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Title page for etd-0609119-171756
The Influence of Facebook Fanpage Post on Electronic Word-of-Mouth-A Case Study of Taiwan Skincare Industry
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marketing, social engagement, fan page, skincare industry, word-of-mouth
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隨著網路與科技的發展,數位行銷成為各企業在行銷上的發展重點,透過社 群媒體與顧客建立關係,而 Facebook 粉絲專頁不只投入成本低且傳播力高,更 為各品牌商建立品牌知名度、與顧客互動的關鍵管道,社群行銷成不成功的關鍵 在於口碑的創造,消費者對貼文的參與程度越高就越能創造網路口碑、培養忠誠 顧客。近年,我國化妝保養品產業蓬勃發展,知名度與顧客忠誠度成為品牌競爭 力的關鍵;使得如何成功經營網路社群已然成為現今品牌商的重要課題。本研究 針對 Facebook 品牌粉絲專頁進行分析,選擇2個網路聲量、品牌形象相近的品 牌作為個案研究對象,為嘉丹妮爾與綠藤生機,蒐集品牌一年間各篇貼文的網路 聲量,將媒體、內容類型做分類,利用喜歡、留言、分享計算出社群參與度並選 出高參與度貼文,進而歸納出高參與度貼文的媒體與內容類型、高參與度貼文與 網路口碑的關係,再對參與度前三名的貼文做深度分析,解釋高參與度貼文形成 的因素。本研究經過研究結果發現,同時具有直播與連結的媒體類型貼文參與度 高且發文當日聲量也高,但具有時效性;同時具備資訊、利益、社交類型的貼文 較吸引顧客與品牌互動;娛樂型貼文在保養品產業中,由於能提供的資訊量少, 互動程度較低;Facebook 外部的網路聲量無法透過高參與度貼文產生,最後針 對研究發現提供台灣保養品產業一些在社群經營上的建議。
Today, digital marketing has become the focus of marketing development in various companies. Facebook fan pages are not only low cost and good communication effect, but also a key channel that can establish brand awareness and interact with customers. The key to successful social marketing is word of mouth. The higher the participation of consumers in the post, the more they can create electrionic word of mouth. In recent years, skincare industry has flourished. Brand awareness and customer loyalty have become the key to brand competitiveness. Managing online communities has become an important issue for today's brand owners. This study analyzed the brand fan page on Facebook and selects two brands with similar amount of electronic word- of-mouth and brand image as case study objects, Vecs Gardenia and Greenvine. We collect the posts of the brand electronic word-of-mouth for one year. Classified the media and content types which the posts used, calculated the community participation, selected high-participation posts and then summarized the relationship among post types, high-participation and electronic word-of-mouth. We also deeply analyzed the top three posts of participation to explain the formation of high participation posts. Through the research results, founded that media types with live and link media have high participation and high volume on the day of publication, but they have timeliness.posts. Posts with information, remuneration and social types are more engaging with customers. Entertainment type posts in the skin care industry have low engagement because less information can be provided. Facebook's external network volume cannot be generated through high-participation posts.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 .......................................................................................................................... i
誌謝 .......................................................................................................................... ii
摘要 .......................................................................................................................... iii
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... iv
目錄 .......................................................................................................................... v
圖目錄 .......................................................................................................................... vii
表目錄 .......................................................................................................................... viii
壹、 緒論 .................................................................................................................. 1
一、 研究背景與動機 ........................................................................................... 1
二、 研究目的 ....................................................................................................... 4
三、 研究流程 ....................................................................................................... 5
貳、 文獻探討 .......................................................................................................... 6
一、 網路口碑 ....................................................................................................... 6
二、 社群參與行為 ............................................................................................... 8
三、 社群媒體類型 ............................................................................................. 10
四、 社群媒體訊息內容 ..................................................................................... 11
參、 研究方法 ........................................................................................................ 14
一、 研究對象與範圍 ......................................................................................... 14
二、 樣本資料蒐集 ............................................................................................. 17
三、 量化分析變數定義與編碼說明 ................................................................. 18
肆、 研究結果 ........................................................................................................ 21
一、 高參與度貼文之敘述統計 ......................................................................... 21
二、 高參與度貼文之形成因素 ......................................................................... 22
三、 高參與度貼文與網路口碑之關係 ............................................................. 26
四、 高參與度貼文之深度分析 ......................................................................... 31
伍、 結論與建議 .................................................................................................... 40
一、 研究結論 ..................................................................................................... 40
二、研究建議 ..................................................................................................... 41
三、 研究限制 ..................................................................................................... 42
陸、參考文獻 ........................................................................................................ 44
一、中文 ............................................................................................................. 44
二、英文 ............................................................................................................. 45
三、網路資料 ..................................................................................................... 50
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