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Title page for etd-0013119-151813
Spatiotemporal variation of the benthic fish communities in the coastal waters from Zhuoshui Estuary to Xinhuwei Estuary in Taiwan
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fish assemblages, Yunlin coastal water, Zhoushui estuary, Xinhuwei estuary, sea catfish, Chrysochir aureus, salinity
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  魚類群聚會受海域環境因子的更迭而產生時空變化。雲林縣麥寮沿海位於濁水溪口及新虎尾溪口間,而乾濕分明的亞熱帶氣候使海域環境增添季節波動,為了解此海域環境的時空變化與底棲魚類群聚關聯,本研究從2012年3月至2013年12月間於濁水溪口至新虎尾溪口,以漁船底拖網進行一年四季的樣本採集。結果顯示,新虎尾溪口的魚類物種數、魚類豐度及生物量皆顯著高於濁水溪口及近岸測站。而多維尺度分析及集群分析皆顯示,本海域的底棲魚類群聚可區分成近岸群及河口群,而分群結果主要受到四種魚種的豐度分布不均影響。濁水溪口及新虎尾溪口之底棲魚類豐度前二優勢種為海鯰spp. (Arius spp.)及布氏鬚鰨 (Paraplagusia blochii),而海鯰的豐度百分比可超過50%,於新虎尾溪口甚至可高達74%,為海鯰高度優勢之物種結構。近岸測站的物種結構相較於兩河口均勻,海鯰的平均豐度比例較低僅達19%,並且第二、第三優勢魚種為黃金鰭䱛 (Chrysochir aureus)以及線紋鰻鯰 (Plotosus lineatus),與兩河口相異。Spearman相關性分析及CCA分別指出,海鯰與布氏鬚鰨的豐度和鹽度呈負相關,使兩者常棲息於近河口海域,而黃金鰭䱛及線紋鰻鯰則偏好出現於低溫高鹽的近岸海域。然於八月中濁水溪口流量較高,近岸測站的鹽度下降,進而海鯰的比例升高而黃金鰭䱛下降,使八月近岸測站的魚類組成與兩河口類似,而被歸類於河口群中。
The variations of estuarine and coastal fish assemblages have strong correlation with environmental factors. Yunlin coastal water is located between Zhoushui River and Xinhuwei River, and the humid subtropical climate causes the significantly seasonal variation of estuarine ecosystem. In order to clarify the relationship between fish species composition and environmental parameters in a highly changeable estuary, demersal fish assemblages were conducted in coastal waters around Zhuoshui River and Xinhuwei River estuarine system from 2012 to 2013 by local commercial trawler. The highest species number and fish density were recorded in Xinhuwei estuary. According to the result of group average clustering analysis and MDS, the fish assemblages were separated into two distinct groups, namely estuarine and Inshore groups. The uneven distribution of four species caused the clustering results. Marine catfish, Arius spp. which the ratio of abundance was higher over 50% and even up to 74% in Xinhuwei estuary and tonguefish, Paraplagusia blochii were dominant in estuarine area. In inshore site, marine catfish was also the most dominant species, but the ratio only reached up to 19% that species composition was rather even. Additionally, reeve's croaker, Chrysochir aureus and eel catfish, Plotosus lineatus also aggregated in inshore site. The results of Spearman’s correlation and CCA revealed that the abundance of Arius spp. and P. blochii were negative correlations with salinity occurred their dominance was higher in estuary. In contrast, C. aureus and P. lineatus preferred low water temperature and high salinity inshore environments. However, the flow discharge of Zhoushui River was significantly higher in August performed the low salinity environments in whole coastal water. The fluctuation of salinity raised up the proportion of Arius spp. while lessening the proportion of C. aureus. Salinity was the most importantly abiotic factor shaping the fish assemblages in the adjacent waters off the Zhuoshui and Xinhuwei River, central western Taiwan.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 .............................................................................................................I
誌謝 ....................................................................................................................... II
摘要 ...................................................................................................................... III
Abstract ............................................................................................................... IV
目錄 ...................................................................................................................... VI
一、 前言 ............................................................................................................. 1
1-1 河口生態系統 ......................................................................................... 1
1-2 濁水溪口南岸簡介 ................................................................................. 2
1-3 魚類群聚與環境因子關聯 ..................................................................... 3
1-4 研究動機與目的 ..................................................................................... 4
二、 材料與方法 ................................................................................................. 5
2-1 研究時間與地點 ......................................................................................... 5
2-2 樣品處理 ..................................................................................................... 6
2-2-1 水文、水質資料 ........................................................................... 6
2-2-2 底棲魚類樣品 ............................................................................... 6
2-3 數據分析 ...................................................................................................... 8
2-3-1 生物數據處理 ............................................................................... 8
2-3-2 環境因子與優勢物種相關性分析 ............................................... 8
2-4 生物多樣性指數分析 .................................................................................. 8
2-5 多變量統計分析 ........................................................................................ 11
三、 結果 ........................................................................................................... 12
3-1 環境因子 ............................................................................................... 12
3-1-1 溫度 ............................................................................................. 12
3-1-2 鹽度 ............................................................................................. 12
3-1-3 溶氧 ............................................................................................. 12
3-1-4 透明度 ......................................................................................... 13
3-1-5 濁度 ............................................................................................. 13
3-1-6 懸浮固體 ..................................................................................... 13
3-1-7 pH 值 ........................................................................................... 14
3-1-8 生化需氧量 ................................................................................. 14
3-1-9 硝酸鹽類 ..................................................................................... 14
3-1-10 亞硝酸鹽類 ................................................................................. 14
3-1-11 氨氮 ............................................................................................. 15
3-1-12 磷酸鹽類 ..................................................................................... 15
3-1-13 矽酸鹽 ......................................................................................... 15
3-1-14 葉綠素α .................................................................................... 16
3-2 底棲魚類物種數、豐度、生物量時空變化 ....................................... 17
3-2-1 物種數 ......................................................................................... 17
3-2-2 豐度 ............................................................................................. 17
3-2-3 生物量 ......................................................................................... 18
3-3 優勢魚種 ............................................................................................... 18
3-3-1 豐度優勢種 ................................................................................. 18
3-3-2 生物量優勢種 ............................................................................. 19
3-4 群聚生物多樣性指數 ........................................................................... 20
3-5 ABC 曲線及W 統計量 ........................................................................ 21
3-6 底棲魚類群集組成 ............................................................................... 21
3-6-1 MDS 及Cluster 分析 .................................................................. 21
3-6-2 SIMPER ....................................................................................... 22
3-7 分群之環境因子比較 ........................................................................... 22
3-8 相關分析結果 ....................................................................................... 23
3-9 CCA 分析結果 ...................................................................................... 23
3-10 優勢種生物學 ....................................................................................... 24
3-10-1 海鯰spp. ..................................................................................... 24
3-10-2 布氏鬚鰨 ..................................................................................... 24
3-10-3 黃金鰭䱛 ..................................................................................... 25
四、 討論 ........................................................................................................... 26
4-1 魚類豐度、生物量測站差異 ............................................................... 26
4-2 海域環境的時空變化 ........................................................................... 26
4-3 魚類群聚結構的時空差異 ................................................................... 27
4-4 海鯰高度優勢之探討 ........................................................................... 28
4-5 優勢魚種體長/體重資訊 ...................................................................... 30
4-5-1 海鯰spp. ..................................................................................... 30
4-5-2 布氏鬚鰨 ..................................................................................... 31
4-5-3 黃金鰭䱛 ..................................................................................... 31
4-5-4 優勢魚種棲地利用模式 ............................................................. 33
五、 結論 ........................................................................................................... 34
六、 文獻 ........................................................................................................... 35
七、 圖次 ........................................................................................................... 42
八、 表次 ........................................................................................................... 60
九、 附錄 ........................................................................................................... 72
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