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Title page for etd-0013119-160814
Tissue concentrations of iron, manganese, zinc and copper in four Taiwanese toothed cetaceans
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Iron, Species difference, Essential element, Kogia sima, Toothed cetaceans
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本研究收集2000至2012年間臺灣海域擱淺或誤捕之12頭瑞氏海豚 (Grampus griseus)、10頭熱帶斑海豚 (Stenella attenuata)、11頭侏儒抹香鯨 (Kogia simus)及10頭弗氏海豚 (Lagenodelphis hosei),以火焰式原子吸收光譜儀及石墨爐原子吸收光譜儀分析其肌肉、肺臟、肝臟及腎臟中鐵、錳、鋅和銅濃度,藉此建立台灣周邊海域四種齒鯨的必需重金屬濃度之基線標準,並以肌肉碳氮同位素探討鯨豚體內必需重金屬濃度與其食性、棲地之關聯。首先以集群分析 (Cluster Analysis) 解析鯨豚四種組織中必需重金屬濃度的分群,發現侏儒抹香鯨自成一群。各組織鐵濃度皆具有顯著的種別差異,皆以侏儒抹香鯨為最高,而錳、鋅和銅濃度卻以侏儒抹香鯨為最低。由此得知,台灣海域四種齒鯨肝臟鐵的基線濃度為1789±666 (K. sima)、1311±633 (L. hosei)、652±179 (G. griseus)及459±146 (S. attenuata) μg g-1 dry wt.;而除侏儒抹香鯨外,其餘三種齒鯨的肝臟錳、鋅及銅之基線濃度分別為10.13±3.87、139.24±34.47、29.13±13.21 μg g-1 dry wt.。另外,侏儒抹香鯨的肌肉鐵濃度、以及瑞氏海豚與弗氏海豚肌肉及腎臟鐵濃度與體長呈正相關,而鯨豚組織的鐵濃度則與δ13C呈負相關。此四種必需重金屬在四種齒鯨中蓄積的情形,可能反映其生理生態的需求,而在探討不同物種對必需重金屬的蓄積差異時,必須考慮鯨豚的體長或年齡資訊以降低其與重金屬之交互作用的影響。本研究鯨豚組織的必需重金屬濃度多與1994-1995之同種個體無明顯差異,甚至略低於以往的濃度,可作為西太平洋海域此四種齒鯨之鐵、錳、鋅及銅基線濃度指標。
Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu in the muscle, pulmonary, hepatic, and renal tissues of 43 cetacean individuals, including Grampus griseus (n=12), Kogia Sima (n=11), and Lagenodelphis hosei (n=10), Stenella attenuata (n=10), which were stranded or caught accidently around Taiwan from 2001 to 2012 were measured. The samples were analyzed by AAS to establish the baseline levels of the four essential elements for toothed whales Furthermore, test also be done for investigating the relationships between the concentrations of these essential elements in these toothed cetaceans and their diets and habitats by muscle carbon and nitrogen isotopes Significant species differences in the metal concentrations were found in their tissues. Fe concentrations in the four tissues of K. sima all exhibited the highest concentrations, while K. sima showed the lowest Mn, Zn, and Cu concentrations. The hepatic Fe baseline concentrations of Taiwanese toothed cetaceans were (μg g-1 dry wt.) 1789±666 for K. sima, 1311±633 for L. hosei, 652±179 for G. griseus, and 459±146 for S. attenuata. Except for K. sima, the hepatic baseline concentrations of toothed cetaceans were 10.13±3.87 for Mn, 139.24±34.47 for Zn, and 29.13±13.21 for Cu.
The significant positive relationship between Fe concentration and body length were found in K. sima, G. griseus, and L. hosei, while the significant negative correlation between Fe concentration and carbon isotope (δ13C). Therefore, the accumulation of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu in the toothed cetaceans may reflect their physiological and ecological needs. Moreover, in order to eliminate the interaction between body length/age and trace metal, the body length or age of these individuals should be taken into account when we compare the species differences in the metal concentrations. The tissue concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu of Taiwanese toothed cetaceans in this study were in the same order of magnitude or smaller than the samples collected in 1994-1995, which can be used as the baseline concentration the four Taiwanese toothed cetaceans.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1 研究鯨豚體內組織微量重金屬之必要性-------------------------------------1
1.2 微量重金屬的生理功能----------------------------------------------------------1
1.3 影響鯨豚微量重金屬蓄積的因素----------------------------------------------4
1.4 台灣海域的鯨豚組成及四種齒鯨介紹----------------------------------------6
1.5 台灣對鯨豚重金屬的研究-------------------------------------------------------7
1.6 研究目的----------------------------------------------------------------------------8
2.1 樣品來源----------------------------------------------------------------------------9
2.2 樣品前處理-------------------------------------------------------------------------9
2.3 元素分析樣品的消化與定容--------------------------------------------------10
2.4 品保及品管-----------------------------------------------------------------------10
2.5 重金屬定量分析-----------------------------------------------------------------11
2.6 統計分析--------------------------------------------------------------------------12
3.1 鯨豚樣品基礎生物資料--------------------------------------------------------14
3.2 標準樣品偵測結果--------------------------------------------------------------14
3.3 鐵、錳、鋅及銅濃度的組織差異----------------------------------------------14
3.4 鐵、錳、鋅及銅濃度的種別差異----------------------------------------------16
3.5 鐵、錳、鋅及銅濃度與鯨豚體長之線性關係-------------------------------17
3.6 鐵、錳、鋅及銅濃度與肌肉中碳氮同位素之關係-------------------------19
3.7 鯨豚各組織中鐵、錳、鋅及銅濃度的相關性-----------------------------19
3.8 擱淺與誤捕個體中鐵、錳、鋅及銅濃度之比較--------------------------20
3.9 多元尺度分析(MDS)與相似度分析(Cluster)------------------------------20
3.10 台灣海域鯨豚組織鐵、錳、鋅及銅濃度與過去及世界文獻之比較---21
4.1 鯨豚體內鐵、鋅、銅及錳濃度的蓄積差異--------------------------------22
4.2 鯨豚組織中鐵濃度的生理及生態意義--------------------------------------23
4.3 齒鯨的食性與棲地與組織中鐵、錳、鋅及銅濃度之關聯----------------25
4.5 擱淺或誤捕與齒鯨組織中鐵、錳、鋅及銅濃度之關聯-------------------27
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