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論文名稱 Title |
動能策略在國際投資的應用 Momentum Strategies in International Equity Markets |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
42 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2009-06-02 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2009-06-16 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
國際投資、動能 Momentum, International |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5911 次,被下載 2121 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5911 times, has been downloaded 2121 times. |
中文摘要 |
長久以來,股票、債券是目前普遍被大眾所接受的金融投資工具,也是金融市場最常見的投資工具。也因此,在投資股市的領域上,發展出許多著名的投資策略,譬如說Contrarian Strategies 及Momentum Strategies是最常聽到的兩種策略。DeBondt 及Thaler分別在1985及1987年提出過去三年到五年績效表現不好的股票在未來的三到五年,其績效往往會超過過去三到五年表現較佳的股票。而Jegadeesh 及Titman在1993年時發表有關Momentum Strategies的現象,他們使用了16組策略,Rank Period分別是1、3、6、12個月,而每組Rank Period分別再對應Test Period 1、3、6、12個月,在這些策略中發現過去三到六個月內表現較佳的股票,通常在接下來的三至六個月其績效表現會持續的亮眼,相對的,短時間內表現不佳的股票,未來短時間內其績效也不彰,另外該作者利用Momentum Strategies所作出來的結果,其Short position的報酬率通常比Long position的報酬率要低,且Short position的報酬率在大部份時間對投資人來說均是負的。而Balvers在2001年利用Jegadeesh(1993)的模式做分析,只是時間點不同,但是結果也差不多,Short position時報酬均為負報酬。Momentum Strategies是否只在Long position的情形下才有效,這一點在接下來的文章內會做探討。 |
Abstract |
none |
目次 Table of Contents |
第一章、Motivation of Research 4 第二章、Introduction 5 第三章、Data and Methodology 8 Chart I(GDP PER PERSON) 9 Long position 11 Short position 12 Buy and Sell 14 Zero Investment Portfolio: 14 第四章、Empirical Evidence 16 第一小節、分組結果 16 High-Income countries 16 Table II(Return on High Income Countries) 18 Middle-Income Countries 21 Table IV(Return on Middle Income Countries) 23 Zero Investment Portfolios 26 第二小節、ACAR分析 28 第三小節、股市與匯市相對走勢分析 36 第五章、Conclusions 38 Appedix 40 References 41 |
參考文獻 References |
Narasimhan Jegadeesh; Sheridan Titman, Apr.,2001, Profitability of Momentum Strategies: An Evaluation of Alternative Explanations, The Journal of Finance, Vol.56 Kalok Chan; Allaudeen Hameed, 2000, Profitability of Momentum Strategies in the International Equity Markets,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol.35 Ronald J. Balvers, 2006, Momentum and mean reversion across national equity markets, Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol.24 Jennifer Conrad and Gautam Kaul, 1993, Long-Term Market Overreaction or biases in Computed Returns?, Journal of Finance, Vol. XLVIII, NO. 1 Narasimhan Jegadeesh; Sheridan Titman, 1993, Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers: Implications for Stock Market Efficiency, Journal of Finance, VOL. XLVIII, NO. 1 Anthony J. Richards, 1997, Winner-Loser Reversals in National Stock Market Indices: Can They be Explained? Journal of Finance, VOL. LII, NO. 5 LOUIS K. C. CHAN, NAEASIMHAN JEGADEESH, and JOSEF LAKONISHOK, 1996, Momentum Strategies, Journal of Finance, VOL. LI, NO.5 Ronald Balvers, 2000, Mean Reversion Across National Stock Markets and Parametric Contrarian Investment Strategies, Journal of Finance, VOL. LV. NO. 2 Eric Kelley and Tracie Woidtke, 2006, Investor Protection and Real Investment by U.S. Multinationals, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, VOL. 41 Sean Cleary, Paul Pove!, and Michael Raith, 2007, The U-Shaped Investment Curve: Theory and Evidence, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, VOL. 42 Grant McQueen, 1992, Long-Horizon ZMean-Reverting Stock Prices Revisited, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, VOL. 27 Philippe Jorion, 1996, Mean reversion in real exchange rates: Evidence and Implications for Forecasting, Journal of International Money and Finance, VOL. 15 Richard A. Ajayi and Mbodja Mougoue, 1996, On the Dynamic Relation Between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates, Journal of Financial Research, VOL. XIX, NO. 2 Abdalla, I. S. A. and V. Murinde, 1997, Exchange Rate and Stock Price Interactions in Emerging Financial Markets: Evidence on India, Korea, Pakistan, and Philippines, Applied Financial Economics 7, 25-35. Ma, C. K. and G. W. Kao, 1990, On exchange rate changes and stock price reactions, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 17,441-49 Chow, Edward, H., Lee, Wayne, Y., Solt, Michael, E., 1997, The Exchange-Rate Risk Exposure of Asset Returns, Journal of Business, vol. 70 Abdalla, I. S. A. and V. Murinde, 1997, Exchange Rate and Stock Price Interactions in Emerging Financial Markets: Evidence on India, Korea, Pakistan, and Philippines, Applied Financial Economics 7, 25-35. World Trade organization, 2008, International Trade Statistics, http://www.wto.org |
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