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博碩士論文 etd-0011119-092401 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0011119-092401
勞動密集型企業勞動力使用與戰略研究 —以崇州市JL公司為例
The Utilization and Stategy of Labor Forces in Labor Intensive Enterprises —The Case of JL Company in Chongzhou
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Chongzhou, Labor market, Labor forces strategy, Labor forces utilization, Labor-intensive enterprises
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Under the background of economic globalization, China's economic environment is also affected by the global economic changes. China's labor market also presents a new normality, the labor market has undergone tremendous changes, and the supply and demand of the labor force has a fundamental turning point.
First, the implementation of family planning in China has led to a gradual slowdown in the growth rate of our population in recent years, the growth of the total labor force has been further slowed down, the supply of the total labor force is decreasing year by year, and the aging of the population has also resulted in more young workers who cannot go out of the house to work out of the field. Second, with the continuous development of the central and western development in China, the economic development of the central and western regions of China, which was the key area of labor output, has increased rapidly. The increase of job opportunities and higher salary makes the labor force continue to return to the Midwest, and the output of labor is decreasing. Third, as a labor intensive enterprise, the recruitment threshold for front-line employees is low, the technical content of the work is generally low, the working hours and work pressure are relatively large, resulting in a very large mobility of personnel, increasing the difficulty and cost of employment for the enterprise.
As the Chengdu, which has developed rapidly in China, the export-oriented economy is characterized by obvious characteristics, inevitably encountered by the international financial crisis. At the same time, many enterprises are also labor-intensive enterprises, and the economic structure has not been completely transformed. On the one hand, with the change of the labor market in our country, the labor market before the demand is now turned into a shortage of labor. The enterprise has a difficult problem of recruiting workers. Enterprises have to attract workers to work by raising their treatment and bring great pressure to the cost of human resources. Many small and medium-sized enterprises have become a cause. This is too high for business difficulties and layoffs. On the other hand, as the speed of development is too fast, the structure of employment talents in Chengdu is not reasonable, the high-tech talents and technical workers are especially short. The difficulty of enterprise recruitment and labor shortage has become an important bottleneck to restrict the development of enterprises.
Based on the actual situation of JL company, through the analysis of the prediction and results of the labor market in Chengdu and the outstanding problems existing in the current human resources and labor use in the company, this paper sums up the related experiences and lists the wrong ideas often existed in the labor intensive enterprises, and proposes to solve the use of the labor force in the enterprise. We must take radical innovation measures and take comprehensive measures. It is suggested that the company should strengthen staff training, improve the level of incentive, increase the reserve of talents, build enterprise culture and other measures to improve the use of the internal labor force in the company, and also put forward some suggestions for other labor-intensive enterprises in the present social environment.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract v
目 錄 vii
圖 次 x
表 次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究重要性 3
1.4 研究流程 4
第二章 產業現況 6
2.1 中國勞動力市場趨勢 6
2.2 薪酬水準問題 10
2.3 人才結構失衡 15
2.4 成都市勞動力市場概況 19
2.5 產業結構調整 26
2.6 JL公司基本概況 30
第三章 文獻探討 34
3.1 中國國外相關研究 34
3.2 中國國內相關研究 35
3.3 研究綜述 37
第四章 研究設計 38
4.1 研究架構 38
4.2 研究方法 39
第五章 研究發現 41
5.1 JL公司人力資源現狀 41
5.2 JL公司SWOT分析 47
5.3 戰略的選擇 53
5.4 當前存在的問題及影響 54
5.5 JL的下一步 57
第六章 結論與建議 65
6.1 結論 65
6.2 建議 67
6.3 研究限制 80
參考文獻 82
一、中文 82
二、網路 84
三、英文 84
附錄一 訪談逐字稿一 86
附錄二 訪談逐字稿二 90
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