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博碩士論文 etd-0530120-102052 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0530120-102052
微型企業導入ISO 9001:2015品質管理之個案研究(以Q公司為例子)
A case study of implementation use ISO 9001:2015 Quality control on Micro-enterprises
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SWOT分析、品質手冊、微型公司、ISO 9001:2015國際標準
SWOT analysis, ISO 9001:2015 international standards, quality manual, micro companies
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為了提升企業的競爭力,很多企業選擇導入ISO9001國際標準品質管理系統,來提升公司的管理方式與產品品質能力以符合顧客要求的內容、相關的法令與法規的要求,更藉由品質管理系統之應用,持續提高顧客滿意度,包含品質管理系統持續改進還有符合顧客、法令與法規要求之的保證。個案公司的品質管理系統參考ISO 9001:2015年版的國際標準管理原則而建立。以過程為基礎之品質管理系統,依據「計劃-執行-檢查-行動」即PDCA方法,可應用於品質管理所有過程並分析其運作方法和問題解決流程。
研究內容對ISO9001國際標準的品質管理系統個案Q公司做SWOT分析,本論文以個案公司為個案,研究該公司推行 ISO 9001:2015 標準驗證之過程及結果,在過程中研究下列問題:1.探討 ISO 9001:2015 文件內容與製成。2.探討公司推行 ISO 9001:2015 之成效與困難,利用問券深度訪談,來提升個案公司整體管理經營面藉由探討個案提出推行結果與推行期間的建議。
A small enterprise refers to a relatively small enterprise in terms of scale of operation. The company has a small number of employees and a small turnover. The enterprise is usually composed of a joint venture fund provided by one person or a few people. Therefore, the operation is mostly managed by the owner or by the owner’s family or family. It is relatively free from external interference. The number of employees ranges from 10 to 50. Employees of an enterprise, Japan takes into account the characteristics of the enterprise, and defines companies with less than 20 employees in the manufacturing industry and less than 5 employees in the business and service industries as micro-enterprises. Compared with small and medium-sized enterprises, micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises have many different characteristics. In terms of organization and management: micro-enterprises usually do not have a formal organizational management method compared with small and medium-sized enterprises, and personnel are often lacking because of immediate business needs. Management of fixed work experience, personnel mainly support each other. Financial support: Micro-enterprise funding channels are mainly relatives, friends, and acquaintances. There are few formal financing channels such as borrowing from banks, but relatively centralized power, funders can easily determine operating policies, and the crisis response speed is faster. There are certain systems within SMEs including procurement, production, inventory and quality management systems, but micro-enterprises are usually understaffed and need to work across multiple departments.
In order to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, many enterprises choose to introduce the ISO9001 international standard quality management system to enhance the company's management methods and product quality capabilities to meet the requirements of customers, related laws and regulations, and more through the quality management system. Application, continuous improvement of customer satisfaction, including continuous improvement of quality management system and guarantee to meet the requirements of customers, laws and regulations. The quality management system of the case company was established with reference to the international standard management principles of ISO 9001:2015. The process based quality management-system by plan-do-check-action PDCA method, can be applied to all quality management processes and analyze their operating methods and problem solving processes.
Research content SWOT analysis of the ISO9001 international standard quality management system case Q company. This paper takes the case company as a case to study the process and results of the company’s implementation of ISO 9001:2015 standard verification. In the process, the following issues are studied: 1. Discussion ISO 9001:2015 document content and production. 2. To explore the effectiveness and difficulties of the company in implementing ISO 9001:2015, and to use in-depth interviews with question coupons to improve the overall management and management of the case company. By discussing the cases, the implementation results and recommendations during the implementation period are proposed.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iv
目 錄 vi
圖 次 viii
表 次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 2
第二章 產業現況 3
第一節 傳統製造業趨勢 3
第二節 產業目前狀況 3
第三節 結論 4
第三章 文獻探討 6
第一節 「ISO 9001」的起源 6
第二節 「ISO 9001:2008」與「ISO 9001:2015」之差異 7
第三節 ISO 9001文件架構 8
第四節 SWOT分析 8
第四章 研究設計 10
第一節 研究結構 10
第二節 研究範圍 11
第三節 研究方法 11
第五章 實證分析 13
第一節 個案公司簡介 13
第二節 品質管理系統和過程 16
第三節 品質管理系統的規劃 18
第四節 支援 18
第五節 營運 21
第六節 績效評估 25
第七節 改善 26
第八節 個案公司SWOT分析 27
第六章 結論與建議 31
第一節 結論 31
第二節 建議 32
參考文獻 34
一、中文 34
二、網路 34
附錄 訪談(調查)問卷 35
參考文獻 References
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2. 林公孚,ISO 9000-2000 品質管理標準新貌,品質管制月刊,民國89年。
3. 翰文企管,ISO 9001:2008 品質管理系統發展源由,民國104年
4. 劉順杰,中小企業導入ISO9001:2000品質管理系統之個案研,2007年
5. 經濟部中小企業處,ISO 9001:2015改版調適參考手冊,民國103年。

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2. The News Lens 關鍵評論網,「台灣的『夕陽產業』為何不敢升級?」, ,2018年12月10日。
3. ,「何謂ISO9000」,
4. › ISO輔導項目 › 品質管理,「ISO 9001:2015 新版品質管理系統- 領導力企管」,,2019年2月7日
5. › wSite › public › Data,「ISO 9001:2015 標準簡介」,
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