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The Effect of Uncertainty towards Anticipation of Organizational Change on Work Withdrawal and Time Theft: Organizational Ethical Climate as moderator
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Conservation of Resource Theory, Work Withdrawal Behaviors, Time Theft, Organizational Ethical Climate, Uncertainty towards Anticipation of Organizational Change
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預期組織變革的不確定感,意指員工在面臨組織可能產生變革的情況下,缺乏足夠的資訊來進行明確的判斷或預測所導致的不確定感受。本研究以資源保存理論(Conservation of Resource Theory)的觀點,探討員工在面臨組織變革時可能發生的諸多不確定感受對員工工作退縮行為及時間竊盜的影響,並進一步探討組織內不同的組織道德氣候是否會對前述關係產生干擾效果。本研究採便利抽樣,並以網路問卷調查法,且採用兩個時間點的方式收集資料,以避免共同方法變異的問題,共獲得242份有效配對樣本,階層回歸模式的結果顯示:(1) 工具導向的組織道德氣候會正向干擾「地位降低」與心理退縮行為間的關係;(2) 關懷導向的組織道德氣候會負向干擾「角色負荷」與心理退縮行為、行動退縮行為及時間竊盜間的關係;(3) 規則導向的組織道德氣候會正向干擾「地位降低」與心理退縮行為的關係;(4) 工具導向的組織道德氣候會負向干擾「角色負荷」與行動退縮行為及時間竊盜的關係。根據上述結果,本研究所提出之具體管理意涵為:主管應視情況適度揭露變革資訊並營造出具關懷導向道德氣候的組織團隊。
"Uncertainty towards anticipation of Organizational Change" is the uncertainty that employees may lack sufficient information to make explicit judgments or predictions when encountering the possible changes in the organization. Based on Conservation of Resource Theory, this study explores the impact of uncertainties on negative employee behaviors such as work withdrawal behaviors and time theft. Moreover, this study investigates whether the different "Organizational Ethical Climates" within the organization moderate the relationship between uncertainty and negative employee behaviors. Through a time-lagged field study of 242 full-time employees, we have not found the support that greater workplace uncertainties are related to higher withdrawal behaviors and time theft. However, the results of the hierarchical regression model show that instrumental climate moderates the positive relationship between "Loss of Job Status" and psychological withdrawal behaviors, and moderates the negative relationship between "Role Overload" and physical withdrawal and time theft. Caring climate moderates the negative relationship between "Role Overload" and psychological withdrawal, physical withdrawal, and time theft. Rules climate moderates the positive relationship between "Loss of Job Status" and psychological withdrawal. Based on the above results, this study suggests that the supervisors should appropriately disclose the information about the future change and create a caring climate in the organization and team.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 理論與假設 5
第一節 預期組織變革不確定感 5
第二節 以資源保存理論探討預期組織變革不確定感 7
第三節 預期組織變革不確定感與工作退縮行為及時間竊盜行為間之關係 9
第四節 組織道德氣候的調節效果 11
第五節 研究架構 21
第三章 研究方法 22
第一節 研究對象與程序 22
第二節 研究變數與衡量工具 24
第四章 研究結果 29
第一節 各量表之因素分析 29
第二節 測量模式分析 33
第三節 相關分析 34
第四節 假設檢定 36
第五節 補充分析 46
第五章 理論與建議 49
第一節 研究主要發現與討論 49
第二節 管理實務意涵 51
第三節 研究限制 52
第四節 未來研究建議 54
文獻參考 55
附錄 70
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