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博碩士論文 etd-1104117-150306 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1104117-150306
A study for cementitious capillary crystalline waterproofing materials in suppressing swell behavior of basic oxygen furnace slag
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swell behavior, waterproof, basic oxygen furnace slag
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In view of the steel industry's desire to achieve the goal of circular economy, reducing industrial by-products and recycling is a major factor in sustainable development. Basic oxygen furnace slag (BOFS) is a by-product of smelting steel and has good engineering properties. But when it encounters water, it will cause engineering damage due to its slow expansion, which greatly limits its utilization of resources. At present, most of the applications are for road pavement and filling materials. Therefore, if the BOFS can be properly treated and utilized, the purpose of sustainable use of resources can be achieved.
In this study, five different weight ratios of BOFS were used to replace natural aggregate respectively. In the cement mortar and concrete mixing time, adding cementitious capillary crystalline waterproofing materials, as a waterproof cement mortar and waterproof concrete. Followed by compressive strength test, water absorption test, fitness test, permeability test, specific length test to explore the conversion rate of BOFS and the applicability of waterproofing agent, as well as the mechanical properties, physical properties, durability properties, and used SEM and EDS analysis of the test results.
The swelling characteristics of BOFS were mainly observed by the specific length test. The test results showed that the volume stability of the test body increased and the swelling volume decreased significantly with time, indicating that the waterproofing materials had a significant effect on restraining BOFS swelling. Permeability test results show that permeability coefficient of waterproofing concrete significantly reduced, and concrete with 100% replacement of BOFS is even nearly impermeable. Finally, crystallization of waterproof agent containing cement mortar and concrete was observed using SEM, and found a lot of dense dendritic crystals. The mechanism of chemical reaction of hard crystalline material filled pores, blocking the infiltration path, resulting in increased compactness and durability of concrete.
The BOFS is wrapped by the waterproofing materials, thereby preventing water from contacting the BOFS and exerting the effect of stabilizing the volume change. The results of this study can be applied to the waterproof engineering effectively, and the application of the BOFS to the waterproof engineering is a useful material to be used. It can achieve the goal of high price and resource of byproducts, and meet the ultimate goal of sustainable development.
目次 Table of Contents
國立中山大學研究生學位論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機 1
1.3研究目標 2
1.4研究方法 3
1.5本文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1波特蘭水泥 5
2.1.1水泥中各物質的水化反應 5
2.1.2水泥水化反應的發展過程 8
2.1.3硬固水泥漿體結構 11
2.1.4硬固水泥漿體孔隙結構 13
2.1.5水泥漿體所存在之水份 15
2.1.6影響混凝土水密性主要因素 16
2.2轉爐石 18
2.2.1轉爐石製成概述 18
2.2.2轉爐石之物化特性 19
2.2.3轉爐石膨脹特性 24
2.2.4轉爐石資源化 25
2.3防水工程 26
2.3.1防水工程概述 26
2.3.2滲漏現象 28
2.3.3建築防水系統 29
2.3.4防水材料 32
2.3.5水泥基滲透結晶型防水材料 33
第三章 研究方法與步驟 37
3.1試驗規劃 37
3.2試驗變數 38
3.2.1試驗變數 38
3.2.2編號說明 38
3.2.3配比設計 39
3.3試驗材料 41
3.4實驗項目與方法 48
3.4.1細粒料比重及吸水率試驗 48
3.4.2粗粒料比重及吸水率試驗 50
3.4.3粒料篩分析試驗 51
3.4.4粒料單位體積重試驗 53
3.4.5水泥砂漿抗壓強度試驗 54
3.4.6混凝土抗壓強度試驗 56
3.4.7混凝土比重試驗 57
3.4.8吸水率 58
3.4.9比長試驗 59
3.4.10健性試驗 62
3.4.11透水試驗 64
3.4.12微觀結構觀察(SEM及EDS) 67
第四章 結果與討論 68
4.1抗壓強度試驗 68
4.1.1第一階段-水泥砂漿抗壓強度試驗結果 68
4.1.2第二階段-混凝土抗壓強度試驗結果 75
4.2比重試驗 81
4.3吸水率試驗 83
4.3.1第一階段-水泥砂漿吸水率試驗結果 83
4.3.2第二階段-混凝土吸水率試驗結果 89
4.4透水試驗 94
4.5健性試驗 96
4.6比長試驗 105
4.6.1第一階段-水泥砂漿棒比長試驗結果 105
4.6.2第二階段-混凝土角柱試驗結果 112
4.7 SEM與EDS 118
第五章 結論與建議 123
5.1結論 123
5.2建議 124
附錄  參考文獻 125
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