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博碩士論文 etd-0806108-220309 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0806108-220309
The Impaction and Stratigy of Hospital after Implementation of Diagnosis Related Group---a Regional Hospital Experience
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Balanced scorecard, Diagnosis related group, BCG model
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臺灣全民健康保險至今約十三年,開辦之初是採用論量計酬制(Fee For Service),但醫療機構為增加收入而衝量,且健保審核困難,造成醫療資源支出逐年上升。全民健康保險局雖然實施一連串費用控管措施如論件計酬、自主管理、卓越計劃及醫院總額支付制度,但隨著國民生活水平提高,平均壽命增加,醫療需求及費用也隨之提高,至今健保收支已嚴重失衡。因而研擬在美國及其他先進國家多年來實施有良好成效的住院診斷關聯群(Diagnosis related group, 以下簡稱DRG)支付方式。此項支付制度是採前瞻性訂價方式,使整體之醫療費用支出易於控制。然此制度雖經過多位專家多次的討論並且完成臺灣版診斷關聯群及修改已至第三版,但正式實施時間仍一再延後,主因健保局每推出新措施以節控費用,現實上對各醫療機構經營都會產生不同程度之影響及損失,故醫界對此制度實施存有很大的疑慮及阻力。民眾也擔心DRG定額給付下,將重症患者往外推,導致醫療人球,尤其是收容許多重症患者的醫學中心,即使有DRG加成給付,也只是杯水車薪,使得原本應做的檢查項目可能縮水,影響就醫權益與品質。
本研究以某區域醫院95及96年之住院各科及各主要診斷類別 (Major diagnosis category, 以下簡稱MDCs)費用分析及導入DRG前後費用之差異並以BCG model分析。其中96年度該醫院開始宣導及規劃導入DRG,可與95年度做一比較來模擬實施DRG前後對該院費用之差異。同時比較該院95及96年之各醫療績效及品質指標來模擬實施DRG前後對該院品質及績效之差異。
National Health Insurance (NHI) is more than 13 years in Taiwan. The NHI paid medical fees to service providers on the basis of "fee-for-service" in the beginning. However, the cases numbers were increased by health providers for erned more money. Besides, it was very difficult to review the cases. The health capital expenditure was increased gradually. The Bureau of National Health Insurance took a serial measures to finance control, such as “case-payment”, “self-management”, “hospital excellence program” and “global budget reimubursement system”. But the medical needs elevate due to the life quality and life expectancy increased, unbalance of payments is very serious。Our government began to investigate the excellent “diagnosis related group payment system” which carried out in America and other OECD countries for many years. The prospective payment system made medical costs more easily control. Though Taiwan diagnosis related groups was finished and was revised to the third edition on the basis of experts consensus during many times of discussion, the exacted time of execution is delayed again and again. Mainly in Taiwan medical league doubted and blocked the new measure. Moreover, people worried about would become medical garbage because health institute refused critical patient owing to DRG fixed payment or few percentage additional charges, especially in medical centers. It might decrease the examination items and compromised the patient rights and quality of medical care. Eeverytimes when NHI implemented new measure to control medical capital expenditure, it resulted in some degree damage to medical institute in fact.
This study analysed the regional hospital income and the difference of implementation DRG by major diagnosis categories and sections in 2006 and 2007 with BCG model. The hospital begame to promote DRG payment system in 2007, compared to 2006, may simulate the difference after implementation of DRG. We also compared the medical performance and medical care quality of 2007 to 2006 to simulate the difference after implementation of DRG.
The thesis reviewed the results of execution DRG in others countries and summarized some experts and scholars advisement abut the impaction of DRG carried out in Taiwan. At last, we interviewed to the department directors about the opinions and suggestions of DRG in-depth and addressed the responsive strategies and balanced scorcard implementation。
DRG payment system was proved as an excellent measure by others countries. It could control the medical cost effectively and did not compromise medical care quality. There are several measures, including “global budget reimubursement system”, “case- payment” and “fee-for-outcome”in Taiwan. Is the result of DRG implementation in Taiwan diffierent to other DRG countaries?Our conclusions are implementation DRG may not damage to hospital finance and medical care quality may decrease a little in the first time. For checking on medical care quality critically, it is necessary for hospitals and Bureau of NHI to set up peer review organization
目次 Table of Contents
摘要 ……………………….…………………………1
論文審定書 ……………………….….…………..….2
Abstract …….…………….…………………………iii
目錄 …………………………….………………
表目錄 ……………………………….…..…………ix
圖目錄 ………………………………….… ……….x
第一章 緒論 …………………………...…….……1
第一節 研究背景與動機 …………….……….……1
第二節 研究目的……….…………..…..….………2
第三節 研究方法與範圍………………..…..…….…2
第二章 文獻探討 ……….………………..……….…3
第一節 全民健保之困境 …….…………..………….3
第二節 診斷關聯群概述 ……………..…………….6
一、診斷關聯群緣起 ……………………..………….6
二、診斷關聯群相關名詞簡介 ……..………….8
三、診斷關聯群簡介 ……………………..………10
四、各國實施概況 ………………………..………13
第三節 臺灣診斷關聯群 …………………..………15
第四節 DRG與健保現行其他制度之比較 .……17
第五節 美國Medicare實施DRG後之衝擊………18
第六節 對醫院可能的衝擊 ……...…..…….………23
第三章 研究方法..………………………..……..25
第一節 研究流程與架構…………………..….….…25
第二節 BCG Model ………………….……..…..…26
第三節 導入DRG後,費用之差異性以BCG Model分析……….……………27
第四節 深度訪談…………………….…………..…27
第四章 結果分析 ……………………….....………29
第一節 以BCG Model分析導入DRG前後費用之差異性………….…..…..…29
第二節 醫療績效及品質指標分析 ..….…..………34
第三節 深度訪談資料分析 ………….………....…37
第五章 實施DRG後之因應策略與平衡計分卡導入……………..…..…...………45
第一節 因應策略………….…….….…………..…45
第二節 平衡計分卡導入………….………..……51
第六章 結論與建議 ….………….…..…….……55
第一節 結論……………………..…....…………55
第二節 研究限制………………….……...………56
第三節 後續研究建議 .……...…….……………..58
參考文獻 ……………………………...……...…….58
英文部份 ……………………………...…..…...…….58
附錄二:訪談紀實 ……….……………………...…63
附錄三:DRG規劃暨因應委員會成員 ..…………70
附錄四:住院診療計劃書 ………………………71
附錄五:臨床路徑 ………………………………72
表2.1 我國人口年齢結構 ……………………....……5
表2.2.2各MDC名稱表及相對DRGS項次 …………10
表2.3.5 TW-DRG 導入時程表 ……………………16
表4.1-1 95及96年度DRG各科費用狀況 ………….29
表4.1-2 95及96年度DRG各MDC費用狀況 ………31
表4.2-1 95及96年度DRG與非DRG醫療績效比較表 …………..……………35
表4.2-2 95及96年度門診績效與醫療成效比較表 36
圖2.1-1 台灣支付制度演進…………………..………3
圖2.1-2各國醫療費用年平均成長率 ………………...4
圖2.1-3每人醫療費用與每人GDP之關係 …………..4
圖2.1-4保險對象平均核付費用 ……………...……6
圖2.2.1-1醫療品質與醫療花費關係曲線圖 ……….7
圖2.2.1-2 醫療產業之輸入與產出 ……………...…7
圖2.2.3-1 TW-DRGs分類架構示意圖 ………..….....11
圖2.2.3-2支付方式 …………………….…….…….12
圖2.2.4-1 十九個開始實施DRG之已開發國家.……14
圖2.2.4-2 計畫實施DRG之國家 …………….………14
圖3.1研究流程與架構 ……………….…….….……25
圖3.2 BCG模式 ……………………….…….….……26
圖4.1-1 95年度DRG各科費用狀況 ….……..……30
圖4.1-2 96年度DRG各科費用狀況 ……..……….30
圖4.1-3 95年度DRG各MDC費用狀況 ………..….…32
圖4.1-4 96年度DRG各MDC費用狀況 …..….……32
圖5.3-1資訊系统運用於DRG編碼 .................49
圖5.3-1資訊系统運用於住院中費用之監控 ………50
圖5.4 平衡計分卡 ………………………..…………52
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