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Title page for etd-0630119-182723
「厭世有理」? 臉書厭世貼文的幽默效果對閱聽人觀看反應之影響
What’s The Reason for Feeling Misanthropy? The Impact of Humor Effect on Facebook Misanthropy Post to Audience’s reaction
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Narcissism, Engagement, Empathy, Humor, Facebook, Misanthropy post, Millennials
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  本研究採4(厭世貼文:親和型幽默vs.自我增強型幽默vs. 攻擊型幽默vs. 自我挫敗型幽默)x2(插圖類型:可愛vs. 悲傷)x2(自戀人格:顯性vs. 隱性)之實驗設計,共招募648位千禧世代受測者。分析結果顯示,厭世貼文對參與感和同理心有顯著影響,不同幽默類型厭世貼文對參與感和同理心會有差異影響,進一步發現厭世貼文背後的不同類型幽默效果所引起之同理心和參與感有不同程度的差異:親和型幽默、自我增強型幽默和自我挫敗型幽默的厭世貼文,在引起閱聽人同理心和參與感上有較佳的效果。同理心能部分中介厭世貼文對參與感的影響,以及自戀人格與厭世貼文在引起同理心上有顯著交互作用,發現隱性自戀人格比顯性自戀人格在觀看厭世貼文時,能引起較多的同理心。本研究結果拓展了社群媒體中有關厭世貼文、幽默效果和自戀研究的範疇,最後,本研究針對相關厭世貼文創作者、社群媒體經營者和業者,提出相關實務建議。
In recent years, the Misanthropy post which content is based on expressing the negative affect in real life is popular with young people on Facebook. The Misanthropy post with the humor effect becomes a way for people to release stress and makes people gain empathy. In marketing, we even can see that there are some products related to the trend of Misanthropy post. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the impact of Misanthropy post with the different humor effects on people's empathy, well-being, engagement. In addition, the illustration types on the post and narcissism personality are viewed as the moderating variables.
This study used an experimental method in 4(the humor types of misanthropy post: affiliative humor vs. self-enhancing humor vs. aggressive humor vs. self-defeating humor) x2(illustration types: cuteness vs. sadness) x2(types of narcissism: overt vs. covert) factorial design. A total sample of 648 young participants who were born in millennial generation were recruited. The result shows that in the following: (1) The Misanthropy post has significant positive impact on engagement and empathy. (2) Each types of humor effect in Misanthropy post has different level impacts on engagement and empathy. Besides, (3) the empathy partially mediates the influence of Misanthropy post on engagement. And (4) there is a two-way interaction between narcissism and Misanthropy post, which has an impact on empathy. This study found that covert narcissist has better effect to arouse people’s empathy than overt narcissist through self-enhancing humor Misanthropy post. In the study, with the discussion to different humor effects on Misanthropy post and the moderating effect of different types of narcissism, the current findings extend the research about Misanthropy post, humor effect and narcissism.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書............................................................................................................... i
誌謝........................................................................................................................... ii
摘要……................................................................................................................... iii
Abstract..................................................................................................................... iv
第壹章 緒論............................................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景................................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究動機................................................................................................... 4
第三節 研究問題與目的....................................................................................... 8
第貳章 文獻探討....................................................................................................... 9
第一節 千禧世代(Millennials)......................................................................... 9
第二節 厭世貼文(Misanthropy Post)............................................................. 11
一、厭世文化............................................................................................. 12
二、厭世背後的療癒效果......................................................................... 12
三、負能量粉絲專頁與厭世貼文............................................................. 13
第三節 幽默(Humor)...................................................................................... 15
一、情緒與社會支持................................................................................. 15
二、情緒與幽默......................................................................................... 19
三、幽默風格............................................................................................. 20
四、幽默效果相關研究............................................................................. 22
五、厭世貼文的幽默分類......................................................................... 24
第四節 同理心(Empathy).............................................................................. 27
第五節 幸福感(Well-being)........................................................................... 28
第六節 參與感(Engagement)......................................................................... 31
第七節 厭世貼文、同理心、幸福感與參與..................................................... 32
一、厭世貼文、同理心與參與感之關係................................................. 32
二、厭世貼文、同理心與幸福感之關係................................................. 34
第八節 自戀人格(Narcissism)....................................................................... 36
一、 人格特質相關研究............................................................................. 36
二、 自戀..................................................................................................... 37
第九節 插圖類型(Illustration types).............................................................. 43
一、視覺圖像的重要性............................................................................. 43
二、插圖應用與相關研究......................................................................... 44
第參章 研究方法..................................................................................................... 48
第一節 研究架構................................................................................................. 48
第二節 研究假說與推論..................................................................................... 49
第三節 研究對象與實驗設計............................................................................. 55
第四節 操作型定義及衡量方法......................................................................... 56
第五節 實驗刺激................................................................................................. 59
第六節 前測結果................................................................................................. 60
第七節 正式實驗研究程序................................................................................. 64
第肆章 資料分析..................................................................................................... 65
第一節 人口敘述性統計..................................................................................... 65
第二節 信效度分析............................................................................................. 67
第三節 操弄性檢驗............................................................................................. 71
第四節 研究假說驗證......................................................................................... 72
一、主效果分析驗證................................................................................. 73
二、二因子交互作用驗證......................................................................... 80
三、中介效果分析驗證............................................................................. 82
四、假說檢定............................................................................................. 83
第伍章 結果與討論................................................................................................. 84
第一節 研究發現…............................................................................................. 84
一、厭世貼文對參與感、幸福感、同理心的影響................................. 84
二、同理心中介厭世貼文對參與感和對幸福感之影響......................... 86
三、插圖類型於厭世貼文對同理心、參與感和幸福感之干擾影響..... 87
四、自戀人格對厭世貼文喚起同理心的干擾影響................................. 87
第二節 研究貢獻................................................................................................. 88
一、學術貢獻............................................................................................. 88
二、實務意涵............................................................................................. 90
第三節 研究限制與未來建議............................................................................. 91
參考文獻..................................................................................................................... 93
中文文獻..................................................................................................................... 93
外文文獻..................................................................................................................... 96
附錄........................................................................................................................... 115
附錄一 前測問卷................................................................................................... 115
附錄二 前測問卷之實驗刺激............................................................................... 120
附錄三 正式問卷................................................................................................... 125
附錄四 正式問卷實驗情境貼文........................................................................... 130
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