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博碩士論文 etd-0811117-104440 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0811117-104440
Taxonomic Revision of the Syngnathinae (Pices: Syngnathidae) in Taiwan
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Similarity, Identification key, Morphology, Syngnathid, Taxonomic
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海龍亞科無鱗片,全身包覆特化骨環,魚類體色鮮豔且能夠改變體色隱藏於環境背景之中。雄魚具育兒囊,可分為皮瓣包覆型、皮辦折疊型、半包覆型、開放型。卵細胞在育兒囊中完成受精,受精卵發育至稚魚後離開育兒囊獨立生活。吻部為纖細管狀以吸飲的方式攝食小型甲殼類與浮游動物,有時也出現偷食其它海龍卵粒的現象。海龍亞科魚類絕大部分棲息於半淡鹹水和海水,少數種類分佈於淡水。台灣記錄之海龍亞科魚類將近40種,但目前尚無詳細的台灣海龍亞科魚類系統分類整理。本研究以全台海龍亞科魚類38種、424尾館藏標本所測之可數形質和可量形質數據以及國內外文獻記錄為主要依據,詳細描述各物種,并建立檢索表。此外,本研究亦記錄一新紀錄種海龍 (Microphis yoshi) (Snyder, 1909)、一腹囊海龍屬(Phoxocampus)未鑑定種、一錐海龍屬未確定種。利用軟體Primer 6.0分析海龍亞科魚類物種間與種內相似度,其結果顯示,除標本不足的八屬外,其餘各屬的種間相似度皆達85%以上;單種屬中,雕紋海龍 (Choeroichthys sculptus) 種內相似度達94%、帶紋斑節海龍(Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus) 種內相似度達94%、雙棘擬海龍 (Syngnathoides biaculeatus) 種內相似度達82%。矛吻海龍屬 (Doryrhamphus)、海蠋魚屬 (Halicampus)、多環海龍屬(Hippichthys)、腹囊海龍屬 (Microphis)、錐海龍屬 (Phoxocampus) 與粗吻海龍屬 (Trachyrhamphus) 為多種屬,將形質作為特徵,藉著主成分分析,取得能區分屬內魚種之特徵。除粗吻海龍屬之外,其餘各屬種間主成分分析法將第一主成分與第二主成分累積變異度皆高於80%,表明利用特徵區分屬內物種具可信賴度。經研究發現,台灣魚類資料庫中所記錄之布氏鰻海龍 (Bulbonaricus brucei) 無發表紀錄且無標本館館藏,可能是新聞發佈錯誤;小曲海龍(Campichthys nanus)標本 (ASIZP0062057) 眼眶骨密佈細銳三角形突起物應為錐海龍屬物種;紅光尾海龍 (Festucalex erythraeus) 標本 (NMMSF0511) 依吻部、頭部比例鑑定為長鼻粗吻海龍 (Trachyrhamphus longirostris);薛氏海龍 (Syngnathus schlegeli) 標本 (ASIZP0055352) 依據吻部、頭部比例與骨環數鑑定為漂海龍(Syngnathus pelagicus)。因此,本研究建議將布氏鰻海龍、小曲海龍與光尾海龍從台灣魚類資料庫名錄中剔除並增列漂海龍。此外,台灣生物多樣性網站海龍亞科魚類名錄中記錄之短身細尾海龍 (Acentronura breviperula) 、史氏冠海龍 (Corythoichthys schultzi) 與黑斑刀海龍 (Solegnathus lettensis) ,亦無實際館藏標本。總結以上全台共17屬38種海龍亞科魚類。
Syngnathin fish body is covered with ring-like bony plates without any scale. They are colorful fishes and their color pattern may vary according to their habitats. Male syngnathines are responsible for parental care with a underside brood pouch, located either on abdomal (trunk brooding) or tail (tail brooding). The structure of pouch can be divided into sealed pouch, inverted pouch, semi-pouch and open pouch. Preys such as small crustaceans and zooplanktons, and sometimes eggs of other males, are sucked in by a slender and tube-like snout. Most syngnathines inhabitat in the coastal and brackish waters, and some species are found in freshwaters. There are nearly 40 species of syngnathines in Taiwan; however, taxonomic revision on syngnathines is not available to date. In order to make thorough revision of this fish group, 424 specimens of 38 species accommodated in Taiwan are examined. Meristic counts and morphometric measurements of each specimens are made and each species is photographed. Each species is revised and described based on the examined specimens, and an identification key to syngnathines of Taiwan is built. The present study shows that there are 38 syngnathine species of 17 genera, including a new record species, Microphis yoshi, undetermined Microphis sp.and Phoxocampus sp.. Principal component analysis is conducted using Primer 6.0. For those genera with more than one species, inter-specific resemblance of each genus is higher than 85%. For monotypic genera in Taiwan, the intra-specific similarities of Choeroichthys sculptus, Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus, Syngnathoides biaculeatus are 82%, 94% and 94%, respectively. Let measurement meristics to be the morphology characters which can idetificate the species with principal component analysis. For Doryrhamphus, Halicampus, Hippichthys, Microphis, Phoxocampus and Trachyrhamphus with multiple species, PC1 and PC2 accumulated variation are over 80% except Trachyrhamphus, indicating that identification using morphology characters is possible. Bulbonaricus brucei, Campichthys nanus, Festucalex erythraeus and Syngnathus schlegeli have been recorded in the Taiwan Fish database. However, neither report nor specimen of B. brucei was found in Taiwan; Specimen (ASIZP0062057) of Campichthys nanus is identified as species of genus Phoxocampus by circumorbital bone densly covered with triangular prominence; Specimen (NMMSF0511) of Halicampus grayi is identified as Trachyrhamphus lonirostris according to the ratio between snout length and head length; Specimens (NMMSF525) of F. erythraeus are identified as Halicampus dunckeri by body covered with long filaments; specimen (ASIZP0055352) of S. schlegeli is supposed to be S. pelagicus base on its ring number and the ratio between snout length and head length. Therefore B. brucei, C. nanus and F. erythraeus were suggested to be removed from the database and S. plegicus was is a new record. Although Acentronura breviperula, Corythoichthys schultzi and Solegnathus lettensis were recorded in the checklist of syngnathinae of Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility, no specimen was found in any museums of Taiwan.
目次 Table of Contents
1、海龍亞科 (Syngnathinae) 魚類之簡介………………………………...........1


圖二、骨環邊緣形態………………………………………………………………………………… 110
圖八、短身細尾海龍Acentronura breviperula……………………………………………………..115
圖九、勃氏鰻海龍Bulbonaricus brauni…………………………………………………………….115
圖十、達澳鰻海龍Bulbonaricus davaoensis………………………………………………………116
圖十一、雕紋海龍Choeroichthys sculptus………………………………………………………...117
圖十二、Corythoichthys conspicillatus頭部……………………………………………………….117
圖十三、Corythoichthys conspicillatus…………………………………………………………….117
圖十四、Corythoichthys flavofasciatus頭部……………………………………………………….118
圖十五、Corythoichthys flavofasciatus…………………………………………….......................118
圖十六、班氏寰宇海龍 Cosmocampus banneri頭部示意圖…………………….........................118
圖十七、班氏寰宇海龍Cosmocampus banneri…………………………………..........................119
圖十八、寶珈海龍 Doryichthys boaja.......................................................................................119
圖十九、藍帶矛吻海龍Doryrhamphus excisus…………………………………..........................120
圖二十、強氏矛吻海海龍Doryrhamphus janssi………………………………….........................120
圖二十一、日本矛吻海龍Doryrhamphus japonicus……………………………..........................121
圖二十二、帶紋矛吻海龍Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus……………………….....................121
圖二十三、鄧氏海蠋魚Halicampus dunckeri…………………………………….........................122
圖二十四、葛氏海蠋魚Halicampus grayi………………………………………...........................122
圖二十五、大吻海蠋魚Halicampus macrorynchus……………………………...........................122
圖二十六、大吻海蠋魚原始圖Halicampus macrorynchus……………………….......................123
圖二十七、瑪塔法海龍Halicampus mataafae…………………………………...........................123
圖二十八、瑪塔法海龍Halicampus mataafae同物異名………………………….......................123
圖二十九、短吻海蠋魚Halicampus spinirostris………………………………….........................123
圖三十、帶狀多環海龍Haliichthys taeniophorus同物異名……………………….......................124
圖三十一、帶狀多環海龍Haliichthys taeniophorus……………………………...........................124
圖三十二、藍點多環海龍Hippichthys cyanospilos………………………………........................125
圖三十三、前鰭多環海龍Hippichthys heptagonus………………………………........................125
圖三十四、筆狀多環海龍Hippichthys penicullus………………………………...........................125
圖三十五、帶紋多環海龍Hippichthys spicifer…………………………………............................126
圖三十六、安氏小頷海龍Micrognathus andersonii同物異名…………………….......................126
圖三十七、安氏小頷海龍Micrognathus andersonii……………………………...........................126
圖三十八、安氏小頷海龍Micrognathus andersonii………………………………........................127
圖三十九、短尾海龍Microphis brachyurus…………………………………….............................127
圖四十、無棘海龍Microphis leiaspis……………………………………………............................127
圖四十一、印尼海龍Microphis manadensis……………………………………............................128
圖四十二、雷氏腹囊海龍Microphis retzii……………………………………….............................128
圖四十三、腹囊海龍屬待鑑種Microphis sp.……………………………………............................128
圖四十四、腹囊海龍屬新紀錄種Microphis yoshi………………………………............................129
圖四十五、黑錐海龍Phoxocampus belcheri……………………………………...........................129
圖四十六、雙棘錐海龍Phoxocampus diacanthus…………………………………......................129
圖四十七、錐海龍屬待鑑種海龍Phoxocampus sp.………………………………........................130
圖四十八、哈氏柄頷海龍Solegnathus hardwickii原始彩圖……………………...........................130
圖四十九、哈氏柄頷海龍Solegnathus hardwickii………………………………...........................130
圖五十、雙棘擬海龍Syngnathoides biaculeatus…………………………………........................131
圖五十一、漂海龍Syngnathus pelagicus………………………………………….........................131
圖五十二、靴氏海龍Syngnathus schlegeli………………………………………..........................132
圖五十三、短尾粗吻海龍Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus…………………………........................132
圖五十四、長吻粗吻海龍Trachyrhamphus longirostris…………………………..........................133
圖五十五、鉅粗吻海龍Trachyrhamphus serratus………………………………...........................133
圖五十六、紅光尾海龍Festucalex erythraeus原始…………………………….............................134
圖五十七、紅光尾海龍Festucalex erythraeus頭部示意圖……………………….........................134
圖六十、海龍科魚類屬階層依照育兒囊型態分類(Hearld 1959).................................................141
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