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博碩士論文 etd-0808119-102218 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0808119-102218
情緒勞動如何影響服務績效? 工作倦怠的中介效果與員工心理資本的調節效果
How Emotional Labor Impacts Service Performance? The Mediating Effect of Job Burnout and the Moderating Effect of Psychological Capital.
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
psychological capital, service performance, job burnout, deep acting, surface acting, emotional labor
本論文已被瀏覽 5991 次,被下載 235
The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5991 times, has been downloaded 235 times.
本研究以工作要求—資源模式(Job demands-resources model)觀點,探討情緒 勞動透過工作倦怠影響服務績效之歷程,進一步了解心理資本對於情緒勞動到工 作倦怠之間是否會產生調節效果。研究對象為同一金融保險公司共 62 位客服人員, 以每日 2 次之經驗抽樣法收集 5 天問卷資料,共獲得 301 份有效配對之每日問卷, 多層次路徑分析結果顯示:(1)員工表層演出越多,工作倦怠越高;(2)員工表層 演出會透過工作倦怠的中介而降低服務績效;(3)擁有高回復力特質者,可以減緩 表層演出與工作倦怠的正向關係。本研究亦依據研究結果,提出實務管理意涵與未 來研究建議。
Based on job demands-resources model, this study investigated the mediating role of job burnout between emotional labor and service performance. Nevertheless, current study also estimated whether psychological capital would moderate the relationship between emotional labor and job burnout. Utilizing an experience sampling methodology through which 62 employees were surveyed for five workdays (N = 301), the results of multilevel path analysis suggested the following results: (1) Surface acting were positively associated with job burnout. (2) Burnout mediated the relationship between surface acting and service performance. (3) The personality trait of resilience moderated the relationship between surface acting and job burnout, such that the positive relationship was weaker when resilience was high but stronger when low. In summary, this study provided several practical implications and future suggestions based on the results.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書......................................................................................... i
英文摘要 ............................................................................................iii
目錄 ....................................................................................................iv
圖目次 ................................................................................................v
第一章 緒論 ........................................................................................1
第二章 文獻回顧與假設......................................................................5
第一節 情緒勞動與工作倦怠之關係 ..................................................5
第二節 工作倦怠對情緒勞動與服務績效間關係之中介效果 ............7
第三節 心理資本的調節效果 .............................................................9
第三章 研究方法 ...............................................................................12
第一節 研究樣本與研究程序 ............................................................12
第二節 研究工具 ...............................................................................14
第三節 資料分析方法........................................................................16
第四節 驗證性因素分析....................................................................16
第四章 研究結果 ..............................................................................17
第一節 敘述性統計與相關係數表.... ...............................................17
第二節 假設檢定 ..............................................................................18
第三節 補充分析...............................................................................21
第五章 討論與建議 ..........................................................................23
第一節 研究結論....... .......................................................................23
第二節 實務管理意涵 ......................................................................25
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 ...................................................26
參考文獻 ..........................................................................................28
附錄 ..................................................................................................33
附件一 問卷調查表一次性問卷 ........................................................33
附件二 問卷調查表每日問卷 ............................................................36
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