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Larval fish assemblages in the lagoon of Dongsha Atoll
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Identification key, Community structure, Fish larvae, Dongsha Atoll
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仔稚魚 (larva) 是魚類成長過程中,初期發育階段之一。其組成及群聚結構可幫助瞭解魚類的繁殖季節與群聚狀況,對於生態監測、環境影響評估、漁業補償、建立海洋保護區等生態應用。本研究目的為調查東沙環礁潟湖及東沙島的小潟湖之仔稚魚的群聚結構與空間分佈,提出檢索表,並設計引子進行形態相似之仔稚魚的分子鑑定。自2015年11月至2016年10月於環礁潟湖5個測站及小潟湖1個測站進行仔稚魚之採樣,使用北太平洋浮游動物標準網 (網目330μm,結掛流量計),每月進行一次採集,從2016年7月至2016年10月於環礁潟湖加採中水層。利用外部形態特徵進行鑑種,輔以生命條碼之分子鑑定技術提高正確性。結果共捕獲32科仔稚魚,年平均豐度 (包含表、中水層) 為 238.0 ind./1000 m3,表水層之平均豐度為110.6 ind./1000 m3,中水層之平均豐度為513.8 ind./1000 m3,六個測站平均豐度最高為南航道之中水層301.7 ind./1000 m3,平均豐度最低為東邊之表水層22.0 ind./1000 m3。優勢魚科為雀鯛科 (Pomacentridae),平均豐度為84.6 ind./1000 m3,佔漁獲百分比的35.5 %;其次依序為鰕虎科 (Gobiidae;其平均豐度為81.0 ind./1000 m3、剛孵化之仔稚魚 (20.3 ind./1000 m3)、鳚科 (Blennidae;11.4 ind./1000 m3)、天竺鯛科 (Apogonidae;9.7 ind./1000 m3)、塘醴科 (Eleotridae;5.1 ind./1000 m3)。仔稚魚豐度高峰在4月、8月和9月,透過群聚分析顯示各測站間、水層間、月份和季節均無明顯的分群,且ANOSIM檢測出月份 (R=0.275)、季節 (R=0.106)、測站 (R=0.001)和水層間 (R=0.131)均沒有顯著差異,顯示東沙仔稚魚組成的時空結構沒有差異。另外,利用本研究設計的粒腺體DNA基因進行PCR,可由電泳膠圖成功鑑定出四科仔稚魚,鰕虎科則無法鑑定出來。因此,透過本研究對東沙仔稚魚形態特徵檢索表及相似魚科之設計引子可提供未來仔稚魚鑑種之依據。
Larvae are one of the early stages of fish development. Larvae composition and community structure of fish are important information to infer breeding season and the pattern of assemblage, providing reference for fishery management and marine ecosystem protection. In this study, fish larvae were collected monthly in order to understand the community structure of larvae in the Dongsha Atoll. A key to fish families that are abundant in Dongsha is provided and primer sets for molecular identifications are designated for discrimination to families with similar larvae morphology. From November 2015 to October 2016, samples of five sampling sites of Dongsha Atoll and one sampling sites in the small lagoon were collected using the North Pacific Zooplankton standard net (300 µm) and trawling for 10 minutes at the surface water. Since July of 2016 till October of 2016, additional trawlings at five-meter depth were conducted. In total, larvae of 32 families were indentified. The average abundance (including surface water and five-meter depth) is 238.0 ind./1000 m3. The average abundance of surface water is 110.6 ind./1000 m3, and the average abundance of five-meter depth is 513.8 ind./1000 m3. The average abundance at five-meter depth of South Channel site was higher than the other sites (231.5 ind./1000m3). The surface water of East site was lower than the average (22.0 ind./1000 m3). The dominant species were Pomacentridae (84.6 ind./1000 m3), Gobiidae (81.0 ind./1000 m3), alevin (20.3 ind./1000 m3), Blennidae (11.4 ind./1000 m3), Apogonidae (9.7 ind./1000 m3), Eleotridae (5.1 ind./1000 m3). The peaks of the reproductive season are April、August and September. The difference of larvae assemblage among the whole year doesn’t show obvious grouping. ANOSIM detected month (R=0.275)、season (R=0.106)、site (R=0.001) and water layer (R=0.131) were not significant. The designated primer sets can successfully determine four families except for the Gobiidae by gel electrophoresis.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
謝辭 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
壹、前言 1
貳、材料與方法 8
參、結果 16
肆、討論 29
伍、結論 38
陸、參考文獻 39
表 51
圖 75
附錄 104
參考文獻 References
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