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Title page for etd-0822119-194455
Exploring the Bright and Dark Sides of Compulsory OCB: The Mediation Effects of Ego Depletion and OBSE, and the Moderation Effects of Emotion Regulation and Extraversion.
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Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Extraversion, Compulsive Perception of Citizenship Behavior, Emotion Regulation, Ego Depletion, Organization-Based Self- Esteem
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In the past few decades, scholars have developed many conceptual frameworks for organizational citizenship behavior and proposed different types of behaviors. In recent years, many studies have shown that employees are not all volunteering to be a "good soldier." The positive and negative effects of engaging in civic behavior have become the subject of discussion among scholars. Nowadays, organizational citizenship behavior has become one of the key tasks for business operations. Companies want more employees to engage in citizenship behavior, despite employee involuntary. The study discusses about employee sustainable OCB. Employees are still willing to perform citizenship behavior after feels pressured to perform OCB. The study used the experience sampling design to collect the daily data. The data was collected from 206 employees across 10 working days, and the data is consisted of 1717.
After the path analysis hypothesis, the results showed employees feels ego depletion when employees are forced to be a ‘’Good Soldier’’ and negatively related to organizational citizenship behaviors on the next day. This negative related will be moderation effects of emotion regulation. When the employee produces organization-based self-esteem, it will positive to organizational citizenship behaviors on the next day, and the positive relationship will be strengthened after high extroversion personality. Based on this conclusion, this study proposes theoretical and managerial implications.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ............................................................................................................................... i
中文摘要................................................................................................................................... ii
英文摘要.................................................................................................................................. iii
第一章 緒論 ..............................................................................................................................1
第二章 理論與假設 ..................................................................................................................5
第一節 被迫從事公民行為 ...................................................................................................... 5
第二節 主動從事公民行為 ...................................................................................................... 6
第三節 員工被迫從事公民行為與後續主動/被迫從事公民行為的關係:自我耗損歷程 ..... 6
第四節 員工被迫從事公民行為與後續主動/被迫從事公民行為的關係:組織自尊歷程 ..... 7
第五節 員工被迫從事公民行為的資源耗損歷程:員工情緒壓抑傾向的惡化效果 .............. 9
第六節 員工被迫從事公民行為的組織自尊歷程:員工外向性特質的強化效果 .................10
第三章 研究方法 ................................................................................................................... 12
第一節 研究對象與施測程序 ................................................................................................ 12
第二節 研究工具 ................................................................................................................... 13
第三節 資料分析方法 ........................................................................................................... 14
第四章 研究結果 ................................................................................................................... 15
第一節 主要變數敘述統計分析 ............................................................................................ 15
第二節 驗證性因素分析 ........................................................................................................ 15
第三節 假設檢定 ................................................................................................................... 16
第五章 結論與建議 ............................................................................................................... 20
第一節 結果討論與理論意涵 ................................................................................................ 20
第二節 管理意涵與建議 ........................................................................................................ 21
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 ......................................................................................... 22
參考文獻 ................................................................................................................................ 23
附錄 ....................................................................................................................................... 30
參考文獻 References
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