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博碩士論文 etd-0813119-091858 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0813119-091858
Domestic Bank Competition and Financial Contagion : Evidence from Taiwan
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Financial contagion, Loans, Domestic banks, Global Financial Crisis, Competition
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This study is aimed at domestic banks in Taiwan. Our sample consists of data from January 1996 to December 2016. Our empirical results show that when the bank is in a relatively competitive situation, the bank will tend to reduce the loan ratio of the bank; when it is during the period of Global Financial Crisis (2007~2009), the bank will reduce the amount of its loan. In addition, firms tend to borrow more from banks who operate in more competitive environment during Global Financial Crisis. We also discussed the financial contagion effect from the domestic banking sector. Changhua Bank spread contagion effects to 17 non-financial industries which is most among all the other domestic banks. If banks are divided into public shares and private enterprises, it will be found that the effect of public-bank banks is significantly greater than that of private banks. Tourism is the most contagious industry which are affected by 10 domestic banks. In addition, when considering the competition of banks, there are eight domestic banks that have contagious effects on all industries, including Bank of Kaohsiung, Bowa Commercial Bank (Bowa. BK), Changhua Bank, EnTie Commercial Bank (EnTie Bank), Far Eastern International Bank (Far Eastern Bank), Standard Chartered Bank, Taiwan Cooperative Bank (TCB Bank) and Taiwan Business Bank.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目錄 iv
表次 vi
第 一 章 前言 1
第 二 章 文獻回顧與探討 2
第 三 章 資料及研究方法 4
3.1模型:銀行與公司的關係 4
3.1.1公司及貸款的特徵 5
3.2模型:國內銀行之傳染效果 6
第 四 章 實證結果與分析 6
4.1公司和貸款特徵敘述統計 6
4.2變數之相關係數 7
4.3 銀行與公司關係之實證 8
4.4非金融產業及國內銀行敘述統計 9
4.5全球金融海嘯期間國內銀行傳染效果之實證 10
4.6國內銀行處於競爭時傳染效果之實證 11
第 五 章 結論 11
參考文獻 13
參考文獻 References
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二、 英文部份
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