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博碩士論文 etd-0731119-133541 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0731119-133541
「身」動引起「心」動? 運動廣告中動態意象與概念隱喻對消費者態度反應之影響
Is Tempting Heart Caused by Movement? The Impact of Dynamic Imagery and Conceptual Metaphor on Consumers’ Attitudinal Responses
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Dynamic imagery, Sports advertisements, Conceptual metaphor, Brand-consumer relationship, Processing fluency, Mental simulation
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We can see a variety of pictures in our daily life. The visual images are common elements in advertising, and they can be divided into static imagery and dynamic imagery. Dynamic imagery is that people mentally completing the movement of the action depicted in the picture. Observing sports advertisements around us, we can find that dynamic imagery is applied in many advertisements to increase consumers’ visual input and attract their attention. Moreover, the promoted targets in sports advertisements are used or watched in the state of movement, and such ads usually emphasize dynamic imagery more than other types of advertisements to present a sense of movement. However, static imagery is also used in sports advertisements to present the characteristics of spokespersons or product features. Therefore, understanding the impact of dynamic (vs. static) imagery on consumers’ attitudinal responses and how to generate better advertising effects by considering the direction of dynamic imagery, conceptual metaphors, and differently positioned sports products and brands is an important issue.
Two pilot studies and three experiments were conducted to test the research hypotheses. Experiment 1 examined how dynamic imagery affects consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions by the mechanism of mental simulation. Based on the perspective of conceptual metaphors, Experiments 2 and 3 examined how the interaction of the direction of dynamic imagery and product/brand positioning affects advertising effects by the mechanism of processing fluency. The research results indicate the following key findings. (1) Dynamic imagery (vs. static imagery) can induce more process-focused and outcome-focused mental simulation and generate better advertising effects, and mental simulation (process-focused first and then outcome-focused) sequentially mediates the advertising effects of dynamic imagery. (2) Traditional positioning and modern positioning of sports products can link with the time concept of past and future, respectively. (3) The combination of traditional positioning of sports products and leftward dynamic imagery and the combination of modern positioning of sports products and rightward dynamic imagery can improve processing fluency and then positively affect the advertising effects. (4) As to brand-consumer relationships, consumers feel that they have an intimate relationship with a friend-like brand, but they are not close to a leader-like brand. (5) The combination of a friend-like sports brand and forward dynamic imagery and the combination of a leader-like sports brand and backward dynamic imagery can lead to better advertising effects by increasing processing fluency. Research results provide the theoretical contributions and practical suggestions to the application of dynamic imagery in the sports advertisements.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 9
第三節、研究問題 12
第四節、研究目的 13
第五節、研究範圍 14
第二章 文獻探討 16
第一節、運動行銷、消費與運動廣告 16
一、運動行銷(Sports Marketing)的類型 16
二、運動消費 (Sports Consumption) 17
三、運動廣告 21
第二節、動態意象 (Dynamic imagery) 23
一、動態意象與靜態意象 23
二、動態意象在神經科學、藝術設計與認知心理學領域之相關研究 23
三、動態意象在消費者行為領域的相關研究 24
第三節、心理模擬 (Mental Simulation) 31
一、心理模擬定義 31
二、心理模擬類型 31
三、心理模擬相關研究 32
四、視覺刺激心理模擬的過程 35
第四節、概念隱喻 (Conceptual Metaphor) 36
一、概念隱喻理論 (Conceptual Metaphor Theory, CMT) 36
二、空間相關之概念隱喻 38
三、空間相關的概念隱喻在廣告上的應用 40
第五節、品牌 — 消費者關係 44
一、品牌─消費者關係 44
二、消費者─品牌關係類型 45
三、領導者關係類型與朋友關係類型 48
第六節、處理流暢性 52
第三章 研究架構與假說推論 54
第一節、廣告中動態意象影響消費者態度與行為之研究 54
一、研究架構 54
二、研究假說 55
第二節、運動產品定位與動態意象之概念隱喻對廣告效果的影響 57
一、研究架構 57
二、研究假說 57
第三節、運動品牌定位與動態意象之概念隱喻對廣告效果的影響 62
一、研究架構 62
二、研究假說 62
第四章 研究方法 65
第一節、實驗一 65
一、樣本與實驗設計 65
二、實驗刺激與前測 66
三、實驗程序 81
四、變數衡量 82
五、資料分析 84
第二節、實驗二 99
一、樣本與實驗設計 99
二、實驗刺激與預試 100
三、實驗程序 107
四、變數衡量 108
五、資料分析 112
第三節、實驗三 130
一、樣本與實驗設計 130
二、實驗刺激與預試 130
三、實驗程序 146
四、變數衡量 147
五、資料分析 151
第五章 結論與建議 168
第一節、研究發現 168
第二節、研究意涵 173
一、理論意涵 173
二、實務意涵 179
第三節、研究限制與未來研究方向 183
參考文獻 187
一、中文文獻 187
二、英文文獻 188
附錄一、前測問卷 200
前測一:運動習慣與消費行為 200
前測二:廣告圖像與品牌調查 202
附錄二、預試問卷 215
預試一:商品廣告調查(A)(B) 215
預試二:品牌廣告調查(A)(B) 220
預試三:新品牌廣告調查(A)(B) 227
附錄三、實驗問卷 236
實驗一:運動服飾廣告調查(A-D) 236
實驗二:運動鞋廣告(A-D) 244
實驗三:運動品牌廣告(A-D) 252
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