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博碩士論文 etd-0804120-140912 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0804120-140912
善因行銷「左」、「右」你的心? 善因/產品圖片左右相對位置、產品類型與善因圖片情緒表現對廣告效果的影響
Left or Right in Cause-Related Marketing? Impacts of Product-Cause Image Position, Product Type and Emotional Expression of Cause Image on Advertising Effectiveness
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
casue-related marketing (CRM), lateral display, product type, emotional expression, processing fluency
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本研究進行四個實驗。實驗一和二檢視產品類型來的干擾效果,進行 2(善因/
產品圖片左右相對位置:善因置於產品左邊 vs. 善因置於產品右邊)x2(產品類型:
Cause-related marketing (CRM) is a charitable activity built between a company and a nonprofit organization. A firm donates money to a cause for every purchase that consumers makes. Advertising has been found to paly an important role in CRM effectiveness. The current research examines how lateral display between the images of product and cause (i.e., place the product and cause in a lef-right position) makes a difference in CRM effectiveness.
Four experiments are conducted in this research. The first two studies focus on the moderating role of product type and use a 2 (lateral display: product left—casue right vs. product right—cause left) x 2 (product type: hedonic vs. utilitarian) between-subjects design. Participants’ attitudes and purchase intention serve as dependent measures. Processing fluency is proposed as the underlying mechanism. Percevied impact, sympathy, and guilt are alternative mediators. The third and fourth studies further examine the emotional expression of a cause image as the other moderator on advertising effectiveness. Processing fluency is also tested as the mediator.
The experiments show that the lateral display of product left—casue right (product right-cause left) position leads to greater advertising effectiveness when the product is perceived as hedonic (utilitarian). The results further show that when emotional expression of a cause image is considered, sad (vs. happy) emotion enhances the effects of product left—casue right (vs. product right-cause left) for the hedonic (vs. utilitarian) product. Processing fluency serves as the mechanism underlying the phenomena above. The current research offers important theorectical and managerial implications.
目次 Table of Contents

第壹章 緒論​1
第貳章 文獻回顧​9
第一節 前言​9
第二節 善因行銷​9
第三節 左右位置的相關文獻​14
第四節 產品類型​17
第五節 情緒與表情​23
第六節 處理流暢性​25
第七節 小結​26
第參章 研究假設和研究架構​27
第一節 前言​27
第二節 研究假設與架構​27
第三節 小結​32
第肆章 實驗一設計與分析​33
第一節 前言​33
第二節 研究變數的操作型定義與衡量​33
第三節 研究設計​35
第四節 分析結果​37
第五節 小結​41
第伍章 實驗二設計與分析​42
第一節 前言​42
第二節 研究變數的操作型定義與衡量​42
第三節 研究設計​44
第四節 分析結果​45
第五節 小結​60
第陸章 實驗三設計與分析​61
第一節 前言​61
第二節 研究變數的操作型定義與衡量​61
第三節 研究設計​63
第四節 分析結果​65
第五節 小結​71
第柒章 實驗四設計與分析​72
第一節 前言​72
第二節 研究變數的操作型定義與衡量​72
第三節 個人差異變數​75
第四節 研究設計​75
第五節 分析結果​76
第六節 小結​88
第捌章 總結​89
第一節 前言​89
第二節 研究結果討論​89
第三節 研究貢獻​91
第四節 研究限制​93
第五節 未來研究方向​94
第六節 總結​95
附錄一 實驗一問卷​115
附錄二 實驗二問卷​131
附錄三 實驗三問卷​139
附錄四 實驗四問卷​187
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