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博碩士論文 etd-0719118-022853 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0719118-022853
Discussions of Climatic and Environmental Changes of Central Taiwan by Using Carbon Indicators Derived from Zhoushui River Mouth Region
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Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, C/N Ratio, TOC, Org-δ13C, Zhuoshui River
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本研究利用取自濁水溪口南岸長103公尺之JRD-S岩心,藉由分析沉積物總有機碳含量、沉積物碳氮比與有機碳同位素等指標,嘗試了解濁水溪沉積物中有機質之可能來源與保存過程,並還原過去濁水溪流域周遭生態環境及其上游區的植被變遷,重建過去到現在臺灣中部地區環境與氣候條件所發生的變化。其中前人研究觀察出濁水溪口附近區域約在10 ka,為海陸相沉積物環境轉換的時間點,10 ka以前為陸相沉積環境,10 ka至今為海相沉積環境,其中10-6 ka為海進時期,6 ka之後為海退時期,而在最近百年內,臺灣西部海岸線則移動至現今濁水溪口附近,維持與現今相似的海岸環境。在陸相沉積環境中,本研究根據沉積環境的改變推斷,乾冷時期時濁水溪因河道縮減或遷移等因素,導致JRD-S站位當時為沖積平原的環境,有機碳指標訊號偏向新鮮的C4植物訊號,而溫暖潮濕時期則因河道較為寬闊,辮狀河系的發育使JRD-S站位主要為河道相沉積環境,因此接受較多來自河流中上游由於風化侵蝕作用所帶出的岩石源物質所影響。此外,在高程-68至-67處,約距今37-35 ka前,本被認定為河道相沉積環境,然而有機碳分析結果及沉積物岩相偏向沖積平原沉積環境之特徵,故我們認為此段時期可能為短暫沖積平原時期。而海相時期在水深較深時,因沉積物再懸浮或氣候事件導致的傳輸影響而有較多陸源物質輸入,隨著水深變淺,海洋生物對沉積物有機質之貢獻逐漸加大,導致有機碳同位素及碳氮比值的改變。因此我們認為沉積紀錄中影響各項碳指標改變的因素應是由環境或氣候變化所造成,而非局部性的碳保存條件所控制。本研究之結果除能幫助我們了解過去臺灣濁水溪口所經歷的氣候變化之外,還能幫助我們評估位處構造活躍地帶及熱帶氣候條件之下,山溪型河川在冰期與間冰期的氣候變化中,其輸送之有機物質對近岸河海系統碳循環的貢獻。
The sedimentary core JRD-S, which has total length of 103 meters, which derived from the south estuary region of the Zhuoshui River, was used in this study for discussing long-term changes of regional environment and climate of fluvial plain at central Taiwan. The reconstructed age model based on radioactive carbon isotope dating shows that JRD-S can cover at least 90 ka and can trace back to last glacial cycle.
Several proxies, such as TOC(%), C/N Ratio and organic-13C, were analyzed for tracing the possible organic matter sources and revealing the burial processes of sediment organic matters at Zhuoshui River mouth. Thus can help us to reveal the past environmental and climatic changes of Zhuoshui River catchment and the vegetation changes in the watershed area.
Based on the results of TOC, C/N ratio and δ13C data reconstructing from the period of land-phase, we speculated that the main stream of Zhoushui River was migrated and the runoff reduced during dry-cold periods, and depositional environment of the coring site was the floodplain. During these periods, weathering sediments formed and deposited in the floodplain. C4 plants or herbaceous plants were dominated in central Taiwan. Otherwise, within the warm and humid periods, the coring site was again affected by the river channel. During the warm and humid period, the river brought more degraded rock materials from the upper and middle reaches. In addition, contrary to previous studies, it is considered to be transformed into fluvial channel facies between the period of 37 ka BP and 35ka BP.
Furthermore, with the results of TOC, C/N ratio and δ13C data during the marine-phase period, we concluded that there was more terrestrial sediment deposited in the deep sea environment because of resuspended or lateral transported sediments. As the sea water depth became shallower, more marine sourced organic matters input into sediments and the influences caused by marine organisms became greater.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究區域介紹 4
1.3 前人研究 7
1.4 多重有機碳指標 12
1.5 年代模式 13
1.6 研究動機 14
第2章 研究材料與方法 17
2.1 研究材料 17
2.2 分析方法 19
第3章 結果 24
3.1 總碳、總有機碳及無機碳含量含量 24
3.2 有機碳同位素(Org-δ13C) 29
3.3 沉積物碳氮比(C/N) 32
第4章 討論 33
4.1 臺灣中部平原氣候探討 33
4.2 陸相沉積環境碳指標變化討論 36
4.3 海相沉積環境碳指標變化討論 46
第5章 結論 50
參考資料 52
中文部分 52
英文部分 53
附錄 57
參考文獻 References

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