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博碩士論文 etd-0802119-064913 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0802119-064913
Do you like my songs? The Effect of Music Tempo and Language in Political Campaign Songs
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political campaign songs, emotional arousal, persuasion, intrusiveness, party preference
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為了解競選歌曲元素對選民的傳播效果(情緒、態度、注意和記憶),本研究旨在探討:競選歌曲的節奏類型、歌詞中使用的語言,如何藉由情緒喚起,影響對選民的競選傳播效果,以及政黨傾向一致、不一致或中立的選民,聆聽到政黨候選人之競選歌曲時,情緒喚起對於傳播效果的影響是否有別。本研究採用量化研究的實驗法,透過三個實驗,共有以下重要發現:競選歌曲的節奏快(vs. 慢)、歌詞使用雙語或臺語(vs. 國語)可使選民產生較高的情緒喚起,又歌詞語言的效果僅出現於快節奏時;此外,情緒喚起對於歌曲喜好度、候選人喜好度、投票意願的影響為倒U型關係,適中的喚起可產生最佳的說服效果,不過此一效果又受選民的政黨傾向偏好一致性所干擾,對於政黨偏好一致的選民,情緒喚起為單調的正向影響,對於中立選民,則為倒U型影響,而對政黨偏好不一致的選民,基本上提高情緒喚起也會帶來有利的態度反應,唯過高的喚起可能降低投票意願;至於在滲入效果方面,則情緒喚起的影響同樣為倒U型關係。
In 2014, the theme song of Sunflower Student Movement “Island’s Sunrise’’ that was sung in native language is used to symbolize progress and future. “Island’s Sunrise’’ strikes a chord, wins widespread singing, and even receives the ‘Song of the Year’ of Golden Melody Awards.
Political figures seeking public identification are particularly eager to influence voters through the power of music. Campaign songs that evoke resonance are emotionally appealing and the appeal in the songs is very moving. What kind of art form will catalyze the voters’ emotions? What kind of aesthetic form can change the election results?
The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of music tempo and language use in song lyrics on voters in election contexts, and to understand the mediating effect of emotional arousal on the relationship between music elements and voters’ attitudes, attention and memory. This research conducted three experiments to test the hypotheses. The results indicate that (1) fast (vs. slow) tempo and bilingual lyrics and Taiwanese lyrics (vs. mandarin) increase emotional arousal, but the effect of language only appears under the fast tempo condition; (2) emotional arousal has an inverted-U effect on song preference, candidate preference and voting intention; namely, medium-arousal generates the best persuasive effect; (3) party preference moderates the inverted-U relationship between emotional arousal and dependent variables. When voters’ party preference is consistent with the party of campaign songs, emotional arousal has a positive impact; emotional arousal has an inverted-U effect in independent voters; increasing degree of emotional arousal improves attitudes of the voters whose party preference is inconsistent with the party of campaign songs; however, over-high level of emotional arousal might lower voting intention. The research also found the inverted-U relationship between emotional arousal and intrusiveness effect.
Music has become a tool to build political identity. This paper provides related theoretical implications in political campaign songs, emotional arousal, code-switching, the limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing, construal level theory, and elaboration likelihood model, and also gives practical implications to political campaign staff.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 8
第三節、研究問題 15
第四節、研究目的 15
第五節、研究範圍 16
第二章、文獻探討 17
第一節、音樂與政治 17
第二節、近年的音樂研究 26
第三節、過去音樂節奏之實驗操作定義 29
第四節、音樂認知心理相關研究 32
第五節、語碼轉換 35
第三章、研究架構與假說推論 37
第一節、研究架構 37
第二節、假說推論 38
第四章、實驗一 45
第一節、研究方法 46
一、樣本與實驗設計 46
二、實驗刺激和前測 47
三、實驗程序 52
四、變數衡量 53
第二節、分析結果 55
一、研究樣本組成 55
二、變數平均值、標準差及量表信度分析 56
三、操弄性檢驗 57
四、假說驗證 57
第三節、討論 59
第五章、實驗二 62
第一節、研究方法 62
一、樣本與實驗設計 62
二、實驗刺激 63
三、實驗程序 63
四、衡量變數 65
第二節、分析結果 67
一、研究樣本組成 67
三、操弄性檢驗 70
四、假說驗證 71
第三節、討論 81
第六章、實驗三 85
第一節、研究方法 85
第二節、分析結果 86
一、研究樣本組成 86
二、變數平均值、標準差及量表信度分析 88
三、操弄性檢驗 88
四、假說驗證 89
第三節 討論 91
第七章、結論與建議 93
第一節、主要研究發現 93
第二節、理論意涵 94
第三節、實務建議 97
第四節、研究限制與未來研究方向 99
參考文獻 102
附錄一 前測一14首歌曲 114
附錄二 前測一問卷 115
附錄三 前測二問卷 118
附錄四 實驗一實驗三歌曲〈親眼目睹〉歌詞 121
附錄五 實驗二歌曲〈流浪臺中〉歌詞 123
附錄六 正式實驗各版本歌曲聆聽片段 126
附錄七 實驗一問卷 128
附錄八 實驗二問卷 133
附錄九 實驗三問卷 140
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