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Title page for etd-0901119-143555
A Double-Edged Sword of Beautiful Food: The Impact of Food Aesthetics on Feelings of Healing, Perceived Price and Purchase Intention
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food aesthetics, feelings of healing, perceived price, purchase intention, attention restoration theory
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  隨著療癒風潮的興起,業者為了吸引消費者注意,推出各種具備動物造型或是具有美感的食物,企圖安撫消費者疲憊的心靈,並促成銷售。過去關於食物美學的研究結論分歧,且鮮少討論食物美學的作用機制,也缺乏實證研究證實食物的療癒作用。鑑此,本研究以食物的美學作為主軸,探討美學是否透過療癒感的正向中介與感知價格的負向中介影響消費者的購買意願,同時也加入食物造型(動物型vs.中性型)與美學類型(成本意涵 vs. 努力意涵美學)作為干擾變數,比較食物設計成不同造型或不同美學類型下,如何影響療癒及價格感知的生成,即探討兩者對食物美學效果可能的影響。
  With the rise of the trend to seek the feelings of healing, practitioners have introduced animal-shaped or aesthetic foods to attract the attention of consumers and try to appease the tired mind of consumers to promote sales. Previous studies have conflicting conclusions about the impacts of food aesthetics. There was little discussion about the functional mechanisms of the food aesthetics effect, and no empirical study has demonstrated the healing effect of foods. Accordingly, this research focuses on the aesthetics of foods intending to explore whether aesthetics influence consumers’ purchase intentions through the positive mediation of increased feelings of healing and negative mediation of increased perceived prices. It also examines the moderation of food shapes (animal vs. neutral) and the type of aesthetics (aesthetics with cost implications [WCI] vs. aesthetics without cost implications [WOCI]), clarifying how different shapes and different aesthetic types of foods affect the effects of food aesthetics on feelings of healing and price perception.
  Based on the related research of food aesthetics and attention recovery theory, this research conducted a pilot study and two formal experiments. The pilot study demonstrated the effects of food aesthetics and ensured that it was suitable to use the attention restoration theory to explain the formation mechanism of feelings of healing. Experiment 1 was a 2 (food aesthetics: high vs. low) x2 (food shapes: animal vs. neutral) between-subjects design. The experimental results found that high food aesthetics increased feelings of healing, pleasure emotions, perceived prices, and purchase intentions. Feelings of healing had a positive mediation impact between aesthetics and purchase intentions, but the perceived price did not have a mediation effect. The interaction effect between food aesthetics and food shapes was only significant on perceived price and purchase intention. Experiment 2 was a one-factor between-subjects design to compare the effects of aesthetic types. It examined the relative effects of foods with high aesthetics with cost implications, foods with high aesthetics without cost implications, and foods with low aesthetics. The experimental results showed that high aesthetic foods increased feelings of healing, perceived prices, pleasure, and purchase intentions. Feelings of healing and perceived prices had opposite direction mediation effects on purchase intentions. The aesthetics WCI (vs. WOCI) reduced the differences in purchase intentions between high aesthetics and low aesthetics.
  The results of this study help to clarify the relationship between food aesthetics and feelings of healing, clearly classify food shapes, and reveal the opposite effects of the mediating mechanisms of feelings of heeling and price perception. This study links food aesthetics research to food shapes, aesthetic types, and attention recovery theory, providing important theoretical contributions. The findings also provide suggestions on food design for practitioners to improve consumer responses.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖次 viii
表次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究問題 6
第四節 研究目的 6
第五節 研究範圍 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 食物美學 8
一、 美學的定義 8
二、 美學吸引力 8
三、 食物美學 9
四、 小結 16
第二節 療癒感 16
一、 療癒感的定義 16
二、 療癒消費 17
三、 食物療癒 19
四、 小結 20
第三節 食物造型 20
一、 食物外觀 20
二、 動物造型 21
三、 食物造型與味道 23
四、 小結 24
第四節 美學類型─成本意涵(WCI) vs. 努力意涵(WOCI) 24
一、 美學類型的定義 24
二、 小結 25
第五節 注意力恢復理論 25
一、 注意力恢復理論 26
二、 注意力恢復理論(Attention Restoration Theory)之相關研究 26
三、 小結 27
第三章 研究架構與假說 28
第一節 研究架構 28
第二節 研究假說 29
一、 食物美學之療癒效果 29
二、 食物美學之感知價格 30
三、 療癒感之於購買意願 33
四、 感知價格之於購買意願 34
五、 食物造型之干擾效果 35
六、 美學類型之干擾效果 37
第四章 實驗一 39
第一節 研究方法 39
一、 樣本與實驗設計 39
二、 實驗刺激 40
三、 前測一 40
四、 前測二 50
五、 預試 54
六、 實驗一 70
第五章 實驗二 94
第一節 研究方法 94
一、 樣本與實驗設計 94
二、 實驗刺激 95
三、 前測二 95
四、 實驗二 99
第六章 結論與建議 117
第一節 研究發現 117
第二節 研究意涵 120
一、 理論意涵 120
二、 實務意涵 124
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 127
參考文獻 131
附錄 154
附錄一:前測一問卷 154
附錄二:前測二問卷 167
附錄三:預試問卷 175
附錄四:實驗一問卷 183
附錄五:實驗二問卷 190
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