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Title page for etd-0916117-133423
The symbiotic relationship between mud snail (Nassarius albescens) and hydroids (Cytaeis sp.) in Dongsha
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histology, hydroid, nassariid, 13C & 15N stable isotope, symbiosis
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Few studies in symbiosis between snail and hydroids had been examined in Japan, Indonesia and Africa. This study aimed to investigate benefits in the relationship between the snail Nassarius albescens and hydroid Cytaeis sp. through 13C and 15N stable isotope approach, behavior experiment and histological examination on siphon and foot tissue. Stable isotope results showed that hydroids ingested sediments as their food sources. They probably obtained more food by host movement than non-symbiotic hydroids. The results of behavior experiments supported that N. albescens had high tolerance to nematocysts, while N. quadrasi avoided the hydroids when attached. Therefore, it is proposed that N. albescens had higher competition ability in foraging than that of N. quadrasi. Additionally, high tolerance to nematocysts was not resulted from difference in siphon and foot structure based on histological examination. In brief, this study supports the symbiotic relationship between N. albescens and hydroids is mutualism.
目次 Table of Contents
一、前言 1
二、材料方法 4
2.1樣本採集 4
2.2水螅體營養來源探討 4
2.3織紋螺及水螅體食源探討 4
2.4織紋螺對水螅體反應行為實驗 5
2.5織紋螺水管與腹足組織觀察 6
2.6統計分析 7
三、結果 7
3.1樣本採集 7
3.2黑頂織紋螺與水螅體食性探討 7
3.3織紋螺對水螅體反應行為實驗 8
3.4織紋螺水管與腹足組織切片觀察 8
四、討論 9
4.1水螅體之共生關係探討 9
4.1.1水螅體食物來源 9
4.1.2宿主行為影響水螅體附著 9
4.2黑頂織紋螺之共生關係探討 10
4.2.1與水螅體共生提高種間競爭優勢 10
4.2.2與水螅體共生降低被掠食風險 11
4.3結論 11
五、參考文獻 12
表一、東沙島潮間帶物種之碳氮穩定同位素量測值 19
表二、東沙島潮間帶物種間碳氮穩定同位素量測值之費雪LSD法多重比較結果 20
表三、行為實驗結果之卡方檢定 21
圖一、黑頂織紋螺與共生水螅體生態照 22
圖二、黑頂織紋螺食用秋刀魚餌料圖 22
圖三、研究區域示意圖 23
圖四、行為實驗設置示意圖 23
圖五、行為實驗處理示意圖 24
圖六、水螅體抹片檢視 25
圖七、東沙島潮間帶物種之碳氮穩定同位素值散佈圖 26
圖八、黑頂織紋螺與多刺織紋螺碰觸水螅體行為反應結果 27
圖九、黑頂織紋螺與多刺織紋螺水管組織切片橫切圖 28
圖十、織紋螺腹足組織切片橫切面 29
圖十一、織紋螺腹足邊緣組織切片縱切面圖 30
圖十一(續 1)、織紋螺腹足側邊組織切片縱切面圖 31
圖十一(續 2)、織紋螺腹足中央組織切片縱切面圖 32
圖十二、織紋螺腹足組織切片縱切面局部圖 33
圖十三、東沙島潮間帶與綠島潮間帶物種之碳氮穩定同位素值分布圖 34
圖十四、新鮮水螅體體腔內含物抹片檢視 35
附錄一、綠島潮間帶物種之碳氮穩定同位素值 36
附錄二、行為實驗設置示意圖 37
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