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博碩士論文 etd-0614119-211524 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0614119-211524
Role Exchange: The Influence of Sponsored Post’s Picture Perspective on Consumer’s Product Attitude and Purchase Intention
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Internet Celebrity, Imita, Sponsored Post, Mental Stimulation, Third-Person Perspective, Picture Perspective, First-Person Perspective
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網紅經濟當道,企業競相爭奪與具備影響力且更親民的網紅合作,希望藉此 提高品牌知名度,讓這股網紅效益移轉至品牌和產品上。而近年來使用者習慣隨 著社群網站的興起,已從文字導向轉變成圖像為主,業配中的圖片效果更是必須 關注的焦點,但在過去網紅、業配文研究中卻鮮少探討,同時在實務中也發現廠 商或是網紅分享的圖片會採用不同視角,因此,本研究將探討圖片中的視角效果, 如何透過心理模擬和模仿的機制,影響消費者的產品態度和購買意願,並檢視自 我-品牌關聯、產品類型和不同視角的交互作用,以補足、拓展相關研究,並提供 廠商或網紅更好的實務建議。
本研究採用實驗設計法,以兩個實驗驗證四個假說,透過便利抽樣方式,於 網路發放問卷,針對 18-24 歲的重度使用社群平台的參與者進行研究,實驗皆採 用真實品牌,並選用網紅-滴妹作為業配主要人物。實驗一結果證實具有視角之 圖片,相較於單純產品圖片,皆會產生較佳的產品態度、購買意圖:第一人稱視 角經由心理模擬,而第三人稱視角則是透過模仿機制影響消費決策,另外,第三 (vs. 第一)人稱視角的效果更佳。實驗二則是加入了兩個干擾變數:自我-品牌 關聯(高 vs. 低)和產品類型(功能型 vs. 享樂型 vs. 象徵型),實驗結果表 明,當消費者為低 SBC,或是圖片中產品為象徵型時,使用第一人稱視角圖片效 果較佳;而當產品為功能型時,則應該採用第三人稱視角圖片;至於高 SBC 的 消費者與享樂型產品,兩種視角所產生的結果相同。研究結果增進視角運用於行 銷相關領域的貢獻,並且提供業者或網紅在選擇圖片,以及搭配的品牌、產品類 型之實務參考。
The Internet celebrity economy is booming now. Many companies compete to cooperate with influential and friendly Internet celebrities to enhance brand awareness and transfer celebrity-related meanings and affection to the brand and products. Recently, users’ posting habits on social media changed from text- to image-oriented. The effect of the picture of a sponsored post is important; however, prior research on Internet celebrity and sponsored posts seldom address this issue. At the same time, practical observation reveals that the pictures manufacturers or Internet celebrities share are photographed from different visual perspectives. This study explores how the picture’s visual perspectives influence consumers’ product attitudes and purchase intentions through the mechanisms of mental stimulation and imitation mindset. Additionally, the study also examines the moderation of consumers’ self-brand connection (SBC) and product types on the effects of visual perspective. This study expands the relevant research and provides practical suggestions to manufacturers and Internet celebrities.
This study used two experiments to test four hypotheses. The questionnaires were distributed over the Internet through the convenience sampling method and targeted participants who were 18-24 years old and heavy social media users. The two experiments used real brands and chose the Internet celebrity Crown Du as the sponsored post picture’s protagonist. The results of experiment 1 demonstrated that the pictures with the first- or third-person perspectives resulted in better product attitudes and purchase intentions than the picture with only the product image. Compared with the pure product image, mental stimulation mediated the greater effect of the first- person perspective on attitudinal responses, while the imitation mindset mediated the effect of the third-person perspective. In addition, the third- (vs. first-) person perspective had a greater effects. Two moderators were added to the second experiment: SBC (high vs. low) and product type (functional vs. hedonic vs. symbolic). The results show that when consumers had low SBC or when the product in the picture was symbolic, the first-person perspective picture generated stronger effects. However, the third-person perspective is more effective for functional products. Furthermore, the two visual perspectives had similar effects for the high SBC consumers and the hedonic product. This study expands the research scope of Internet celebrity content sponsorship, contributes to marketing by analyzing visual perspective, clarifies the functional mechanisms and boundaries of first-person and third-person perspectives, and offers a practical reference for vendors and Internet celebrities to help them select pictures of sponsored posts with the suitable perspective according to the brand and product type.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ............................................................................................ i
誌謝 ....................................................................................................... ii
摘要 ....................................................................................................... iii
Abstract ................................................................................................ iv
圖目錄 ................................................................................................... ix
表目錄 ................................................................................................... x
第壹章 緒論 ........................................................................................... 1
第一節、研究背景 ................................................................................ 1
第二節、研究動機 ................................................................................ 3
第三節、研究問題 ................................................................................ 8
第四節、研究目的 ................................................................................ 8
第五節、研究範圍 ................................................................................ 9
第貳章 文獻探討 ................................................................................... 10
第一節、網紅 (Internet celebrity) 與贊助文 (Sponsored post) ......... 10
第二節、視覺角度 (Visualperspective)............................................... 14
第三節、心理模擬 (Mental simulation) .............................................. 22
第四節、模仿 (Imitation)...................................................................... 23
第五節、自我-品牌關聯 (Self-brand connections) ............................. 25
第六節、產品類型 ................................................................................ 27
第七節、小結 ........................................................................................ 30
第參章 研究架構與假說推論................................................................. 32
第一節、研究架構 ................................................................................ 32
第二節、研究假說 ................................................................................ 32
第肆章 研究方法 ................................................................................... 47
第一節、實驗設計 ................................................................................ 47
第二節、實驗刺激和樣本 ..................................................................... 48
第三節、前測 ........................................................................................ 49
第伍章 實驗一 ....................................................................................... 52
第一節、實驗刺激與程序 ..................................................................... 52
第二節、變數衡量 ................................................................................. 53
第三節、分析結果 ................................................................................. 58
第四節、小結 ......................................................................................... 65
第陸章 實驗二 ........................................................................................ 66
第一節、實驗刺激與程序 ...................................................................... 66
第二節、變數衡量 ................................................................................. 68
第三節、分析結果 ................................................................................. 70
第四節、小結 ......................................................................................... 81
第柒章 結論與建議 ................................................................................ 82
第一節、研究結果與討論 ...................................................................... 82
第二節、學術和理論意涵 ...................................................................... 87
第三節、實務意涵 ................................................................................. 90
第四節、研究限制與未來研究方向 ...................................................... 92
參考文獻 ................................................................................................ 97
一、中文部分 ........................................................................................ 97
二、英文部分 ....................................................................................... 100
附錄一、前測一問卷 ........................................................................... 118
附錄二、前測二問卷 ........................................................................... 131
版本一 .................................................................................................. 131
版本二 .................................................................................................. 135
附錄三、正式問卷 ............................................................................... 139
實驗一 .................................................................................................. 139
實驗二 .................................................................................................. 146
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