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博碩士論文 etd-0605119-142720 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0605119-142720
Using option prices to infer synergies and value gains in M&A activities
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
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Net present value, M&A, Synergy, Option price, M&A probability
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This study uses the stock and call option market to analyze whether (1) M&A activities generate synergies, (2) bidder’s takeover premium is higher than synergy, (3) the misvaluation exists, and (4) the market correctly predicts M&A activities. The empirical results show that, on average, M&A activities generate positive synergy, and both bidders and targets gain from takeovers. This implies that bidders’ NPV from takeovers is positive. In general, bidder news is negative because bidder’s stock price is overvalued before announcement day. Stock offer’s misvaluation is larger than that of cash offer. The median-value test implies that the news about bidder in stock offer is more negative than that in cash offer. Target news is positive possibly due to a positive takeover premium. The probability of successful M&A activities estimated by option prices is positively correlated with the actual probability of M&A completion. In addition, if a takeover is classified as hostile, the probability of M&A completion is significantly lower.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
圖次 v
表次 vi
1.緒論 1
1.1研究動機與研究目的 1
1.2研究架構 3
2.文獻回顧 3
2.1併購使企業價值改變 3
2.2股票市場衡量併購活動異常報酬 4
2.3選擇權市場更能有效衡量併購活動中異常報酬及綜效 5
2.4錯誤估值影響併購活動 6
3.研究方法 6
3.1利用股票市場預估 7
3.2結合選擇權市場預估 8
4.資料樣本與研究假說 11
4.1資料來源及樣本挑選 11
4.2研究假說 12
5.實證分析 15
5.1估計結果概要 15
5.2併購價格百分比變化 16
5.3併購價值變化 25
5.4利用選擇權市場預估併購機率結果 31
5.5利用選擇權市場預估併購機率穩健性測試 31
6.結論與建議 36
參考文獻 38
參考文獻 References
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