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博碩士論文 etd-0807118-011115 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0807118-011115
The study on distribution and shell growth rings of giant clams in Taiwan
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giant clam, distribution, density, growth ring, water temperature
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硨磲貝亞科(Tridacninae)是珊瑚礁常見的物種,龐大的外殼在市場上有做飾品及收藏品的價值。因過度捕撈,已經被CITES列為世界稀有海洋生物。本研究調查本省硨磲貝的分布及探討水溫和硨磲貝殼生長輪之相關性。利用潛水方式調查本省及各離島海域硨磲貝的密度及分布情況,結果發現東沙的密度最高(1.11 N/100m 2),在基隆市及台北縣均沒有發現硨磲貝;長硨磲貝(Tridacna maxima) 是分布最廣的種類,硨磲貝密度最高的地區為綠島保護區;外島地區同種硨磲貝之最大殼長大於本島且出現在較深的水域;菱硨磲貝僅在太平島發現。由於硨磲貝殼生長輪與水溫週期變動有關,硨磲貝殼亦應用在古氣候的研究上,本論文利用Mutvei’s solution染色,檢視硨磲貝外殼層、內殼層及絞齒板之生長輪數,對應當地的水溫,推估硨磲貝年齡。結果發現外殼層、內殼層及絞齒板三處之生長輪數量一致,因此,大樣本以絞齒板檢視較合適,而生長輪在水溫度週期性變化差距大時較為明顯;若水溫變化具年週期性,則可由生長輪評估硨磲貝年齡。
Giant clams (Subfamily: Tridacninae) are common species in coral reefs which also have high commercial values. Due to overfishing, they are listed in CITES for protection need. This study was conducted to investigate the distribution of giant clams in Taiwan and the correlation of shell growth ring and water temperature. The results showed that Dongsha had the highest density (1.11 N/100 m 2), and no giant clams were found in Keelung and Taipei counties. Tridacna maxima were the most widely distributed species, and the highest density area was in the Green Island protected area. The size of the same species was smaller and distributed shallower in Taiwan than the ones in adjacent islands. In addition, Hippopus hippopus was only found in Taiping Island. Because shell growth rings are correlated to periodic water temperature changes, it is also used in paleoclimate studies. Here, the Mutvei’s staining method was used to examine the correlation of water temperature and shell growth rings, including the inner layer, outer layer and hinge plate. The results show that the numbers of growth ring in the three parts were consistent. Therefore, it is suitable to examine large samples by hinge plate. The growth rings were more obvious when the range of water temperature changes were large. If changes of water temperature have annual periodicity, the age of giant clams can be estimated by growth rings.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
附錄目錄 ix
肆、討論 10
伍、參考文獻 14
附表 18
附圖 24
參考文獻 References
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參考網站:台灣環境資訊協會-環境資訊中心 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.
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