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Title page for etd-1127115-093001
Distribution of Modern Benthic Foraminifera in the Taiwan Strait
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Rose-Bengle stained, Benthic foraminifera, Taiwan Strait
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本研究的目的為藉由有孔蟲細胞質染色處理,嘗試量化台灣海峽底質沉積物中現生底棲有孔蟲群聚及分佈。根據底棲有孔蟲種屬組合、殼質組成、群落分析、典型相關分析及多樣性指標等,探討底棲有孔蟲分佈與棲地沉積環境間的關係,進一步瞭解可能影響底棲有孔蟲分佈的生態條件。研究發現台灣海峽內的有孔蟲種屬可分為三群,A群落為經搬運後在沉積的有孔蟲群落,主要種屬為Quinqueloculina spp.。B群落為靠近大陸的站位,主要種屬為Textularia spp.、Spiroloculina spp.、Amphstigina spp.、Cibicides spp.、Lenticulina spp.、Sigmodela spp.、Globulina spp.、Nummmulites spp.、Chilostomella spp.、Bulimina spp.、Bolivina spp.、Brizalina spp.、及Eponides spp.。C群落為靠近台灣的站位,主要種屬為 Ammonia spp.、Discorbinella spp.、 Elphidium spp.、Nonion spp.、Triloculina spp.、Asterorotalia spp.、Heterolepa spp.及Pararorotalia spp.。經過不同統計方式比較討論後,顯示台灣海峽現生底棲有孔蟲分佈與沉積物中總有機碳含量和粗顆粒含量沒有明確的相關性,推測其它影響台灣海峽現生底棲有孔蟲分佈的原因可能有沉積物來源以及海流的搬運作用等。
The main objectives of this study is not only to document the modern benthic foraminiferal assemblages of the Taiwan Strait, but also to examine their distribution in relation to environmental parameters, such as water depth, salinity and TC, TOC, TIC, coarse fraction in sediments.
Three benthic foraminiferal biofacies are recognized in the sediments substrate type collected from Taiwan Strait: Type A (relicted sediment) is dominated by Quinqueloculina spp.. Type B (close to Mainland China) is characterised by Textularia spp., Spiroloculina spp., Amphstigina spp., Cibicides spp., Lenticulina spp., Sigmodela spp., Globulina spp., Nummmulites spp., Chilostomella spp., Bulimina spp., Bolivina spp., Brizalina spp. and Eponides spp.. Type C (close to Taiwan Island) is composed by Ammonia spp., Discorbinella spp., Elphidium spp., Nonion spp., Triloculina spp., Asterorotalia spp., Heterolepa spp. and Pararorotalia spp..
Living benthic foraminifera by Rose-Bengle stained form the Taiwan Strait seem not to be related with TOC contents and propotions of coarse grains. Instead, their assemblages are found to be more related to the source of sediment and tidal energy.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
壹、緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 前人研究 6
1-3 研究目的 7
貳、研究區域 8
參、材料與方法 12
3-1 採樣方法及地點 12
3-2 細胞質染色法(Rose-Bengle stained) 15
3-3 粗、細顆粒分析 15
3-4 有孔蟲分析 15
3-5 總碳、總有機碳及總無機碳含量分析 16
3-6統計方法 17
肆、結果與討論 19
4-1 表層沉積物碳分析及粗顆粒組成 19
4-2 底棲有孔蟲之探討 23
4-2-1底棲有孔蟲空間分佈 23
4-2-2底棲有孔蟲與表層沉積物 26
4-2-3底棲有孔蟲數目與生物多樣性指數 27
4-2-4底棲有孔蟲殼質分布 29
4-2-5群落分析 32
4-2-6典型相關分析 36
4-3 對比現有資料 39
伍、結論 44
陸、引用文獻 45
中文部分 45
英文部分 45
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