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Title page for etd-0731116-171306
Characteristic of Particulate Composition in Near-shore Water surrounding Taiwan
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biogenic particle, C/N ratio, particulate Al, particle composition, coastal water
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近岸的懸浮顆粒依據其來源與顆粒組成可分為生物性與礦物性或陸源性與海源性等,礦物性顆粒主要是因陸地上岩石風化,由河川將顆粒帶至海洋中;生物性顆粒則包含陸地及海洋中的浮游生物與死亡後的殼體及植物碎屑等有機物質;陸源性顆粒為無機礦物或有機碎屑藉由河川輸入至近岸水體中,海源性顆粒則由海洋中的浮游生物等所組成。為探討臺灣近岸海水中懸浮顆粒於不同顆粒大小的特性與分布,本研究以多層次粒徑收集器(Catnet Sequential Filtration)進行樣品採集。藉由不同網目,將海水分為大於150 µm、60-150µm、10-60 µm及0.4-10 µm的顆粒樣品,各顆粒大小之組成分別為粗砂與大型浮游生物(含生物碎屑)、砂及大型浮游動物、粉砂與小型浮游動物及大型浮游植物、黏土和小型浮游植物。
研究結果顯示,懸浮顆粒與葉綠素濃度皆隨顆粒粒徑愈小濃度愈高,且濕季濃度高於乾季。顆粒中含有一定濃度的鋁,因此鋁濃度不受季節性變化影響,其中小顆粒(小於60 µm)中的鋁濃度高於大顆粒。根據顆粒鋁濃度計算礦物性顆粒所佔百分比的結果,總懸浮顆粒態的礦物性顆粒含量平均為66%,顯示臺灣近岸以礦物性顆粒為主。其中,臺灣西部近岸的小型(<60 µm)懸浮顆粒以礦物性顆粒為主,而大型(>60 µm)懸浮顆粒的組成則以生物性顆粒為主。除了2012年5月的60~150 µm及擁有高流量與高懸浮顆粒濃度站位的生物性顆粒來源為陸源性顆粒外,臺灣近岸水中生物性顆粒碳氮比約為7.34,大部分屬海源性顆粒。
Suspended particulate matter in coastal water includes abiotic (mineral) and biotic particles,and terrestrial and marine particles which can be defined by its composition. Mineral particles are composed of mineral material derived from the weathering of crustal material, and are mainly consist of quratz and other primary aluminosilicate minerals. The biogenic component is generated in situ or externally by biological process, and includes microorganisms, plankton, fecal matter and marine and terrestrial plant debris.
Mineral and biogenic particles can not be easily separated during sampling, so Al, which was regarding as a tracer of terrestrial lithogenic particles, is usedto calculate the percentages of mineral/biogenic contribution in suspended particles. In order to understand the contribution of marine or terrestrial sources, particulate organic carbon (POC), C/N ratio, chlorophyll aand phaeopigment a, were determined in size-fractionated coastal particles to characterized various sources of particles in coastal seawaters off Taiwan. Seasonal variation was accessed with samples collected on May and Octocber, 2012.
In this study, I found that the concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM), chlorophyll a and phaeopigment a in wet season are hgher than in dry season. Besides, there is no significant seasonal variation in the concentrations of Al.
A significant portion of suspended particles in coastal waters surrounding Taiwan are composed of marine particles, except for those stations near high discharge and suspended particulate matter in May 2012, which are composed of predominantly terrestrial particles.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
誌謝 iii
摘要 v
Abstract vi
目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 近岸顆粒來源 1
1-2 海水中的懸浮顆粒 1
1-3 顆粒中生物/非生物性之顆粒特性 3
1-3-1 礦物性參數-顆粒中的鋁元素 3
1-3-2 葉綠素甲與脫鎂色素甲 5
1-4 臺灣近岸環境與季節變化 6
1-5 研究目的 6
第二章 材料與方法 8
2-1 研究區域 8
2-2 採樣站位與時間 8
2-3 實驗設備與器材 11
2-4 採樣方法 13
2-5 樣品處理與實驗分析 15
2-5-1 葉綠素 15
2-5-2 顆粒態有機碳、氮 16
2-5-3 顆粒態樣品前處理與鋁分析 16
第三章 結果 18
3-1 水文資料 18
3-1-1 採樣平均流量與鹽度 18
3-2 懸浮顆粒物質(Suspended Particulate Matter) 22
3-3 葉綠素甲(Chlorophyll a)與脫鎂色素(Phaeopigment a) 25
3-4 顆粒態鋁濃度 30
3-5 顆粒態有機碳 34
3-6 顆粒態重量有機碳氮比(C/N ratio) 35
3-7 生物性與礦物性百分比 39
3-7-1 生物性與礦物性顆粒百分比之計算 39
3-7-2 臺灣近岸懸浮顆粒之生物性百分比 42
第四章 討論 47
4-1 臺灣近岸生物性顆粒之分析 47
4-2 臺灣近岸顆粒之特性 47
第五章 結論 50
參考文獻 51
附錄A 57
附錄B 60
附錄C 61
附錄D 67
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