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博碩士論文 etd-0604119-233302 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0604119-233302
Experimental Study on New Type Armor Blocks Using Pervious Concrete
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Stability, Pervious concrete, Armor block, Reflectivity, Run-up height
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Due to the global climate change in recent years, the damage of the seawall caused by the larger waves has indicated that the importance of coastal structure protection. However, the armor blocks currently used in Taiwan are mostly foreign products, and we need to pay a patent fee or a template rental fee. In the case of massive use, it will cause national foreign exchange losses. And currently the armor blocks stacked on the coast are mostly concrete-colored and square-angled, which contrasts with the increasing green awareness nowadays.
This study mainly wants to understand the wave-eliminating properties of new armor blocks made of pervious and normal concrete. Because of the porous property of pervious concrete, it has higher roughness and porosity than the normal concrete. The advantage is that the impact of wave can be more scattered, the energy will be dissipated to reduce the reflected wave, and it also provides organism with a better environment.
The characteristics of the new type of armor blocks discussed in this study include the reflectivity, wave run-up height and the stability. The experiment conditions include two different materials of the armor blocks and several wave steepnesses, armor blocks are placed in a single layer and a double layer arrangement. From the experimental results, the armor blocks of pervious concrete are more stable on reflectivity, and the wave run-up height is also lower than the armor blocks of normal concrete, especially remarkable in double layer arrangement; the stability of the armor blocks is also significantly improved by the use of pervious concrete. Therefore, we can judged that the surface roughness of the armor blocks plays an important role, and the surface roughness of the pervious concrete can be helpful for various wave-eliminating properties.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目標 2
1.4研究方法 3
1.5本文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1透水混凝土 6
2.1.1透水混凝土簡介 6
2.1.2透水混凝土的使用材料與配比設計原則 8
2.1.2新拌透水混凝土工程性質 9
2.1.2硬固透水混凝土工程性質 10
2.1.5透水混凝土之檢、試驗方法 11
2.1.6透水混凝土在港灣構造物設施之應用 12
2.2消波塊 14
2.2.1消波塊特性 14
2.2.2消波塊之種類 15
2.3反射率計算 18
2.3.1二點法 18
2.3.2最小二乘法 19
2.3.3三波高法 20
2.3.4加權平均法 20
2.3.5一點法 21
第三章 研究方法與步驟 22
3.1試驗規劃 22
3.2混凝土試驗 23
3.2.1消波塊建模 23
3.2.2模具製造 23
3.2.3配比設計 25
3.2.4抗壓強度試驗、透水係數試驗 27
3.2.5消波塊試體製作 30
3.3水工試驗 31
3.3.1水工試驗條件 31
3.3.2水工試驗設備 32
3.3.3水工試驗布置與步驟 37
3.3.4水工試驗分析方法 42
3.3.5編號說明 47
第四章 結果與討論 48
4.1混凝土抗壓強度試驗 48
4.2透水混凝土透水試驗 50
4.3反射率試驗 51
4.4溯升試驗 60
4.5安定試驗 69
第五章 結論與建議 80
5.1結論 80
5.2建議 81
附錄 82
參考文獻 106
參考文獻 References
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