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論文名稱 Title |
應用賽局理論探討公辦市地重劃利益分配與衝突:以高雄市第85期市地重劃區為例 Applying Game Theory to Study Redistribution and Conflict in Urban Land Readjustment Initiated by Government: The Case of 85th Readjustment District in Kaohsiung |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
209 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2020-07-29 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2020-08-26 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
公辦市地重劃、利益分配、賽局理論、誘因機制、互動決策 Game Theory, Interactive Decision, Redistribution, Incentive Mechanism, Urban Land Readjustment Initiated by Government |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5927 次,被下載 134 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5927 times, has been downloaded 134 times. |
中文摘要 |
市地重劃目前為臺灣實現都市計畫之主要整體開發工具,亦被視為力促土地經濟利用價值及引導都市未來發展之綜合性土地改良手段。在公平負擔精神下,土地所有權人依照其受益程度,共同負擔計畫所需的公共設施用地及重劃費用。然而,公辦市地重劃有別於土地所有權人自發性參與,而是由政府主動勘定重劃範圍並擬定重劃計畫,在法律授與的公權力下強制土地所有權人參與。 從計畫籌備至重劃執行過程中,土地所有權人得透過體制內外的管道向地方政府表達意見,顯示市地重劃乃地方政府與土地所有權人連續交互決策的過程。但因雙方決策行為具有利益競合及互相牽制之特性,導致臺灣操作公辦市地重劃迄今衍生諸多衝突。 因此,本研究以「高雄市第85期重劃區」作為研究個案,藉由質性訪談探究地方政府與土地所有權人互動關係,嘗試從雙方爭議論點解析影響其行為及利益分配之關鍵因素,並應用不完全訊息動態賽局建置「公辦市地重劃賽局模型」,以演繹參與者間互動決策之過程與結果。 研究結果指出: 一、現行法律制度之不完善,導致地方政府與土地所有權人間的資訊不對稱,進而產生利益衝突與權力衝突;二、受益負擔比例之計算與拆遷補償措施得安排妥當與否,直接涉及土地所有權人財產權損益程度,乃影響其決策行為之關鍵因素;三、土地所有權人特質差異性著實影響市地重劃的整體開發效益及利益分配,地方政府應將其納入決策考量中;四、增加土地開發強度或導入共同決策機制,將助於提升市地重劃執行效率與效益。鑒於以上,本研究提供相關建議:一、市地重劃操作規範具體化與建立有效的公民參與機制,對市地重劃執行效率與公平性具正向影響;二、適當的補償誘因機制導入,將有助於減少開發阻力,但前提需注意經濟成長與環境保護間的平衡。 |
Abstract |
Urban land readjustment, Taiwan’s main integrated land development tool for urban planning, is regarded as a comprehensive land improvement plan that promotes the economic use of land and guides the future development of the city. Based on the principle of equitable burden sharing, the landowners should jointly contribute the land for public facilities and bear rezoning costs for the plan. There are two patterns of urban land readjustment: initiation by government and spontaneous participation of landowners. This research studies the former in which the government takes the initiative to investigate and approve the scope of readjustment as well as draft a readjustment plan. In this case, landowners are forced to participate under the power granted by law. From plan preparation to implementation process, landowners express their opinions to the local government via channels inside and outside the system. It implies that urban land readjustment is a continuous and interactive decision-making process between local government and the landowners. Nevertheless, the decision-making process between the two parties, with the characteristics of competing interests and mutual restraints, has led to several conflicts in the urban land readjustment initiated by government in Taiwan. This research focuses on "the 85th readjustment district in Kaohsiung" as a case and studies the interaction between local governments and landowners via both documented evidence and qualitative interviews. The author makes an attempt to analyze the key factors affecting participants’ behavior and redistributional results. The "urban land readjustment initiated by government game theory model" was established using dynamic games of incomplete information, to deduce the process and outcome of interactive decision-making between participants. The results are the following: I. The imperfection in the current legal system, namely asymmetric information between local governments and landowners, causes conflicts of interests and that of power; II. The calculation of the cost-benefit ratio and the proper arrangement of compensation measures for demolition directly affect the gains and losses of landowners’ property rights. It is a key factor affecting landowners’ decision-making behavior; III. The heterogeneity of landowners affects the benefits and redistribution of integrated development of urban land readjustment. It is recommended that the local governments take the heterogeneity of landowners into considerations; IV. Increasing the intensity of development or introducing a co-decision mechanism will help to improve the implementation efficiency and to benefit the urban land readjustment. Based on the above results, two suggestions are drawn: I. The operating specifications of urban land readjustment should be specified and an effective citizen participation mechanism should be established to ensure efficiency and fairness of the implementation of urban land readjustment; II. Appropriate compensation mechanisms should be introduced, which will help to reduce development resistance. However, the prerequisite is to balance economic development and environmental protection. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 符號說明 x 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 3 第三節 研究目的 8 第四節 研究流程 9 第二章 文獻回顧 10 第一節 市地重劃 10 第二節 賽局理論 34 第三節 土地開發決策行為 51 第三章 研究設計 60 第一節 研究架構 60 第二節 研究假設 61 第三節 研究方法 64 第四章 個案分析 67 第一節 高雄市第85期市地重劃區背景 67 第二節 深度訪談設計 73 第三節 訪談結果分析 74 第五章 賽局模型建構與分析 103 第一節 「公辦市地重劃賽局」模型建立 103 第二節 「公辦市地重劃賽局」分析討論 121 第三節 賽局應用與討論 135 第六章 結論與建議 149 第一節 結論 149 第二節 建議 153 參考文獻 157 附錄一:地方政府訪談逐字稿 166 附錄二:土地所有權人訪談逐字稿 182 |
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