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博碩士論文 etd-0112119-155254 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0112119-155254
The Study of the Vertical Movement Behavior of the Intertidal Nerita Species on Dongsha Atoll, South China Sea

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shell color, forage, temperature, movement, Nerita plicata, N. costata, Dongsha island
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本研究目的為東沙潮間帶之白肋蜑螺與黑肋蜑螺垂直移動行為,且藉由設計實驗方法來了解黑肋蜑螺與白肋蜑螺在東沙島消波塊上下移動情形,發現兩種蜑螺皆會隨著潮水降低而下降,而當漲潮時白肋蜑螺較黑肋蜑螺平均垂直高度高了15.3 cm,退潮時高了11.8 cm,也發現在退潮時白肋蜑螺在牆面上有小尺度的垂直移動現象。針對溫度進行測驗,發現在測量當日最高溫時,白肋蜑螺空殼平均溫度較黑肋蜑螺低了六度,且自由移動組蜑螺的平均溫度顯著低於固定活體組蜑螺,且實驗牆面隨著高度上升溫度也上升,暗示溫度有可能影響蜑螺的垂直上下移動分佈;經由實驗發現蜑螺的活動與飢餓有顯著相關;在給水的環境白肋蜑螺與黑肋蜑螺的垂直高度有顯著差異。本實驗結果顯示白肋蜑螺與黑肋蜑螺垂直上下移動分佈現象是溫度、耐旱、以及攝食行為下的結果。
This study studied the vertical movement behavior of Nerita costata and N. plicata in Dongsha intertidal zone. Experimental approaches were need to test why N. costata and N. plicata move vertically on the concrete wall. We found that the vertical distribution of Nerita spp generally followes the tide. During the high tide, the average vertical height of N. plicata was 15.3 cm, higher than that of N. costata. During the low tide, the average vertical height of N. plicata was 11.8 cm, higher than that of N. costata. We tested the relationship between temperature and the vertical movement of Nerita spp. N. plicata was 6 oC, lower than that of N. costata, when they were fixed on the substrate. Meanwhile, the average temperature of free moving snails was significantly lower than that of fixed-position living snails. Besides, the mean temperature of the wall got higher as the height increased. Both substrate and snails have the same source of heat. Significantly higher activity ratio of Nerita spp was detected when snails were hungry. We also found that there was a significant difference between the vertical height of N. plicata and that of N. costata under wet condition. So far, temperature, dessication, and foraging have been found to play roles in the vertical movement of Nerita spp.
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