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博碩士論文 etd-0530120-010052 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0530120-010052
The Impact Of Internet-Only Bank On Financial Industry - Case Study Of Taishin International Bank
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Innovation, International Business Bank, Online Bank, Bank 4.0, Fintech, Internet-Only Bank
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In order to allow the domestic financial industry to improve rapidly, the Taiwan government began implementing the "Building a Digital Financial Environment 3.0" program in 2015. The opening of Internet-Only Bank also includes a digital upgrade. The Financial Management Committee issued two in April 2018 The Internet-Only Bank license, after cooperating with supervision regulations and multi-party reviews, officially arrived on July 30, 2019 after the financial management committee officially approved the business licenses of three Internet-Only Bank operators, driving many banks in Taiwan to actively pursue service, system, organization, and processes In the face of overall operation transformation, this move is bound to create new waves in the Taiwanese financial market that is already facing Overbanking. The competition strategy and customer management policy will produce a certain degree of change.
The purpose of this study is to first discuss the development trend of Internet-Only Bank in various countries, understand the practice of Internet-Only Bank in various countries, target customers, the benefits created and the future direction; further more, compare the Taiwan market and analyze three Internet-Only Bank companies Shareholder structure, ecosystem establishment, competitive advantages and disadvantages, and possible niche points in Taiwan. Analyze its possible impact and challenges on traditional banks. Finally, take Taishin Bank as an example to analyze its current market position and has launched The digital products, services, information systems and ongoing projects illustrate its current digital transformation strategy layout, as well as its response policy and aggressive competition strategy for Internet-Only Bank players to enter the market.
In this study, through reading a lot of literature related to Internet-Only Bank, online banking, financial technology, etc., the initial changes of Internet-Only Bank are summarized. Finally, a case study method is used to focus on the development of Taishin Bank, and the development status and application strategies are studied. To further analyze and introduce the challenges faced by the new banks in the introduction of Internet-Only Bank, and put forward specific suggestions for reference.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景 1
第二節、 研究目的 2
第三節、 研究方法 2
第四節、 研究內容架構 3
第貳章 背景探討與文獻回顧 6
第一節、 金融科技產業發展 6
第二節、 純網路銀行定義說明 11
第三節、 純網路銀行設立之監理措施 13
第四節、 純網銀對傳統銀行的衝擊 15
第參章 純網路銀行之產業分析 17
第一節、 台灣金融機構之數位進程 17
第二節、 台灣各家純網路銀行現況與挑戰 19
第三節、 國外純網路銀行之發展現況 27
第肆章 純網銀對傳統銀行之衝擊 29
第一節、 傳統銀行發展現況 29
第二節、 傳統銀行因應策略與挑戰 31
第三節、 綜合比較分析 34
第伍章 個案研究 36
第一節、 個案銀行-台新銀行 36
第二節、 台新銀行與純網路銀行之比較 41
第三節、 預期效益與未來規劃 41
第陸章 結論與建議 43
第一節、 結論 43
第二節、 建議 44
參考文獻 45
參考文獻 References
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(三) 網路資料
1. 台灣純網銀全執照開放 顧立雄:必須要求資本額
2. 在高度競爭的美國市場 純網銀怎麼存活?
3. 純網銀 至少3年才會獲利
4. 世界經濟論壇-未來的金融服務
5. 前仆後繼搶進個人金融市場,純網銀業者看中的是什麼?
6. 純網銀何時開業?顧立雄點名樂天跑最快!魏啟林:一年內用戶數50萬
7. 推翻3搶2!純網銀釋照,將來銀行、LINE、樂天三家都上榜
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