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博碩士論文 etd-0711119-162720 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0711119-162720
Usage Intention on Fintech : A Case Study of Online Banking Systems
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user type, continuous intent, Fintech, internet-only bank, perceived benefit, perceived risk
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本研究以利益-風險(Benefit-risk framework)為模型基礎,透過彙整過去相關的文獻後,建構出影響使用者持續使用金融科技之意圖的研究模式,並搭配早期、晚期採用者等理論作為干擾變數,對使用者進行使用金融科技之意圖之調查,探討人們願意或猶豫使用Fintech,是否因用戶類型影響使用者感知利益和感知風險與持續意圖,及評估金融科技(純網路銀行)的使用意願。本研究採網路問卷進行調查,蒐集受測的有效問卷總共為210份。
研究結果顯示:1. 感知利益與持續使用金融科技的意圖有正向影響。2.感知風險與持續使用金融科技的意圖有負向影響。3.經濟利益、無縫交易、便利性與感知利益有正向影響。4.財務風險、法律風險、安全風險、操作風險與感知風險有正向影響。5.持續使用金融科技的意圖與使用純網路銀行有正向影響。6.感知利益對早期採用者的金融科技持續意圖的影響比後期採用者更大具有調節效果。7.感知風險對後期採用者的金融科技持續意圖的影響與早期採用者無關。
  In response to the advent of the digital economy era and the rapid development of science and technology, with the advancement of information technology, new financial services have expanded rapidly in order to enhance the competitiveness of the financial market. Fintech is a combination of “finance” and “technology” to enhance people's reliance on financial technology by improving message transparency, reducing costs, eliminating middlemen and providing financial information. Traditional financial institutions are also transforming into providing innovative and differentiated financial services, creating an interactive and friendly financial technology ecosystem, and facilitating people to quickly obtain high-quality financial services. In the future, people can enjoy fast digital financial services through computers, smartphones and other equipment at any time. Therefore, this study hopes to help financial technology operators to cope with the business opportunities of digital development, encourages financial innovation, deepens financial popularization, meets new generations of consumer demand and looks forward to identifying factors which drive the users continuing to use of financial technology. This study used the online questionnaire to conduct a survey by total of 210 valid questionnaires.

  The study is based on the benefit-risk framework, a research model that identifies the user's intention through their continued use of financial technology. This is achieved by converging past relevant data and using the theory of previous and following adopters as intervening variables. It surveys clients’ willingness or hesitation to use Fintech. Whether or not user types affect user perceived benefits, risks and their continuing intent. Then, to evaluate the willingness of the users towards Fintech.

The findings of the study showed: (1) Perceived benefit is positively related to Fintech continuance intention. (2) Perceived risk is negatively related to Fintech continuance intention. (3) Economic benefits, Seamless transaction, convenience are positively related to the perceived benefit. (4) Financial risk, legal risk, security risk, operational risk are positively associated with the perceived risk. (5) The continued use of Fintech is positively related to the use of internet-only banking. (6) The perceived benefit causes a greater impact on the continued use of Fintech for the early adaptors than those adopting later. (7) The impact of perceived risk for the late adaptors on the continued use of Fintech is irrelevant to those adopting early.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
目錄 v
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 金融科技 5
第二節 感知利益 8
第三節 感知風險 10
第四節 用戶類型 12
第五節 持續使用金融科技的意圖 13
第三章 研究設計 14
第一節 研究結構與研究假說 14
第二節 操作型定義及衡量方法 16
第三節 研究方法 26
第四章 實證分析 29
第一節 樣本資料分析 29
第二節 信度與效度分析 33
第三節 金融科技使用意願之分析 46
第四節 驗證早期與後期採用者之干擾效果 57
第五節 實證結果彙整 64
第五章 結論與建議 66
第一節 研究結論 66
第二節 研究建議 71
第三節 管理意涵 73
參考文獻 75
附錄 79
參考文獻 References
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台灣金融研訓院,台灣銀行家(2018) 第103期
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