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Title page for etd-0730120-205306
Impact of Internship Experience on Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Survey of Undergraduates from Department of Food and Beverage in Southern Taiwan
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perceived feasibility, perceived desirability, perceived self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intention, internship experience, partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM).
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在台灣的大學教育中尤其是技職體系,實習已成為教育中必要的一環。學生在實習中的體驗往往影響未來的生涯選擇,實習生在實習的工作環境中也可提早了解產業的工作方式與需求,並獲取豐富的工作經驗。本研究的目的在於探討餐飲系學生實習體驗對於創業意圖的影響。創業是一種有計畫的行為,可經由對行為的意圖來預測(Krueger & Carsrud,1993)。由於創業意圖是創業行為的前驅,因此對於創業意圖的研究,有助於了解學生未來的創業行為。此外,認知心理學對於創業意圖有重要的影響。因此本研究以感知自我效能、感知欲望與感知可行性為中介因子,探討對於實習體驗與創業意圖之間是否有影響。
1. 實習體驗至創業意圖的直接效果達顯著水準。
2. 在實習體驗至創業意圖之間,感知欲望與感知可行性達到完全中介效果。感知自我效能則未達顯著中介效果。
3. 在實習體驗至創業意圖之間,性別並無顯著差異,雖然實習體驗對於感知效能、欲望和可行性呈顯著差異。
1. 餐飲科系可加強創業課程的實施,配合校外實習,讓學生找到未來創業的定位。
2. 經由學校連結外界資源,以個別學生或群組為單位,在學校進行創業的演練與實習,提升學生創業的興趣與自信。
3. 提供創業競賽與獎學金,讓學生實現創業的夢想。
In Taiwan’s college education, especially the technical and vocational sectors, internship has become a vital part of the training. The experience of a students in the internship often affects a student’s future career decision. In the working environments of the internship, interns can also understand the approach and demand of the industry early and gain rich work experience.
This research aims to explore the impact of the internship experience of catering students on entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a planned behavior that can be predicted by the intentions of behavior (Krueger & Carsrud, 1993). Also, cognitive psychology has an important influence on entrepreneurship itself. Therefore, this study uses perceived self-efficacy, perceived desirability, and perceived feasibility as a mediator to explore whether internship experience has an impact on the entrepreneurial intentions.
The investigation was based on purposive sampling. The research subjects were students from the Food and Beverage Management Department of three technological universities in southern Taiwan and a Culinary Arts Department of a comprehensive university who have complete an internship course. The effective sample size was 191. The data obtained were analyzed by the partial least square method-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM).
The results obtained in this study are as follows:
1. The direct effect of internship experience to the entrepreneurship intention reaches a significant level.
2. The perception of desirability and perception of feasibility significantly achieves the effects of complete mediation from the internship experience to the entrepreneurial intention. Nevertheless, the mediation effect of perceived feasibility is not significant.
3. There are no significant differences in gender subgroups between the internship experience and entrepreneurial intentions, even though the internship experience to perceived self-efficacy, desirability, and feasibility presents significant differences.
Based on the results of this study, the suggestions are as follows:
1. The Food and Beverage Management Departments can strengthen the implementation of entrepreneurship courses and coordinate with internships to permit students to seek out their future entrepreneurial positioning.
2. Bridge external resources with the varsity, individual students, or groups can conduct entrepreneurship drills and on-campus training to reinforce students' interests and confidence in entrepreneurship.
3. Provide entrepreneurial competitions and scholarships to enable students to achieve their entrepreneurial goals.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機---------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
第三節 研究流程圖--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
第一節 校外實習的涵意與重要性---------------------------------------------------- 5
第二節 創業與創業意圖---------------------------------------------------------------- 7
第三節 感知因子與創業意圖----------------------------------------------------------12
第四節小結 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------------------------------------16
第一節 研究模型與假設---------------------------------------------------------------16
第二節 研究對象------------------------------------------------------------------------17
第三節 問卷設計------------------------------------------------------------------------17
第四節 研究工具------------------------------------------------------------------------20
第四章 研究分析與結果-----------------------------------------------------------------21
第一節 樣本描述與分析--------------------------------------------------------------21
第二節 測量模型評估-----------------------------------------------------------------25
第三節 結構模型評估-----------------------------------------------------------------28
第四節 中介效果檢驗-----------------------------------------------------------------31
第五節 性別差異比較---------------------------------------------------------31
第六節 小結 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
第五章 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------------------------33
第一節 結論--------------------------------------------------------------------------33
第二節 研究建議---------------------------------------------------------------------34
附錄: 研究問卷--------------------------------------------------------------------------------42
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