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博碩士論文 etd-1127118-114724 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1127118-114724
The Influence of Endorser Characteristics on Advertising Effectiveness - A Case of Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade
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Social Media Marketing, Advertisement with Endorser, Characteristics of Internet Celebrity, Advertising Effectiveness, Taipei 20
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社群行銷(Social Media Marketing)隨著智慧型手機及網路普及化的影響迅速崛起,消費者可更容易觸及各式多元的社群平台,而在平台上擁有大量粉絲及追隨者的網路紅人,往往成為消費者的意見領袖或模仿對象,於是產生透過網路紅人推薦產品或代言品牌的行銷模式。然而網紅代言在實務上未取得預期廣告效果之案例屢見不鮮,但也有取得比傳統名人代言模式更大成功的案例,所以本研究探討甚麼因素會影響消費者對網紅代言廣告的看法,進而影響到廣告態度及實際付諸行動的消費決策,並依據實證結果提出往後對相關研究的建議。
一、 先思考產品欲鎖定的目標客群,考量目標客群與代言人之連結程度,有利於找出有影響力的意見領袖。
二、 尋找適合的網紅之前,應界定清楚社群行銷的目的,是增加銷售額、提高曝光度、還是強化品牌形象,才能據以選擇合適的代言人。
三、 網紅的持續經營會影響粉絲的投入程度,應觀察網紅與粉絲的互動狀況,以及網紅如何維持與粉絲之間的黏著度。
It is easier now for consumers to reach a diverse social platform and experience social media marketing due to the rapid rise of smart phones and internet penetration. Internet celebrity who with a large network of fans and followers on the platform usually become consumers’ opinion leaders or imitations. Thus, a new marketing model that recommend products or endorsement brands through the internet was generated. However, it is not easy for the internet celebrity to achieve the expected advertising effect in practice, but there are also cases of greater success than the traditional celebrity endorsement model. The study will focus on what factors will affect consumers’ perceptions of endorser advertisement, which further influences advertising attitudes and action decisions of consumers. Suggestions will be given for future relevant research based on the consequence of research.
This is a quantity-based research which takes Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade as example. A total of 230 effective survey was collected through Google forms. The research structure is based on four aspects of “Attractiveness”, “Trustworthiness”, “Expertise and Relevance”, and “Likability”. And using “Advertising Attitude”, “Advertising Awareness”, and “Purchase Intention” to evaluate advertising effectiveness. Meanwhile, taking “Advertising Involvement” into account to determine whether it has an impact on advertising effectiveness as well.
The consequences of the research indicate that three main points “Trustworthiness”, “Likability”, and “Advertising Involvement” affect the advertising effectiveness in a positive way. Here are three conclusions and suggestions based on analysis:
1. Considering target customers and it’s connection degree with endorsers before taking action could be helpful to find an competent opinion leader.
2. It’s important to define the purpose of social media marketing before choosing an adequate endorser. Such like booming sales revenue, increasing exposure frequency, or strengthen brand image.
3. The continued efforts on the platform from internet celebrity will affect the involvement level of fans. It’s crucial to keep eyes on the interaction between endorser and fans and how the endorsers stick their fans in their community.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 代言人廣告之定義、類型與理論基礎 5
第二節 影響代言人可信賴程度之特質 10
第三節 廣告效果之理論基礎與衡量構面 13
第三章 研究設計 15
第一節 研究架構 15
第二節 操作型定義及衡量方法 16
第三節 問卷架構 19
第四節 問卷發展及實證計畫 21
第五節 資料分析方法 22
第四章 資料分析與討論 24
第一節 樣本特性分析 24
第二節 項目分析與效度分析 34
第三節 研究構面之相關分析 49
第四節 網路紅人特質及廣告涉入程度對廣告效果之影響 52
第五節 人口統計變數之影響 58
第五章 結論與建議 67
第一節 研究結論 67
第二節 管理意涵 72
第三節 研究限制與建議 73
參考文獻 75
附錄1 附表 79
附錄2 研究問卷 99
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