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Title page for etd-1110118-004834
The Effect of Green Product Cues on Purchase Intention- A Case Study of the Hair Shampoo
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購買意願、環境態度、顧客知覺價值、綠色產品線索、Howard-Sheth model
Purchase intention, Environmental attitude, Customer perceived value, Green product cues, Howard-Sheth model
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5880 times, has been downloaded 97 times.
本研究以快速消費品中的洗髮精為主題,並利用問卷調查與量化分析進行研 究。此外,本研究採用 Howard-Sheth Model 為研究基礎,並修改該模型以符合綠 色產品之研究模型。本研究透過社群網路與 BBS 佈告欄進行網路問卷調查,共回 收 504 份有效問卷。在該模型中利用綠色產品線索、顧客知覺價值、環境態度以 及購買意願等四項因素,用以探究綠色產品線索對購買意願之影響、顧客知覺價值 對綠色產品線索與購買意願之中介效果、環境態度對綠色產品線索與購買意願之 干擾效果。
經迴歸分析後主要發現綠色產品線索對購買意願具有顯著的正向影響,亦即 當消費者能從綠色洗髮精取得較多、較易理解或較被信任之綠色產品線索時,消費 者對該產品有較高的購買意願。其次,顧客知覺價值對綠色產品線索與購買意願具 有部分中介效果。此外,環境態度對綠色產品線索與購買意願具有顯著的干擾效 果,其中當具有較弱環境態度的消費者得到較多、較易理解或較被信任之綠色產品 線索時所產生購買意願的強度會比具有較強烈環境態度的消費者還要高。因此,建 議綠色洗髮精廠商可針對不同環境態度的消費者推出不同綠色產品線索的產品, 進而增加不同環境態度消費者的購買意願,藉此達到綠色消費的目標。
The human impacted on the environment was increased with the ever-changing nature of technology. In recent years, people were increased awareness of protecting the environment. In order to improve the environment and achieve the goal of the sustainable development, many people are think about to purchase green product, and it will become the trend in the future. Thus, whether green product cues can effectively increase consumer's purchase intention has become an interesting topic.
This research's theme is shampoo on FMCG and use the quantitative analysis and questionnaire survey as research methods. On the other hand, this study is based on the conceptual framework composed by Howard-Sheth Model and modify the model to content the research model of green products. Sample of 504 collected through online survey, and hypotheses are tested by regression analysis. This model including four factors that is green product cues, customer perceived value, environmental attitude, and purchase intention. Use those factors to discuss the effect of green product cues on purchase intention, the mediation of customer perception value on green product cues and purchase intention, and the moderation of environmental attitude on green product cues and purchase intention.
The result showed (a) green product cues has a significant positive effect on purchase intention. (b) customer perceived value has partial mediating effect on green product cues and purchase intention. (c) environmental attitude has significant moderating effect on green product cues and purchase intention. Therefore, I commend that the green product supplier should launch diversity of product for different customer.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 .......................................................................................................................... i
誌 謝..................................................................................................................................... ii
摘 要.................................................................................................................................... iii
Abstract.............................................................................................................................. iv
目錄 ..................................................................................................................................... v
表次 .................................................................................................................................... vi
第一章、緒論.................................................................................................................... 01
第一節、研究背景與動機 ................................................................................................ 01
第二節、研究目的............................................................................................................ 02
第三節、研究流程............................................................................................................ 03
第四節、研究範圍與限制 ................................................................................................ 04
第二章、文獻探討............................................................................................................ 05
第一節、HOWARD-SHETH MODEL ................................................................................ 05
第二節、綠色產品............................................................................................................ 06
第三節、綠色產品線索.................................................................................................... 07
第四節、顧客知覺價值.................................................................................................... 09
第五節、環境態度............................................................................................................ 10
第六節、購買意願............................................................................................................ 11
第三章、研究設計............................................................................................................ 12
第一節、研究結構............................................................................................................ 12
第二節、研究模式............................................................................................................ 13
第三節、研究方法............................................................................................................ 24
第四章、實證分析............................................................................................................ 27
第一節、樣本資料與變數分析 ........................................................................................ 27
第二節、驗證綠色產品線索對購買意願之影響.............................................................. 36
第三節、驗證顧客知覺價值之中介效果 ......................................................................... 38
第四節、驗證環境態度之干擾效果................................................................................. 43
第五節、實證結果彙整.................................................................................................... 45
第五章、結論與建議 ....................................................................................................... 46
第一節、研究結論............................................................................................................ 46
第二節、研究建議............................................................................................................ 49
第三節、管理意涵............................................................................................................ 50
參考文獻 .......................................................................................................................... 52
附錄一 研究問卷............................................................................................................... 56
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