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博碩士論文 etd-0529117-154113 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0529117-154113
On the linkage of internal soliton and surface roughness
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EMD method, pressure signals, EEMD method, surface roughness, internal wave
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According to the previous studies, the convergent and divergent zones of an internal soliton wave train can be distinguished from the roughness of sea surface observed by the radar remote sensor. Similar results were also described in the SAR images. Historical studies showed that a convergent zone was related to the arrival of a depression internal soliton. In the meantime, the rough sea surface was shown which presented white zones in SAR image. The following was a divergent zone with smooth sea surface which was a dark zone shown in SAR image. Comparing with these studies, however, the timing of those phenomena did not match well when internal soliton waves were observed during the field works. As a result, the main purpose of this research is to determing if the roughness phenomenon on sea surface is consistent with the wave forms measured under the sea surface.
A mooring of thermistor string with several pressure sensors was deployed at east slope of Dongsha Atoll region during 2015/10/1 to 2015/10/2. A high-resolution pressure meter was located at the depth of 10 meters to detect the surface roughness. Several CTD casts were during the arrival of internal solitons. The mooring recorded two groups of internal waves successfully. Photos and videos were also applied to record the rough and smooth phenomena on the sea surface.
Internal solitons were selected based on the record of the moored thermistor string. The EMD and EEMD were applied to the data from the high-resolution pressure meter . The amplitudes and periods of solitons were therefore identified. The results show that the depression internal soliton can produce swells at convergent zone, then followed by ripples. However, the position of smooth phenomenon couldn’t be determined based on this experiment.
The EEMD method can separate the noise with period less than 2-second from the other signals. The signals extracted from EEMD (noise_IMF3) were similar to the surface swells caused by internal soliton of depression waves form before the arrival of convergent zone. The period of these swells are about 6 to 9 seconds. In addition, the rough phenomena (noise_IMF2) with period of 2 to 5 seconds and smaller wave heights probably can be related to the ripples. Also, the extracted EEMD signals (noise_IMF4) can be related to wind with the period is about 11 to 14 seconds.
No matter how the wave form of internal wave is, we found the results from EMD and EEMD are simillar. The analysis concludes that the sea surface roughness is produced and transfer forward when the internal soliton formed.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章、緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2前人研究 2
1.3研究目的 7
第二章、現場觀測與資料蒐集 10
2.1研究區域 10
2.2現場觀測 10
2.3資料收集 14
第三章、資料處理與分析方法 16
3.1 資料品管與展示 16
3.1.1壓力資料 16
3.1.2溫度資料 17
3.1.3海流資料 19
3.2 壓力資料分析方法 21
3.2.1 帶通濾波(Band Pass) 24
3.2.2 FFT 24
3.2.3 EMD及EEMD 25
3.2.4 波浪之零上切法 30
第四章、結果與討論 32
4.1海面變化與海面下內波的位置 32
4.2了解海面訊號與內波的關係 33
4.3觀察海面訊號是否會因內波的形變而產生變化 34
4.4探討海面訊號形成的時機 35
4.5理論壓力值的計算 37
第五章、結論 43
5.1 結論 43
5.2 未來工作 43
參考文獻 44
附錄 46
參考文獻 References
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