of lipid saturation on DHA deposition in the groupers. The study was a 2X3 factorial design with total replacement of soybean oil for hydrogenated palm oil and 3 DHA levels (1, 2, and 4X dietary requirement). A 2-stage growth trial was conducted. In the 2-month first stage, the 6 test diets were following. In the consecutive 1-month washing-out second stage, all fish were fed all-fish-oil finishing diet. The experiments were triplicated, 15 fish (mean initial weight 51.6±0.3 g) in each recirculating tank, hand-fed twice daily to 3% of body weight. Growth performance did not differ (P >0.05) among the dietary groups for both stages expect that fish body weight in the washing-out stage was increased with increasing DHA level in the first stage. Plasma superoxide dismutase activity also did not differ. Use of hydrogenated palm oil did not affect fatty acid profile of the fish except in the ventral muscle, in witch use of hydrogenated palm oil increased the DHA content the low DHA dietary groups. The present study showed that use of hydrogenated palm oil did not effect growth performance and DHA deposition of the grouper .
目次 Table of Contents
章次 頁數
論文審定書 i
致謝 i i
中文摘要 i i i
英文摘要 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 v i
文獻回顧 1
前言 4
材料與方法 5
結果 17
討論 31
結論 33
參考文獻 34
附錄 37
參考文獻 References
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