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Title page for etd-0803116-090136
The sponge assemblage and sponge-associated microbial composition at the seawater aquafarm in southern Taiwan
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次世代定序、16S rRNA、共生菌相、養殖環境、海綿
marine sponges, aquaculture, bacteria community, next generation sequencing, 16S rRNA
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6054 times, has been downloaded 71 times.
本研究探討台灣南部海水養殖場之海綿物種多樣性及其共生菌相。於2015年5月~2016年2月間,共發現6種尋常海綿和1種鈣質海綿,都是台灣的新記錄種,分別為Clathrina aff. beckingae、Pachastrella aff. fusca、Hymeniacidon aff. flavia、Esperiopsis sp.、Dragmacidon sp.、Chalinula cf. amoyensisc和Suberites sp.。其中,5種尋常海綿穩定生長於調查區域內的不同樣點(S2、S3、S4、S7),且樣點S7之磷酸鹽、硝酸鹽及亞硝酸鹽均較其他樣點高。利用次世代定序技術進行海綿及海水樣本16S rRNA之基因定序,並針對V3~V5區域與資料庫中的序列比對,共鑑定出6個主要細菌門,分別為變形菌門(Proteobacteria)、擬桿菌門(Bacteroidetes)、厚壁菌門(Firmicutes)、放線菌門(Actinobacteria)、藍菌門(Cyanobacteria)及梭桿菌門(Fusobacteria)。以屬的分類階層(genus level)來看,Pseudoalteromonas、Thalassomonas、Sediminicola和Vibrio等細菌屬在海水樣本含量較多,而Azospirillum、Rickettsia、Nisaea和Acaryochloris等細菌屬在海綿樣本含量較多,顯示海綿確實具有獨特的共生菌相;依菌相組成進行相似度分析,發現生長在同樣點的海綿種類,其體內共生菌相也較類似,但這些微生物與海綿間的關係仍有待進一步之研究。
The aim of this study was to investigate the sponge species diversity and sponge-associated microbial composition at a seawater aquafarm in southern Taiwan. During the period of May 2015 - February 2016, six demosponges and one calcareous sponge species were found, including Clathrina aff. beckingae, Pachastrella aff. fusca, Hymeniacidon aff. flavia, Esperiopsis sp., Dragmacidon sp., Chalinula cf. amoyensisc and Suberites sp. All of them were Taiwan’s new records. Five of them grew steadily at sites of S2, S3, S4, and S7. Among the sites, S7 had much higher concentrations of phosphate, nitrate and nitrite than all others. Through the examination on the 16S rRNA V3~V5 region by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) tool, six major bacterial phyla were identified, including Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Fusobacteria. Based on the generic level comparison, Pseudoalteromonas, Thalassomonas, Sediminicola and Vibrio were more abundant in seawater samples. In contrast, Azospirillum, Rickettsia, Nisaea and Acaryochloris had higher amount in sponge samples. The results indicated that sponges had their unique microbiome. Besides, different sponge species from the same sites had similar microbial compositions. However, the process of relation-establishment between sponges and sponge-associated microbials still needs further research.
目次 Table of Contents
目錄..................... ..........................................ⅳ
圖次............................................................... ⅴ
壹、 前言.............................................................1
貳、 研究材料與方法...................................................6
參、 結果............................................................10
肆、 討論............................................................20
伍、 結論............................................................28
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