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Title page for etd-0028119-100347
A Study of the Relationships among Job Stress, Organization Identification and Usage of Facebook Fan Page for Complaints
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Usage of Facebook Fan Page for Complaints, Organization Identification, Job Stress
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本研究採用問卷調查方式,以目前有在職場工作的ㄧ般受雇員工並有追蹤專屬公司的靠北粉絲專頁為主要研究對象。本研究共回收有效問卷數為534份。問卷主要分為四個部份,分別為工作壓力量表、組織認同量表、網路使用特性(使用程度)及人口統計變項。調查所得資料使用統計軟體SPSS 22及MPLUS 6進行資料分析。使用之統計方法為:描述性統計分析、t檢定、驗證性因素分析、信度分析、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析及SEM結構方程模型。

The purpose of this study was to discuss the relationships among job stress, organization identification, and usage of facebook fan page for complaints. If there is a connection between empolyees job stress and organization identification, does usage of facebook fan page for complaints strengthen the relationship between job stress and organization identification? It was hypothesized that if employees have a high level of job stress which would be negatively linked to their organization identification, coupled with frequent usage of facebook fan page for complaints, then these employees would have a low level of organization identification.
In this study, a total of 534 valid participants were surveyed. The questionnaire includes four components: the job stress, the organization identification, the usage of facebook fan page for complaints, and demographic variables. Data from the survey were analyzed using statistical software SPSS 22 and MPLUS 6, including descriptive statistics, t-tests, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling.
Results revealed (1) job stress had a negative relationship with organization identification, (2) there was no significant linear relaionship between usage of facebook fan page for complaints and organization identification, (3) the negative relationship between job stress and organization identification would be strengthened when frequently using a facebook fan page for complaints. Finally, this study concluded with discussion, managerial implicaitons, and future research directions.
目次 Table of Contents
謝 誌.................................................ii
摘 要.................................................iii
第一章 緒論...................................1
第一節 研究動機............................1
第二節 研究問題............................4
第三節 主要名詞解釋....................5
第二章 文獻探討............................6
第一節 工作壓力............................6
第二節 組織認同............................10
第三節 「靠北」企業Facebook粉絲專頁........15
第四節 工作壓力、組織認同與靠北企業臉書粉絲專頁使用程度的關係....19
第三章 研究方法............................21
第一節 研究架構............................21
第二節 研究假設............................22
第三節 研究樣本............................23
第四節 研究工具............................28
第五節 研究工具摘要.....................31
第六節 共同方法變異的檢驗與事前避免處理....32
第七節 控制變項............................33
第八節 研究程序............................35
第九節 資料處理分析....................36
第四章 研究結果............................38
第一節 工作壓力、組織認同與靠北企業粉絲專頁使用程度之現況....38
第二節 人口變項在組織認同、工作壓力與靠北企業臉書粉絲專頁使用程度上的差異情形....40
第三節 分析工作壓力、組織認同與靠北企業臉書粉絲專頁使用程度等三個變項與現職年資、學歷及擔任職務之間關係....45
第四節 工作壓力、組織認同與追蹤靠北企業臉書粉絲專頁使用程度之結構方程模型....47
第五章 結論、討論與建議..............52
第一節 結論與討論.........................52
第二節 建議....................................55
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