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博碩士論文 etd-0025119-125100 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0025119-125100
The Research on ASE-China Strategy
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五力模型、PEST 分析、SWOT 分析、半導體、封裝測試
Five force, PEST, OSAT, Semi-Conductor, SWOT
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  中國已將成為全球最大的半導體生產及需求地;從2013年起,中國的半導體行業一直以不斷以水準整合及併購的方式來快速形成規模化並同時取得先進的製程、技術、人才。就經濟效益來說,產業水準整合帶來的效應是最直接快速且有效益的;且這種併購方式在今日也一直不斷的持續再發生及增強中,在2015年時,達到了全球半導體併購的高峰,而中國的半導體透過了中國政府的政策推動及豐厚的資金助力下,產生了幾筆最具規模的併購;如,江蘇長電(原本排名全球第六;中國排名第一大封測廠),已於2015年完成併購,併購了原本排名全球第四的新加坡第一大封測廠星科金朋(Stats Chip Pac);且目前也與中芯國際進一步結盟,中國排名第二的天水購併了美商FCI(Flip Chip Intl.)南通富士通亦於2015年底,併購AMD旗下兩座封測廠,分別為超微蘇州廠及檳城廠以提升高階封測的實力。這幾個併購,除了使得生產規模得到快速提昇外,也同時承接了被併購者的現有先進製程及客戶資源;中國半導體目前的趨勢都以整合的方式來形成寡佔競爭;強強聯手的效益是使的強者愈強,弱者愈弱。
總結以上,中國集成電路勢必成為全球主要的生產及消費基地,主要體現在以下幾點,第一,龐大且旺盛的市場需求,及已經形成的市場規模。第二,全球最大的市場需求和高速的市場增長率,而個案公司(中國分公司),如何在這個中國的紅色供應鏈中透過審視自己內部(日月光企業-中國分公司內部)、及外部(競爭對手)分析,來探討及擬定經營策略,以擴大個案公司在中國市場的市場佔有率,進而使得集團能長久保持在全球第一的市佔率,此研究會透過SWOT 分析、五力模型、PEST矩陣等幾個管理模型、做為分析個案公司及擬定未來經營的方向。
In the past, China has acquired from foreign semiconductors, including traditional manufacturing and semiconductor packaging and testing, through low-cost labor costs. In recent years, phase in long-term foreign technology and the cultivation of high-tech in China. Technical talents, unlike the previous impressions, China can only take low-end and traditional manufacturing projects, but in the process has also completed the basic accumulation of semiconductors; and with the recent development of global electronic technology, China's semiconductor industry is booming; currently, the shipment quantity of mobile phones, computers and other products have been ranked first in the world, and the rise of consumer electronics and electric vehicles, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence…etc., for all these industries will also bring a large number of consumer demand to China's domestic market.
Undoubtedly, China is becoming the top one consumer electronics producer and consumer; in these years, under the strong policy of the China government, the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund, the so-called “Big Fund”, has reached a total of nearly RMB 6,500 Billion, and guided and accelerated the construction and research and development of semi-conductor in China, and under various policies and circumstances, China has taken over South Korea and Taiwan to be the third global semiconductor production capacity and industry giant.
China has become the world's largest semiconductor production and demand site. Since 2013, China's semiconductor industry has been rapidly expanding its scale and acquiring advanced processes, technologies and talents through horizontal integration and mergers and acquisitions.
In terms of economic benefits, the effect of industrial level integration is more direct, faster and more effective; and this kind of merger has been constantly occurring and strengthening today, reaching the peak in 2015.
The Chinese government has led several of the largest mergers and acquisitions; JCET (formerly ranked sixth in the world; China's largest OSAT of packaging and testing), completed the merger in 2015, and acquired the ranked fourth Stats Chip Pac; and currently further alliance with SMIC, China's second-ranked TSHT purchased FCI (FlipChip Intl.). Nantong Fujitsu also acquired AMD at the end of 2015.
These mergers and acquisitions, not only to result the scale of production increase rapidly but also undertake the existing advanced processes and customer resources from original company.
The current China Semiconductor is to form an oligopolistic competition; The stronger become more stronger, the weaker will be much more weak.
To sum up, China's integrated circuits are bound to become the world's major production and consumption bases, mainly reflected in the following points: (1) huge and strong market demand. (2) the world's largest market demand and high-speed growth rate.
The case company (China branch), how to explore and formulate business strategies in this red supply chain by examining its internal (inside the ASE, China branch) and external (competitor) analysis, and keep ASE Group to secure its position as the world's number one market; and let case companies (China Branch) to obtain a high market share in the China semiconductor industry; this study will through SWOT analysis, Porter five forces analysis, PEST …etc. Use several management models to analyze case companies and find out future operations strategy.
After analysis, it was found that the case branch is a group-type enterprise, and the case branches are distributed globally; but the global branches are independent institutions, and the general managers of each branch are responsible for their own losses and self-management. The case company of this study is based on the branch office in China.
The case company is in the fierce market in China and around the world, has gradually lost its competitive edge in terms of price and cost. In recent years, the market share in China has not been able to create good results. Over the years, it has not highlighted China’s brand image. The cost strategy required by the market, the homogeneity between the branches is too similar, and the differentiation is not obvious, as the result, when the case company sales expand its business but confused which factory should arrange in.
In the past 30 years since the establishment of the case company, each branch company has been in a mode of competition and cooperation. When each branch company faces performance pressure, there will often be a phenomenon of price cut competition among branches. But currently, this case company should make different business strategies and adjustment model to maintain the status of the world's largest leader; after all, there is no such thing as "Always" in the market. Only with the adjustment in time, it is possible to maintain the company alive sustainably.
Although case company is still the world's largest plant in the world's OSAT, but in terms of several branches in China, the market share is extremely low (in 2017 data, China branch has accounted for China's domestic packaging and testing industry revenue) Less than 5%), and how a case company achieves a high market share in China's semiconductor supply chain, it is necessary to examine the internal and set the business strategy in line with the current situation.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract v
目 錄 viii
圖 次 x
表 次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 PEST分析 5
第二節 五力模型分析 7
第三節 SWOT模型分析 7
第四節 個案公司背景 8
第三章 研究方法 14
第一節 研究活動與流程 14
第二節 研究方法與步驟 16
第四章 設計與發展解決方案 17
第一節 設計與發展解決方案 17
第二節 PEST分析 17
第三節 五力模型分析 21
第四節 個案公司SWOT模型分析 33
第五章 展示與評估解決方案 40
第一節 展示與方案 40
第六章 結論與建議 46
第一節 結論 46
第二節 研究貢獻 47
參考文獻 48
參考文獻 References
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