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社會比較觀點探討 Instagram 伴侶合照對關係品質與主觀幸福感之影響
Exploring Factors Affecting Instagram Users’ Relationship Quality and Subjective Well-being: A Social Comparison Perspective
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social comparison, subjective well-being, relationship quality, relationship social comparison interpretations, Instagram
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With the recent popularity of Instagram, an image-based social platform, people often share posts about their romantic relationships on Instagram, and these messages may be regarded by other users as objects of romantic relationship social comparison.
This study combines two aspects of social comparison: appearance social comparison and relationship social comparison, and expands the current study on the relationship social comparison interpretation. By manipulating participants to view posts of couples in different romantic relationships and with different levels of physical attractiveness, we create the upward and downward relationship social comparison direction and different appearance social comparison level, to explore the mediating effect of relationship social comparison interpretation on relationship quality and subjective well-being.
The results of this study found that, when the comparison direction is upward, high appearance social comparison will increase the individual's negative interpretation and decrease the degree of positive upward interpretation. In addition, the relationship quality of the high appearance comparison group was significantly lower than that of the low appearance comparison group, and there was no significant difference in the subjective well-being between the two groups. On the other hand, when the comparison direction is downward, the level of appearance social comparison has no significant difference in the degree of individual’s negative and positive interpretation. there was also no significant difference in relationship quality and subjective well-being between the two groups. In addition, when the dependent variables were upward and downward positive interpretations, the moderating effect of intrasexual competitiveness for mates was not significant. However, when the dependent variable was negative interpretation, the moderating effect of intrasexual competition was significant.
This study has significant theoretical contribution to the study of relationship social comparison on social networking sites. By viewing the photos of other users on the social platform, combining appearance social comparison and intrasexual competition, this study explores the application of relationship social comparison interpretations in different aspects of social comparison. In addition, the study provides practical contribution to help SNS users realize the impact of online social comparisons on their romantic relationships and well-being.
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